Well-Known Member
Oh yes, have done that as well. I use a motar and pestle and as im grinding, it always gets up my nose...AHHH IT BURNS hahaha!Heh, glad to hear that I'm not the only one to do that...my GF found me in the kitchen rubbing ice cream all over my wedding tackle and moaning in relief, she thought it was something else of course...nasty suspicious mind that woman had.
Have you done the 'grind up dried chiles indoors and get nuked when you open the grinder' routine yet? That's always good for a laugh...well, you won't be laughing, but everyone else will be. You will be busy producing enormous amounts of mucous and tears and trying to remember how to breathe...
Oh yeah, if there is a damnfool stupidly painful mistake related to chiles, I've done it. Even ended up with some in my ear canals...you don't want to know, trust me.
Too funny about your misses finding you with the ice cream