haven't updated this in a while. Ok so basically the thing got huge, it got up to about 4 feet tall and I couldn't keep it in my closet at the time. Topping it several times didn't help either it was just a mess of big lanky branches everywhere, so I butchered it. Cut it in half more or less and cut off several branches completely. But it keeps fighting back with more new shoots. Its a strong little fella that's for sure.
My cat also discovered it and started eating it, so it has a lollipop effect going on wth all the missing lower leaves. Really pissed me off how much abuse it has taken, so I am attempting to take a clone. It's been a few weeks now and still no roots coming out of the coco pellet but the cutting is still alive. For the first week it would go limp every day like it was dead until I misted it then it would pop up again, now it is staying up on its own all day, so maybe it will root eventually.
Still no flowers or fruit on the mother plant, which I am keeping as a house plant by a window most of the day and giving it 3 -4 hours of hps light a day... might have an issue with the roots as it's not drinking as fast as it used to ,but maybe that's because it has been recovering from me hacking it up for the last few weeks.