Trippin' Balls


Active Member
So this is the follow up to LSD advice....

Me and my friends dropped half a tab, then half an hour later we dropped the other half. Started watching stupid videos on youtube for ages. Everything was fucking hilarious. After about two hours in the house, we went on a walk into the local college which has loadsa open space, trees, a river and the greatest bridge ever. It has multi-coloured lights all over it and wobbles.

We spent ages looking at trees and stuff. Everything was just so amazing. Then we went onto the bridge. Started dancing and stuff, with all the lights and the bridge moving slightly. It was great fun. When staring into the river, faces started to form. It was really wierd and cool.

After that more walking. I had the horrible discovery that you shouldn't look too closely at prickly bushes, and that you can't run up trees.

On the way home we happened to run into our dealer on the way home, and he called over to the house. Then the fun started. He introduced us to mgmt (amazing band) and candy flipping. We took a pill each and smoked a few joints. Listened to music and danced with our eyes closed for an hour or so. When i was listening to the music, I kept seeing a protest when i closed my eyes. Everyone at it would raise the same banner to me, but just before i got to read it they put the signs back down. This happened afew songs in a row, which was annoying me because i felt that the sign was important.

After taking another pill, we went to another house for a party. Nice techno and dancing for afew hours. Took another pill when we got to the other house. Great fun.

At about 6 or 7 the party died down, and the next few hours until one in the afternoon were spent smoking joints and drinking wine while our brains melted out our ears.

That was thursday/friday morning.

On saturday we dropped two tabs at once. Started to come up nice and fast. Got really cold and put on like 3 jumpers. I started to get freaky perspective shifts, where i felt too big for the room and stuff. Had a funny moment going to the bathroom where the wall was breathing. Then on my way back to the sitting room got trapped where i couldn't stop stepping through a door. For some reason i was convinced that i needed to do it. Had to be dragged away and made sit. Then, rembering my 3 jumpers, I was suddenly very very hot. My friend ran away and curled up when i put on divine moments of truth (exellent idea whoever posted that). He came back when the song ended and we lay back for some music and serious trippin'. At this stage everything had serious drag, every edge had its rainbow and i got serious tunnel vision.

Gave myself and a friend a headache trying to make sence of the mc esher stairs painting. When we were done with that i started staring at a stick from a bunch of grapes, convinced that if i looked away it would run off. After I was happy that it would stay, i picked it up and made a giraffe out of a piece of it. At first it was a giraffe shaped stick, but then it started to look like and actual tiny giraffe. I found it really funny.

Our roof has loads of little bumps in the paint, and when we were lying back they formed all kinds of crosses and aztec symbols. Very cool. Also, for some reason i kept geting picture perfect images of soilders over the roof that dissapeared when i blinked. At one stage i jumped because an angry mob formed and tried to impale me with pitchfork. This was fucked up, but still really fun because i knew it was just because i was tripping.

3 of us did this for an hour or two, when suddenly another tripper who had been in bed decided to leave the house and not say anything. THe 3 of us got super freaked, but i managed to chase her down and find out what the story was. We didn't properly recover from this for the night, and we had to go for a walk to calm down. Every tree i looked at and every bush, all the branches formed crystals. It was mind boggling. But not very much else trippy was happening and we were in a bad mood after the shock of the friend running off. There was one hilarious moment where a hole in a hedge refused to get larger as we neared it. And it looked like we would have to crawl through it, but it was perfectly normal head height when we walk through. Trippy perspective screw up.

We met up with some other people who were lust coming up for the first time, and our fallen comerade from earlier and went back to the wonderous bridge from the other night. On the way, i kept seeing crows that weren't there, and my friend told me that he saw a hedgehog sitting at the very top of a tree because it was his tree.

At the bridge one of the first timers made the most prfound comment about how walking along the bridge was like walking out of a memory and into the future.

When we got back home, everyone went there seperate ways and i stayed lying in the sitting room listening to music, watching the roof make cool shapes, and seeing more soldiers until i went to bed later that day.

It has been wrecking my head as to what the signs i was seeing the first night said, but after the soldiers the second night I'm thinking its some subconsious fear of war. Sorry theres so much, but i really felt like writing it down. Thank you for getting this far if you read it. Please comment if you feel the desire to


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Also, if you like reading this kind of thing i have decided to post any future trips here too, so watch out if you want to read them. I dont really mind either way


Active Member
hahahaha okay so i literally just made this account just so I could comment you saying FUCK YES to MGMT. I too recently discovered the experience of listening to them while tripping hahaha I tripped to them like a week after i first started listening to them, it was the shit. i don't know anyone else who's listened to them while tripping so i got excited when i read that. they come 2nd to jimi hendrix to me while tripping. but i'm jealous as shit of that college area and bridge you were describing, sounds fucking epic. and the comment about the bridge thing...the scary thing is that makes so much sense to me... i can easily put myself into that mindset and situation. its like the bridge is connecting 2 pieces of which you just experienced and one which you're about's like the bridge represents the present and one side is the past and one side is the future. hah:)


Active Member
I haven't tried jimi on acid, must try that next time! Ya i love that bridge so much! It's like a tripping playground. And ya, that comment about the dream at first was just like "Whaaaa?!", but then i started thinking about it and its just so amazingly deep and I've gone back once or twice just because it was so cool to think about


Active Member
haha, if you haven't listened to jimi hendrix on acid you basically haven't lived. I basically listened to him on repeat all night the first time I did acid, and it was actually an insane trip for not even leaving my friend's room. I remember just lying on my friend's bed, closing my eyes, and it was so tight how I could hear each individual note seperately like of each note of his guitar and drums and everything... it was like each note was a different genre of music. At first I could see the music, and feel the music, and then it might sound crazy but once i started peaking i completely lost my body and any human form and i literally "became" the music. I didn't have an identity or location or anything... i just existed as the sound waves that were coming through the air and it was fucking insane. And it WOULDN'T have been the same if it wasn't'll understand once you try it haha. I never tripped without listening to jimi hendrix at some point in the trip again haha.:) if you do try that you should definitely update.