Dumping 10 ounces of good herb into a slow cooker is kind of nerve wracking. That's a lot of work and money for something that doesn't work for shit.
I love getting high - However I love being able to get my mind and body back to a more normal state like eight years ago before my car accident.
I first posted this information in the correct section - no comments so I reposted it in "Toke n Talk."
We are serious about learning how to make strong medicine in addition to good herb for getting high.
My concern at this time is whether or not the salve will be stronger by letting the trichomes get to 40/50 percent amber? Can anything be done to make the salve stronger?
The salve is good enough at this point to continue making it. My prefrence would be for the salve to take away most all moderate to severe pain in one or two applications if possible.
6 oz. of dried bud --- Chopped differently - last time scissors were used to get a course grade chop. The scissor method didn't get the herb chopped enough before I gave up. This time herb was ran through my trusty Ultimate Chopper. Came out much better looking for a course grade.
Making a sweep of garden for extra leaves to toss into the soup for extra CBD's. Not sure if this will help doing it this way. This way of learning through experimentation is not the best way to learn how to make it.
Added one gallon fresh leaves for last 10 hours to hopefully enrich CBD count.
Anyone with knowledge in how to make strong medicine in a salve would be most appricieated - Neighbor down the street is an old veteran who lost the lower part of a leg and deals with bad pain. He's interested in trying it. Hoping one of these batches will work.
Still looking for understanding of whether or not more mature trichomes will make the medicine stronger or not...
After 18 hours I checked the slow cooker. I used some of the oil drenched cannabis. Now we're getting somewhere! The oil is very strong and quick acting. I used it on a sports injury located at the knee. The salve we made before didn't do much for the knee. This mornings oil killed the pain totally in a matter of minutes. Same effect for wife. Liking this so much I've decided to use much less wax so it's more of a liquid medicine than the wax based salve. I'm thinking this is some very expensive pain killer, but it ain't loaded up with opiates to get the job done.