Trippy Second-Hand Smoke Incident??! Please help!


I'll try to keep this story as short as possible but it was a weird night.

I'm :leaf:Oceansize:leaf: by the way, new to RollItUp.

Anyways, yesterday after coming home from a party (whilst being slightly intoxicated) my friend, cousin & I decided
we would all smoke a gram or two in my garage out of my bowl. My brother & I haven't seen my cousin in a while so
he decided he would chill with us but not smoke. Eventually [at about 10] my brother starts feeling a little high from
the smoke in the room. He has only smoke 4 other times, weeks apart from each other. But it's been 2 months since
his last toke up & he's an extremely skinny guy.
So, once he realizes he's getting high, he decides he wants everyone
to start exhaling in his face.
I've been selling some really dank homegrown stuff for a couple weeks and that's what we
were smoking. Once we all decided we were high enough, we went to a nearby park.

My brother started zoning out
real hard on the way to the park, but we thought he'd be fine.
Eventually we sat on the bleachers in the park and we
knew something was up with him. He wasn't responsive to anything we said and he kept whispering. Soon his pupils were
extremely dilated and he heart rate increased very slightly, almost not noticeably.
I gave my friend 10$ to get him food &
liquids. While my friend was gone my brother began freaking out at cars and lights, saying he saw trains when in actuality
they were passing cars. Then he spread his body completely out on the bleachers so I had him lay back on me while he
tripped out. He was zoning out extremely hard by now and wasn't really talking. At one point he was singing a song but
none of us can remember the lyrics.

He began randomly shaking almost like he was having a seizure then stopped.
continued for half an hour. I played 'Oceansize - Savant' which seemed to calm him down. Then I had to feed him like
he was a drunk baby. When I offered him Gatorade/water he began breathing heavily and kept saying 'I thought we
didn't have to swim Jake' and began panicking
. He couldn't even stand or sit straight. After about an hour my phone
died and we realized shit was getting real bad. My cousin and I tried carrying him down the bleacher steps
(about 4 steps) and my brother began hyperventilating and panicking
. Once we got him off the stairs it took him 10
minutes to get used to standing on his own & he still refused to drink. I had to keep calming him down because our streets
are filled with lights. At some points he would completely stop, staring in one direction looking scared and very traumatized.

Eventually we got one block away and he came to.
He didn't believe us at first and asked where he was.
He didn't remember half of my sisters party (he didn't drink at all or take anything else), biking home, being in the garage,
or going to the park. He at and drank all the food we bought and I even bought him more. He was pretty high on the walk
home but enjoyed it. Today is the next morning and he seems fine. I'm still pretty high and nothing went wrong with the rest
of us.

If anyone could explain what went wrong that would be extremely helpful. He had no other prescription drugs, alcohol,
or anything. He hadn't really eaten in a couple hours but he seemed fine. Thanks, stay safe & keep toking


Well-Known Member
If you stole the weed it still might have that stuff that's poison the first 3 weeks after pulling.


Active Member
Bahahahaahahah We call that 'chucking a whitey' don't worry its non-fatal unless you try to stop the 'trains' ha ha

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
If it was "harvested a week ago" then it's still wet and not even cured properly. Sounds shitty to me.

You can't get high from second hand smoke. Look it up dude. No thc left in what you exhale.

....UNLESS he was inhaling the smoke directly off a burning joint or blunt. Sounds all in his head.

Also, your not high the next morning off a gram or 2 split between people. Lies, lies, lies.


It was scary, I wasn't sure what to do to help him. You think maybe he had or did something else & didn't tell anyone?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
It was scary, I wasn't sure what to do to help him. You think maybe he had or did something else & didn't tell anyone?
some people just react like that when they get high. it sounds like it was a little extreme in your story, almost like hes a little crazy and the weed just brought it out more. especially with nothing psycadelic.

IMO ppl like this make regular smokers look bad, some person freaking out and looks like they are on lsd but no "he just smoked pot".


His eyes were probably as red as mine at the time lol. I'll be sure he doesn't toke up anytime soon. Normally he just smokes, eats and feels tired. Never heard of anything like this happen before.