tropical sativa questions


I have a few plants outdoors on a tropical pacific island. The 3 biggest are coming up on six feet and I have only just started seeing a few bud sites growing hairs. I was just wondering if it is normal for sativa strains to take this long to show sex, and also how long until I can see really noticeable buds? thanks....


Well-Known Member
they take a long time to bud.

depending on the particular sativa you have, you'll either wait a long time for some scragly buds that will give you the craziest high of your life, or it's going to be one of those sativas bred in the 70s for higher yeilds and faster finishes . . .

I got lucky with the latter, but by the sounds of your plants it sounds like you have the true tropical sativa . . . .so it's gonna be a while but worth it!


Well-Known Member
some sativas can take up to 12 weeks to finish. I'd say at least 10 weeks from when you just started seeing hairs.


Well-Known Member
Also, you'll see what start to look like "buds" in about two weeks. They just get bigger and denser from there.

The sativas I've grown give real scraggly looking buds, (long and skinny) but it's good smoke.


Well-Known Member
I mean you're either looking at 6 weeks or 12 weeks, possibly even longer, sativas are a trip.


thanks for the help guys. I hate to be so inquiring its just because its my first grow and I get worried easily that Im messing something up. I just gave them some super bloom tonight so hopefully it will help.


Well-Known Member
I'd start them off on a quarter dose fo that bloom food, and as they get heavier and heavier into bud I'd bump it up. remember only feed it once a week.


I used MG all purpose(24-8-16) all through veg and i was at half dose with that with no signs of burn or negative effects so I figured that they would be able to handle half dose of super bloom too(i think its like 15-30-15). I fertilize about every 10 days so If i see any negative signs before its next feeding I'll tone it down to quarter dose.


I was also wondering how much Sativas can stretch outdoors? If it started flowering at about 5 1/2 feet, how tall could it be when finished?


Well-Known Member
real ass tropical sativas take 16 weeks plus to finish.. these include... cambodians, thai's, laotians, columbians, ect.....

these plants will have pencil thin long leaves, get tall and gangly looking, and will bud when they reach the size they want to.... these plants are grown were the sun is never up longer then 13 hours a day so photoperiod is not the deciding factor of when flowering begins...... also the bud from these plants is super airey and fluffy, long open structure buds that usually foxtail...

people rave about these sativas... im not much into them and haze type weed... ima indica man myself


Well-Known Member
real ass tropical sativas take 16 weeks plus to finish.. these include... cambodians, thai's, laotians, columbians, ect.....

these plants will have pencil thin long leaves, get tall and gangly looking, and will bud when they reach the size they want to.... these plants are grown were the sun is never up longer then 13 hours a day so photoperiod is not the deciding factor of when flowering begins...... also the bud from these plants is super airey and fluffy, long open structure buds that usually foxtail...

people rave about these sativas... im not much into them and haze type weed... ima indica man myself
I'm stoked for the fully legalized days only for this: I can't grow sativas like that but I'd be willing to pay for them.

I too am an indica man, however some sativas put you in a stare-off dreamy haze (which is what my sativa I grew last year does), just makes you feel enlightened, its just great for variety.


Well-Known Member
I'm stoked for the fully legalized days only for this: I can't grow sativas like that but I'd be willing to pay for them.

I too am an indica man, however some sativas put you in a stare-off dreamy haze (which is what my sativa I grew last year does), just makes you feel enlightened, its just great for variety.

hahahaha poplars and his love of the god damn jungle weed sativas....... i dont mind the occasional sativa leaning hybrid... like an ak47, or certian phenos of blueberry... but im not much for pure sativas.... my tolerence just builds waaay to fast to them


Well-Known Member
hahahaha poplars and his love of the god damn jungle weed sativas....... i dont mind the occasional sativa leaning hybrid... like an ak47, or certian phenos of blueberry... but im not much for pure sativas.... my tolerence just builds waaay to fast to them
my sativa last year probably was a hybrid then, it gets you stoned all day long with no tolerance gain really, unless you abuse it you know, but that's with every strain.

I have ak47 this year buddy . . . . it's kinda small but I bet I get like 5-6 oz off of it . . .


I think it does have a small percentage of Indica mixed in because the leaf blades are a little wider than my thumb, but then again I live where the longest day of the year is 12 hours and 55 minutes (not too far from Laos and Cambodia etc..) So i might have one of those true sativas. But can anyone tell me how much taller I should expect them to get?