Trouble cloning?? Nice easy cloner.. Bought at Target for $30 - awesome!


Active Member
The "Prepara Power Plant Mini" at Target.. Got it on sale for $30.

I **SUCK** at Cloning. I've tried about 8 times, and only had ONE plant root after over a month.. And that was with rooting powder and humidity, etc. Soooo... I was at Target and saw this little windowsill aeroponics kit. I decided to grab it to grow some window sill cilantro and basil for the wife while cooking.. Then I realized it.. This is a nice little cloner!!! I took a clipping from my white widow, and one from my Master Kush - both of them in veg.. I cleaned the clippings up, half-cut the leaves, did a 45° angle cut on the stem, dipped them in rooting powder, then sprinkled some rooting powder in the foam growing media that comes with the Prepara.. I stuck the clippings in, spritzed the inside of a small clear glass with water, slid it over them to keep the humidity up, and in **TEN DAYS THIS IS WHAT I SEE:**

Sweet baby jesus, I finally got it!! This is wonderful. This is going to help me so much in the future.. I just wanted to post for the people that were having trouble getting clippings to root as I was.. Try this out!!!


Well-Known Member
two of those and you got a decent CFL growbox as well.
i wonder how hard it is to get replacement foam for it.


Active Member
tinyTurtle - it comes with two strips of foam.. The foam is re-usable if you wash it out..

Tom_420 - that's what the box says.. Here's an illustration of how it works. Little water pump at the bottom sprays the roots..

Also - they make a bigger version called the "Professional" that would be good to use if it's your only thing to grow in.. But it's like $80. ( At that point might be better to just build something yourself.. I'm just using this to root clippings then I will move them to a pot of coco to finish up.. This will be strictly a rooting machine from now on..


Well-Known Member
If the stem isn't hanging through the medium and getting sprayed and it isn't really working like an aero system
It is just keeping the medium wet
If the stem was hanging though bare and getting sprayed by the roots it would be a true aero cloner
This way it is just acting almost as a dripper to keep the medium wet enough for the plants to root


Active Member
Tom_420 - I used a toothpick to poke a hole straight through the foam. The stems were sticking down out of the foam about a half inch.. Funny thing is though, all the roots that formed are up inside the foam and not on the part hanging down that gets sprayed.. Weird.. Either way, it works, so I'm not questioning it :)

I'll be using this thing every time now. 10 days for roots is amazing to me. I know guys on here have done it quicker, but this is new for me!

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
here is mine for 20 bucks I just pop the rapid rooters in the hole. Watch the light on those roots---kills the feeder tips trim the long ones out the bottom (I know sound scary) but I learned from another here *which BTW I forgot to hit with some rep on that* anyways===trimming the long strands make the other bush up for a nice root structure.



Active Member
how can you fail at cloning. its as simple as can be. use the sticky thread in the hydro forums. a batch of clones in rockwool.


Active Member
how can you fail at cloning. its as simple as can be. use the sticky thread in the hydro forums. a batch of clones in rockwool.

I dunno man, I guess it was always tricky to me.. Never could get it right.. And judging by the first couple of responses I guess I wasn't the only one :D

Good luck to whoever tries.


Well-Known Member
I just use a cheap plastic container...dixie old fish tank air pump and air stone...a bunch of cheap floros...some of those red hydro balls and threw it in the closet.

90% of my clones survive...

I never realized how easy it is to clone...and it is real simple and easy.

Right now I have more clones then I know what to do with...right now I'm trading with other MMJ patients/growers..clone for clone...I have 9 different strains now.

The most expensive part is the cloning powder...and I'm still using a jar I bought a year ago.

I wish I had know how easy it was a long time ago....