Trouble shipping to U.S.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
fwiw, "cbp" is Customs and Border Patrol. They are the friendly folks who entertain our visitors from overseas and ask all those nice questions about what is in your car/luggage as you enter the country.

I suppose you can fly to CO and bring the seeds back with you, but flying dirty has a much higher risk than having the seeds shipped. You can always mail them back from CO, but if you use a mailbox that will get tightly screened. If you go into a po it is under constant video surveillance, so if they find them later you will won't have any options.

So you have risk in anything dealing with seeds; even hand to hand transfers have risk.

Luckily, seeds are WAY down on their list as far as prosecuting goes. Just order from one of the us seedbanks that will take a cc or paypal or just use cash. The worst thing that will happen is you won't get an order.

But definitely take a weedcation. It will do your heart good.


Active Member
fwiw, "cbp" is Customs and Border Patrol. They are the friendly folks who entertain our visitors from overseas and ask all those nice questions about what is in your car/luggage as you enter the country.

I suppose you can fly to CO and bring the seeds back with you, but flying dirty has a much higher risk than having the seeds shipped. You can always mail them back from CO, but if you use a mailbox that will get tightly screened. If you go into a po it is under constant video surveillance, so if they find them later you will won't have any options.

So you have risk in anything dealing with seeds; even hand to hand transfers have risk.

Luckily, seeds are WAY down on their list as far as prosecuting goes. Just order from one of the us seedbanks that will take a cc or paypal or just use cash. The worst thing that will happen is you won't get an order.

But definitely take a weedcation. It will do your heart good.
I plan to drive out there only about a 7hr drive from where I'm at. Weedcation I like that. But I've never been out west taking s week and a half off work. I have business in AZ the first day then just kinda road tripping from there. Plan on spending the majority of my time in CO. Can't wait!