Trouble with Cloning?


Active Member
Hey, whats going on guys...I don't really know if I'm having trouble or if what I'm experiencing is normal. About two days ago I took cuttings off of my mother plant, I did a 45 degree angle, immediately into rooting hormone gel, and then off to a Ph'd 6.0 grodan cube. The cuttings were then placed into a grodan tray with a humidity dome over top of them and a 4 ft 2 bulb fluro. I'm misting them with 1/4 bloom solution a few times, 3-4 a day and they are wilting. Am I doing anything wrong, or is it to be expected? I have a good deal of money in this, as you all would know, so I'm looking to succeed.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
u will get some wilt every1 has there own ways of cloning but id say mist them once a day i can see roots in about 10 to 14 day. just be pat. it will happen mab not all but some


Well-Known Member
IF it were bugging me, I'd simply cut away all but TOP 2-3 leaflets. Wilting often occurs w/too leafy clones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you have too much leaf on them, it'll devote its energy into trying to keep them alive and not towards rooting quickly. I've had a clone not show roots for 8 days, and pruned the largest set of leaves off, 4 days later there were root nubs all over the stem.


Well-Known Member
it took a really long time for mine to grow decent roots. it takes sometimes weeks to get even a half inch of roots.


Well-Known Member
if you havent done this yet...cut the top big leaves in half so that the plant can focus on growing it's roots more than supplying energy to huge leaves.