

Active Member
Well, Its been one week since I started flowering, and the plant was doing fine but I went to check on it today and its extremely droopy and Im not really sure what happened, considering it was fine a few days ago. I have before and after pictures, anyone know what happened?



Well-Known Member
Looks like it just needed a drink. if you just watered it a little bit ago it shouldn't be too long before it perks back up, assuming that was the problem


Well-Known Member
Oh man water that thing! Whenever the top nodes "claw" it generally means underwatering. Give them more water.

A good noob rule is let 10% of it run off. Meaning water it until you see a few drops of water come out the bottom.

Am i the only one who think that plant looks a little young to flower?


Active Member
Yeah I gave it a good bit of water, Hopefully it will perk back up. but It wasnt really my idea to flower this early, but I have a little bit smaller grow area and a few people on here suggested that I start flowering, so I did.


Well-Known Member
Ok, not to be mean or anything like that, but if all goes well you wont get a big yield.

But best wishes regardless, let us know if it perks back up!


Active Member
Nah I dont consider it being mean, just advice, or criticism, thats what this newbie section is for, hah. Im not too worried about a big yield anyways, It was more of an experiment, if I get any bud off it at all Ill be happy. Id rather put my time and effort into a feminized seed anyways.


Well-Known Member
I got ya, its good to get your feet wet before diving in, so I agree, this way second time coming around you'll be a lot more efficient as a grower. Good job man, i like your outlook!


Well-Known Member
Good job on the experiment before jumping into a larger grow :D It'll make life so much easier for your future grows. The learning neverf stops :D