Trouties Critical Jack Journal

the one i got has a rating of N-2/P-15/k-2 so its just the job for flowering..... i guess Myroaches if you improve the plants health ... you improve the plants taste ... i guess :?
not much to report .... plant is taking on its text book shabby droppy look.... and is still stretching in a vertical direction at about an inch a day (approx), as i have never grown this strain before i don't really know what to expect, but im seeing fluff balls all over her.... so it seems all good so far
oh forgot to mention it is now day 47 for the 2 Green o'matics.... and day 36 for the Critical jack, in the last picture update you could see some yellow leaves at the base of all three plants... does anyone think i should start feeding them bloom nutes?

How tall is she? Mine's about 15 inches right now, the main cola just started to rise above the rest of the plant. Probably looks like yours last week. I got puff balls and droopy leaves everywhere too. The droop seems to cycle. Half the time when I wake up in the morn and go check on her that sugar leaves are damn near standing straight up... then when I come back later they are back to normal. She's definitely an active plant.

Noticed a little purpleing in the any on yours. I gave it a light veg feed about a week ago... was also considering a flower feeding sometime this week.
i've given no nutes to any of these autos... due to the horrific burns my last ones suffered (except about 25ml of powdered bat crap added to the final soil mix for the runt plant far right)

G- o'matic #4... (far left) is looking pale and looks to lack N also, but is totally even and is going to be just as heavyweight as the first crop
Critical Jack...(center) is fine (except where i watered the lower leaves opppsss!)
G- o'matic #5... (far right) is about 3 inches shorter then the other one but is all main cola ... there are a couple of decent sized side nugs coming.. but the stack forming in the middle puts a smile on my face .... this plant seems to be chuggin along quite well with the last minute addtion of the bat shit with real sign of any lack of nutes
oh yeah i have also noticed that the leaves on my plant seem to raise and fall .... and at different times ... that don't really follow a pattern, i mean its not when they've been watered... or run dry.... and my temps are fairly dependable now so no real hot peaks or cold spells to mention ..... hi 79f day/ low 65 night ... weird ... they just seem to have droopy and stiff moments i guess lol
A while back I watched a video that showed the plants day in about a minute or two.They were in a flood/drain setup. The plants in the video did droop and rise, but some of the leaves on top of mine stand damn near straight up, like some one plugged a stem in to the wall socket or something. Makes it more fun keeping an eye on it though...never know what its gonna be up to.
I reckon they're dreaming. Like dogs do, about running, and you see the little legs going lol.
Maybe they're dreaming about walking around and smoking some dank ass human ;) The droop, is when they run out and gotta go score some more.
hahahaha my Dads dog does that ... he bolted into a locked door in his sleep the otherday ... after i finished laughing so hard i had to check for wet patches, i looked at him and thought "who's been smoking weed me or you?"
A while back I watched a video that showed the plants day in about a minute or two.They were in a flood/drain setup. The plants in the video did droop and rise, but some of the leaves on top of mine stand damn near straight up, like some one plugged a stem in to the wall socket or something. Makes it more fun keeping an eye on it though...never know what its gonna be up to.

thats odd bro.... ive not seen that happen .... mine are max 90 degrees from the stem, maybe you got some heat stress or something ... i could go get my bible and find out.... however i have a half smoked king L and a fresh coffee.... so i'll search here at RIU

lets see if i can find it .... or just endless "look it up for yourself" jokers
thats odd bro.... ive not seen that happen .... mine are max 90 degrees from the stem, maybe you got some heat stress or something ... i could go get my bible and find out.... however i have a half smoked king L and a fresh coffee.... so i'll search here at RIU

lets see if i can find it .... or just endless "look it up for yourself" jokers

common advise is "reaching for the light" a natural process .... answers are mostly move the light closer to the plant if you can
Ended up having to snip a few leaf tips in order to keep the lights close.Had a few that were just like wild hairs that refused to be tamed. Sacrifices...oh well ordered a 600w hps last night...that should solve that problem and create a whole bunch of new ones...damn new hobbies.
Hi all got a few Dinafem going as well CJ and haze but Im at day 23 so I'm watching so far so good. Last grow was MI5 and NL autos.
I see lots of posts about Dinafem Haze but not good ones looks like they were free seeds and were just thrown into the garden. And if you are a Auto grower you know it dosen't work like that.