Troutie's Green O'matic Stealth grow

i'm using 1 x normal, 1 hygro and 1 indoor outdoor, and yeah i'm getting about 1 degree difference from all of them, i seem to have sorted cold spikes during the night... last night (hi 78f low 75f) i've marked that as a victory and moved on :-) .... so its day three since green showed hehe... and all is well in the garden
well it's been 40-50 roughly overnight its 38 lowest... but i'm expecting low 30's next couple of weeks :-( ... woke up to a sunny morning cab was @81f ... so had to spin up the second fan... think this is gonna need constant fiddling with depending on what its like outside, but nearly there... oh and my back is playing up... just got stuck in the shed with back spasms lol! ... talk about panic!!!!
Oh man, thats no good! Don't be bendin over fiddle fuckin around with it for hours:p haha. Yeah if it's outside its gonna be a bit of a challenge it would seem, but as long as the temperatures arent too bad you should be good! But do you get snow fall..?
any way you can keep them indoors until they get a bit larger and healthier to withstand the temp changes?
right added the little orange desk fan.... been putting it off untill i had cabinet under control didn't want too many factors in the mix while problem solving, stuck that in there on low power seedlings are feeling it and hopefully its mixing up the air in there and breaking down the hot at the top cold at the bottom situation i was creating.....

no pic for today... want to hold back and try to do them as close to weekly as possible... by seeing them everyday i find it hard to work out how much they are changing, so by compairing weekly it should show decent change... thats the plan anyway.... its hard not to take pics though ...

but i will give a written account of whats going on

all three are seeming quite happy, one which i think was the slow runty seed got its runty seed stuck and had to have it eased off after 2 days... well that one has a wonky 1st leaf and it nearly twice the hight of its counterparts, guess its been trying to find light while still wearing the seed. i'm not really fussed but it does look funny.
on the other hand... i can see the startings of another set of tiny pointed leaves :-) ... wicked!
Oh man, thats no good! Don't be bendin over fiddle fuckin around with it for hours:p haha. Yeah if it's outside its gonna be a bit of a challenge it would seem, but as long as the temperatures arent too bad you should be good! But do you get snow fall..?

we don't usually get snow here .... but past couple of years have seen quite heavy snow for periods of a week or so, dec/jan... that being the case i have the option of turning the exhaust down a couple of notches to compensate for poxy intake temps..... or i can rig up a propane heater in the shed to warm it enough to take the edge off, should be done by end of december though
any way you can keep them indoors until they get a bit larger and healthier to withstand the temp changes?

no my cabinet is in an outbuilding/workshop...... and having trouble tuning the cabinet as the outbuilding/workshop is currently unheated .... but i'm giving as good as i'm getting :-)
Looking good man! Looks like things are being tamed in your grow. I'm going to be looking at my options this week.

I think you were about right guessing the age of mine, they are two weeks as of tomorrow from seed - they shot up real quick lol

Actually want to ask you if you have an opinion on such a thing called, heat cable. They are simply mains cables with some sort of fitting on the end but the whole cable heats up, apparently used in terrariums for reptile enclosures. I've found some on eBay real cheap and could be my saviour during winter months if it's any good lol
What do you think?
i don't know??? my sister has about 6 million snakes and reptiles and other critters so she'd be a good one to ask, tend to get 2 hours of useless almost mindless information from her with any simple question, but if such a thing could keep my box warm without being too much of a fire risk then it might be worth listening to her
well had a little play today .... finished the reflective sheeting inside the cabinet.... well finished the roll ... needed about an extra square foot to complete it totally, always the way isn't it? :-( but i'm happy its 95% done,

also noticed maybe a little streching so i have moved the little en's up closer to the lamp.... about 3" away seems cool on the back of my hand so thats where i put them.

the hardest thing i'm having to deal with is not having much to do lol.... now all important build things are finished i have too much down time :wall:
:p thats the way I am, I spend a lot of time in awkward silence 'checking' on them :)

And on a possibly helpful note going off from that, I used to clambake the closet that had my shitty bagseed plant init. I wonder if the smoke would help vegetating or flowering. I could probably google it but Im not up toit right now :eyesmoke:
:p thats the way I am, I spend a lot of time in awkward silence 'checking' on them :)

And on a possibly helpful note going off from that, I used to clambake the closet that had my shitty bagseed plant init. I wonder if the smoke would help vegetating or flowering. I could probably google it but Im not up toit right now :eyesmoke:

hehe.... i'm right behind ya :-)
clambake?... i'm guessing it involves getting ripped in your growroom? and yeah i can't see why it couldn't help.... :-) ... it sorts me out lol
well today i had a little peek to check if water was required... a little but thats besides the point, after ducking down to see how things looked inside the reflector i found that i'd set the lamp in there with the red tubes pointing down the blue faceing the reflector .... dumb ass :-(

so sorted that out straight away... i'm an idiot
had a play with the hygro meter... wasn't showing a reading for humidity (-/-)... so i rebooted it (took out the battery and put it back in) and put it back in the cab reading 50%...... then watched on the monitor as it went down and down ... untill it went to 30% within 5-10 mins... and then -/- ... which is super dry! so i have installed a screw to the back of the cabinet and hung a 3x folded damp towel on a wire coat hanger against the back board of the cabinet.... reading 51% after about half an hour ....will check it again in about an hour, but looks like a very effective way to raise the humidity as it couldn't read any humidity by now without the towel in there.

can't remember who said try it ... but i will say thanks anyway... niceone :-)

other then that all has been quiet on the grow front.......
after an hour and half still reading 48% ...WOW ... opened the door and the towel is still touch damp.... so might keep it nice and humid in there for a good couple of days..... and i should only have to keep one in there for a matter of a couple of weeks, thats when they should show signs of flowering

i cannot strees what a difference that one simple fix has made, well impressed

so as i have no jobs left to do i might start the nightmare of trying to introduce a dark period... atm its running 24/0 ... but i think it would improve my results if i could even have 1 hour of darkness a day..... this is really really scarey for me as i know temps will drop off quickly .... so i will do a monitored test tomorrow evening, i can't trust i'll have no light leaks so i will start lights off after dark and fingers crossed, would really like to extend it to 4 hours dark.... but one step at a time
welcome blueberrylabs.... its actually a small folded bath towel (facetowel thing) just hung on a wire coat hanger.... but it works like you wouldn't beleive

ok... so i got itchy fingers, so i set the timer for 1 hour darkness and started the test tonight, results are as follows....
73f at lights off..... 1 hour later 62f .... 10 minutes after lights back on temps back to 68f and rising :-)

what a touch .... i will leave it at that for now, 23/1

i can see if the evenings get much colder i might have to sort out a heat cable or something.... but for now its all GOOD

picture 1: seedling at 2 days old
picture 2: seedling at 6 days old
picture 3: all three seedlings day 6
picture 4: shows grow box day 6

ok so i couldn't wait for the full seven days but heres progress at the end of day 6 (seedling) i included a pic from day 2 to compare, would love to know what you think... are they ok?...
i have put another picture of the grow-drobe showing the additions that have taken place this week ..... orange desk fan, towel behind reflector, .... i think you can just see the vent grille behind the pot the seedlings are standing on ...(lol my anti mouse device), oh and the blank bit where i ran out of reflective insulation hahaha... and oh yeah those pots that the fan and plants are sitting on are the 11ltr (just shy of 3 us gallon) pots that the plants are gonna be moving into about a week from now :-)

so yeah would welcome any comments