True 6 week flowering

That's why it's called a grow "style".

1 seed produces at least 1-2 (being very modest) ounces... at $200 an ounce, I don't think that's bad darts. If they bought 20 seeds with that $200, they just saved $2500+ as opposed to buying it.

It's still a win, no matter how you slice it. I see you're angry with the concept of autos... just don't grow them. No need to hate them.
The smallest plants in my room in 3 gal pots give me a solid 4oz and in 5 gal 6-8 oz and I've gotten a few 1lb plants recently. All I'm saying is autos rarely if ever hold a candle to photos and while I have seen the rare good autos that's what it is. Rare.

If it made sence to grow autos I would, but I've never seen how it can outside a very small area for beginners, or in some cases outdoors.

It's not that I hate them simply for the sake of it, I've tried them. It was a huge waste of time and money for me.

Also its very competitive where I live so that's a factor, it has to be very good and indoor is going for half the number you listed, but as it costs me around 130$ per lb to produce it's a moot point somewhat.. but the cost of aeed WOULD double my costs per lb almost.

For the OP now that we know what hes doing hoop houses running light dep would let him harvest around 3 crops from spring to fall, possibly 4. Depends how he sets it up.
Thanks everyone for your input. The reason I asked is because next spring I have permission to grow on my buddies farm only 20 min from my house. I have never grown outdoors and live in southern Ontario. Autoflower would be expensive as its 120 plant license. I new it was a lie seeing 5 and 6 week finishers.

Powdery mildew is my biggest concern
I'm definitely going to need to build hopp houses.
You can use potassium bicarbonate for powdery mildew. Do you need them to finish faster?
You should be fine with an 8 week stain but there is a chance weather dependant that you’ll get bud rot. Powdery mildew is not typically weather dependant re finishing and you’ll have it long before that lol. I find mildew is more prone to certain strains and never grow them twice. I have been growing outdoor for 43 years in eastern Ontario and 8 week strains have served me well. I’ve gotten away with longer strains but it’s a huge gamble to get them done.
Edit: I agree with the auto thing in that I’ve only grown a very few that turned out decent re quality but I keep trying lol. Outdoors they would be great if they were even ok but nope lol. As for expense if you do find a keeper just self it and you’ll have lots of free seeds ;).