True 600w MH?


Ursus marijanus
Hey well that sounds about right 7500k is a good number for what Im planning to do
the word conversion just worries me because Im thinking its going to put out more red than I want despite having the 7500k rating(as that is just the average colour temp)

So what is this conversion bulb stuff? Can I plug what is called a MH conversion into a HPS ballast or does it have to be a MH/HPS ballast? I know I did see one that specifically said it could be plugged right into an ordinary HPS ballast which I found surprizing, is that the case for all the MH conversions?

The application is that I want to minimize stretch on my sativa strain and Ive been advized that If I run an MH for the first two weeks of flower, or as long as the stretch period lasts, than I can limit my stretch, HPS(red) light encourages the plant to stretch out. So I dont want something thats "colour corrected" or otherwise putting out a good amount of red or ill just be wasting my efforts and end up with a plant that needs to be topped endlessly...

cheers, thanks for the reply
Imo you have two good ways of doing this - either run a 600W conversion bulb like mine, or ...

run the hPS with actinic T5s as supplementary lighting. It's the blue/UV/actinic that signals the plant that it need not stretch for the light. Much good info in that regard on the "LED without LEDs" thread.

My 600 is running on a Lumatek 600W digital ballast intended for HPS. Dedicated ballasts for MH v. HPS have slightly diffferent specs for the ignitor and capacitor (or whatever solid-state wizardry fulfills those functions in my Lumatek; I grew up on magnetic ballasts), so I imagine that the lamp is built to accept those differences. Even so, it's a true MH and it's bright!! and blue!! as it illuminates my little quiet place.

You CAN flower on MH. However the sheer efficiency of HPS makes it a better flowering light. It's an efficiency thing, and one day i will be experiemnting with actinic supplementation. Not only will it limit stretch, but I read that it enhances both quantity and quality of trichome formation! Win/win imo! cn


Well-Known Member
Also are you saying you flowered under the MH conversion bulb? If so I wouldnt be blaming the bulb for your lower yeild!!
Where did that comment come from?

just how much less than your roughly 3 ounces per square foot were getting with the conversion bulb?
What conversion bulb?

Are you actually trying to find a way to question my competence, because my experience with a product - actually working with it - doesn't mesh with you reading about its specs ? Seriously? I'm a professional cultivator. You're staring your first grow. Get a grip.



Well-Known Member
do you have a digital ballast? if so check out this page, They have MH's with 3k 7k and 10k they also have conversion bulbs so ignore those

this is what I want right here, I just need to have myself a digital 600w ballast and Im all set

thanks for all the help and quick responses
Which of those bulbs do you want? I think you are missing the difference between a conversion bulb and a MH bulb. If it's 600w its a conversion bulb - period - it is identical to their 400w and 1000w in all ways but it is a conversion bulb for the mere fact that it's 600w. There is no such thing as a 600w MH ballast so the bulb is a conversion bulb (MH meant to be run on a HPS ballast).


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry Simon if I may have stepped on your toes there, I thought it was possible you were flowering under MH do to perhaps not having the budget to use a HPS at the time. Im not questioning your competence, you must know what your doing to be getting 3 ounces per square foot. My second question you quoted there I was asking just what is says, I am wondering how inferior the bulbs are compared with what you normally run? seeing as I have a bulb that probably has similar specs to that one, Id like to know just how it rates when compared to other bulbs.

The actinic bulbs sounds like a really good option, Ill be checking out that thread, I was already considering using side-lighting anyways but I havent really looked into that yet. Might have just the thing Im looking for, wouldnt burn much extra wattage either. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry Simon if I may have stepped on your toes there,
No problem :)

I thought it was possible you were flowering under MH do to perhaps not having the budget to use a HPS at the time.
In this business, equipment costs hardly figure into the equation. It's not like we're growing potatoes.

My second question you quoted there I was asking just what is says, I am wondering how inferior the bulbs are compared with what you normally run?
You mean the 600MH Digilux? Like I said, it's the slowest growth I've ever seen with HIDs. Where as my usual setup has a clone ready to go after about 3 weeks, these lamps hardly made a dent. I'm talking minimal growth. Maybe a few inches (!). Really. It was that bad. Imagine how I feel after spending $120 on the pair and then losing weeks to add to the joy. I'll probably try them again; I mean, I might as well, but it won't be anytime soon.

I would strongly suggest buying a lamp from a "real" company: GE, Ushio, Sylvania, Philips. Whether you choose an enhanced spectrum lamp or not is up to you. Just please understand that the specs printed in the ad don't necessarily reflect reality (bad pun intended).
