True-breeding plants


Some background. I've grown from purchased seeds for years now. Many years ago I tried producing my own seed but had such patchy results I gave up on it. And I do mean many years ago; thirty or so years in fact. I mostly grow from feminised seeds and when I get males I remove them very early. The little seed I end up with I throw away except for an occasional experimental grow that has disappointed more often than not. I don't have the time, space or energy to waste growing plants that may not measure up.

This year I grew some Russian Rocket Fuel from Short Stuff Seeds which for reasons beyond my control became heavily pollinated. So I've got a lot of seeds. I was planning to buy some more of the same strain for next year but having so many seeds I thought I'd ask a bit of advice from the experts first.

What are the chances that these plants will breed true? Is it even possible to say? I know that F1 plants don't breed true but I have no way of knowing whether the seeds I have are from an F1 plant or from one that has been bred through enough generations to be stable. I can't afford to have three quarters of my crop go off the rails and would far rather buy more seeds than take a chance on that happening.

So, can anyone give me any advice? Either generally on the subject of true breeding or not in marijuana plants or, ideally, specifically referring to the chances of the Russian Rocket Fuel breeding true.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Short Stuff Seeds Russian Rocket Fuel


Males. Although I mostly think of them as bastards. I usually have mixed strain crops so when the occasional seed shows up I can't be sure where the pollen has come from. This crop though was just the Russian Rocket Fuel. Regular gender. I had quite a few males in allegedly feminised plants last year so I went for the cheaper option this time. I couldn't get to them during a critical two weeks or so and by the time I did the male half of the crop had exploded into action. It's an outdoor guerilla grow in a very secure location. Sometimes so secure that even I can't get to it for short periods of time. Two weeks plus was exceptional though. And agonising. I knew the males would be violating my poor innocent little girls, they were getting close the last time I was able to check, and there was nothing I could do to stop them. When it's too late it's too late. It reduced my crop by more than I can bear to calculate. It would at least be nice if the seeds were going to breed true.


Active Member
The seeds you bought are at LEAST F4's.. The auto trait doesn't start becomming dom in all the offspring until at least F4's.

Soo, if you bred an auto with an auto you will get 100% autos.

Autos are pretty worked by the time we get them, alot closer to an IBL than alot of the 12/12 stock out there. Give the seeds a go, there is a nice bushy pheno of the RRF.

What sort of expectation do you have? Just to keep the auto trait true? or..? :D



Brilliant. All I want is to be confident I'll get close to 100% of the plants being proper Russian Rocket Fuel and auto-flowering. Which is what you reckon I'll get. A perfect answer. Thank you very much. The pictures Short Stuff have make them look very good and I've seen some good reports. The fiercely pollinated ones I grew were still nice. Nothing like the pictures though.

Short Stuff Seeds Russian Rocket Fuel.jpg Short Stuff Seeds Russian Rocket Fuel plus cans.jpg

Next summer will be those and some Iranian autoflowers from Dr Greenthumb.