True HP Aero For 2011

A couple of things I thought of while cutting the grass:

1). I didn't have a pressure regulator, and that would've been more precise (my pressure fluctuated from 100-125 psi, which frankly was decent enough for me). Keeping it at a set 100psi would've been more precise, although the point at which you're worrying about that is beyond anyone's setup I've seen online (save for The Big Two, obviously).

2). I feel like I get as good if not better growth in coco because I lacked the ingenuity/desire to find a way to keep my pod cool when running my room in the mid to high 80s (I enrich with CO2 at 1500ppms), so I had to keep my room in the mid 70s to keep my root zone cool, which slowed down my growth and rendered my Co2 much less efficient.

Yes, my structure is obviously not designed for HP aero, and Atomizer told me as such; that being said, I ran four plants in 64 gallon trash cans and they worked great. I honestly don't see all the trouble people are having here..........TF and Cavadge laid out blueprints for how to build a control center, so then it just becomes a matter of picking out a proper root zone container and throwing some misters in that bitch.

To your point (and mine in Pet's thread before he deleted the posts he specifically asked me to make, go figure), there are no shortcuts, and by trying to save money and do it cheaply, people are making things harder than it needs to be.

Whereas I find it commendable that there are so many new growers who want to start in HP aero, I can't say I think that's the right move - trying to find out what makes a plant tick while also trying to dial in the most finicky setup in the world is not the best combination, IMO.

Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, it's just the way I feel - that being said, best of luck to all you guys and I hope to learn a thing or two from the next TF :)
TB, I've cloned in everything possible, and nothing beats coco for keeping the clones healthy.

EZ Clone (sitting in the closet), bubble clones, rock wool, Jiffys, Rapid Rooters, hydroton.........seriously, everything.

Jersey dude, get a few 44 gallon roughnecks from home depot and leave those 12 gallon totes for sense in setting yourself up for failure before you even start.

As far as timers go, ATC 422 is great (and Atomizer will help you with the wiring) couldn't pay me to have a timer (or anything else) with an audible alarm in my grow room ;)

Im not using a tote, its a collapsible leaf bags. I have space issues, lets just say access is ruff for my space.
Plus I already blew the budget, gonna have to fail the first

P.S. I am not actually from jersey, I can throw a stone at it from where I live.

A couple of things I thought of while cutting the grass:

1). I didn't have a pressure regulator, and that would've been more precise (my pressure fluctuated from 100-125 psi, which frankly was decent enough for me). Keeping it at a set 100psi would've been more precise, although the point at which you're worrying about that is beyond anyone's setup I've seen online (save for The Big Two, obviously).

2). I feel like I get as good if not better growth in coco because I lacked the ingenuity/desire to find a way to keep my pod cool when running my room in the mid to high 80s (I enrich with CO2 at 1500ppms), so I had to keep my room in the mid 70s to keep my root zone cool, which slowed down my growth and rendered my Co2 much less efficient.

Yes, my structure is obviously not designed for HP aero, and Atomizer told me as such; that being said, I ran four plants in 64 gallon trash cans and they worked great. I honestly don't see all the trouble people are having here..........TF and Cavadge laid out blueprints for how to build a control center, so then it just becomes a matter of picking out a proper root zone container and throwing some misters in that bitch.

To your point (and mine in Pet's thread before he deleted the posts he specifically asked me to make, go figure), there are no shortcuts, and by trying to save money and do it cheaply, people are making things harder than it needs to be.

Whereas I find it commendable that there are so many new growers who want to start in HP aero, I can't say I think that's the right move - trying to find out what makes a plant tick while also trying to dial in the most finicky setup in the world is not the best combination, IMO.

Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, it's just the way I feel - that being said, best of luck to all you guys and I hope to learn a thing or two from the next TF :)

All my grows (ever) have been soil less. Drain pipe and fence post grows were a good start, but now I look back and I hate the pH upkeep and the gallons upon gallons of water, but you are right...experience is a must before you get into HP aero.
Nice 12v noid for $13.89. I bought one, tossed it into my setup, and it's functioning same as the the one r0m and i both use. Same max psi too.

the psi isnt rated what is it? and whats it made out of?

Timerco's 102 $55 shipped.
does from .1 sec to 100 Days.
Its not built like i tank, only built to mount to a wall, but then again i'm not taking it into battle so i'll save the coin for more ammo for my actual tank, lol

how would you wire this to the solenoids and battery? Im htinking about converting over to battery operated incase of power failure!
so Im almost done constructing my 43''x43''x36'' chamber its 43 on the inside cause i used a 4x4 od trey to catch the run off, I might go with another 4x4 od trey for the top or more azack I used azack panels for the walls and the front wall I might use a clear polypropelene 3/8'' thick sheet to view the roots?... and have it covered most of the time obviosly. but my question is how many nozzles would you guys put in this and howmany plants? I was thinking 4 or 5 plants with 6 nozzles. either do 4 plants on each corner with nozzles spread out evenly on the remainder of the lid or do 5 plants 1 on each corner 1 in the middle with nozzles spread out evenly again. any thoughts or input would be highly apreciated before i make my final decision and start cutting holes... thanks in advance
the psi isnt rated what is it?

how would you wire this to the solenoids and battery? Im htinking about converting over to battery operated incase of power failure!

0.7Mpa = 102,5psi (you`ll have very little, if any headroom) Note: 1.0Mpa maximum pressure resistance = the maximum amount of pressure where the valve will remain closed (ie it wont leak). Excessive pressure can force the valve open. The valve will not operate up to the maximum pressure resistance value (1Mpa) because the spring wont be able to close it against the pressure.
you could run the timer/solenoid(s) directly from the battery and use an automatic charger or you could use a SPDT relay with a 12vdc coil on a mains powered 12vdc transformer which will automatically switch to the battery in the event of a mains failure...the transformer will go off :)
0.7Mpa = 102,5psi (you`ll have very little, if any headroom)
you could run the timer/solenoid(s) directly from the battery and use an automatic charger or you could use a SPDT relay with a 12vdc coil on a mains powered 12vdc transformer which will automatically switch to the battery in the event of a mains failure...the transformer will go off :)

I'm using a deep cycle marine battery hooked to the battery tender plus (water proof version) which powers my 12vdc aquatec 8800, the 12vdc ATC timer and the 12v solenoid.

Blackout brownout proof'd. ;-)
Sounds good, make sure you have a few spare solenoid coils in case one goes south. A manual bypass around the solenoid (two tees and a valve) will allow you to operate the nozzles without the solenoid.
A couple of things I thought of while cutting the grass:

1). I didn't have a pressure regulator, and that would've been more precise (my pressure fluctuated from 100-125 psi, which frankly was decent enough for me). Keeping it at a set 100psi would've been more precise, although the point at which you're worrying about that is beyond anyone's setup I've seen online (save for The Big Two, obviously).

2). I feel like I get as good if not better growth in coco because I lacked the ingenuity/desire to find a way to keep my pod cool when running my room in the mid to high 80s (I enrich with CO2 at 1500ppms), so I had to keep my room in the mid 70s to keep my root zone cool, which slowed down my growth and rendered my Co2 much less efficient.

Yes, my structure is obviously not designed for HP aero, and Atomizer told me as such; that being said, I ran four plants in 64 gallon trash cans and they worked great. I honestly don't see all the trouble people are having here..........TF and Cavadge laid out blueprints for how to build a control center, so then it just becomes a matter of picking out a proper root zone container and throwing some misters in that bitch.

To your point (and mine in Pet's thread before he deleted the posts he specifically asked me to make, go figure), there are no shortcuts, and by trying to save money and do it cheaply, people are making things harder than it needs to be.

Whereas I find it commendable that there are so many new growers who want to start in HP aero, I can't say I think that's the right move - trying to find out what makes a plant tick while also trying to dial in the most finicky setup in the world is not the best combination, IMO.

Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, it's just the way I feel - that being said, best of luck to all you guys and I hope to learn a thing or two from the next TF :)
Yes, cutting the grass and taking showers are the poor man's think tanks ;)... I decided to go all out and even with the pressure regulator and a solenoid at every nozzle. My issue was heat as I am outdoors, still sorting that one out, but think I'm there. Once it is setup, it seems one of the easiest and lowest maintenance ways to grow, but my opinion is that the building stage is where your fate is sealed, and it's all or nothing. Anyway time will tell and I'll keep you posted.
Sounds good, make sure you have a few spare solenoid coils in case one goes south. A manual bypass around the solenoid (two tees and a valve) will allow you to operate the nozzles without the solenoid.
Such a great idea for flushing or to check if a nozzle is clogged!:). And thanks for posting that about the other solenoids

Did u see my other post about my new chamber? How many plants and nozzles would you put on that and how would you arange them?
Its a similar size to the atomix chamber apart from having twice the depth, you could put 13 sites in it and use as many as you need. 1, 4. 5. 9 or 13 have the most even spacing. The number of nozzles will depend on the coverage, with AA you`d only need 2 ;)
Its a similar size to the atomix chamber apart from having twice the depth, you could put 13 sites in it and use as many as you need. 1, 4. 5. 9 or 13 have the most even spacing. The number of nozzles will depend on the coverage, with AA you`d only need 2 ;)

I thought the atomix was 3 ft high? 13 sites wo! didn't g loves have 4? And sense my chamber is this high I have a lil over 2.5 ft for ceiling height Iam using LEDs and scrog so I think I'll be good. Well can u post a link for nozzles and what I'd need to do have aa thanks A :)
The atomix was about 2ft high but that included the clearance for the reservoirs underneath. The Atomix V2 (aero/dwc combo) had the one piece chamber which, according to the spec, was 950mm x 950mm x 380mm, 345L volume and weighed 14kg. The price tag for that chamber was £240 or $387 :) They also made a larger chamber, 1.2m x 1.5m, not sure how deep that one was but was likely to be somewhere in the same ballpark as the others. G-love owned most of the chambers, i think the 1st one had 9 sites but he only used 4 of them.
I thought the atomix was 3 ft high? 13 sites wo! didn't g loves have 4? And sense my chamber is this high I have a lil over 2.5 ft for ceiling height Iam using LEDs and scrog so I think I'll be good. Well can u post a link for nozzles and what I'd need to do have aa thanks A :)

The nozzles you'll need will probably be pressure fed meaning your whole hp aero control center will need to supply the high pressure fluid in addition to the compressed air. The easier route might be the aerolife nozzles if you wanna have a crack at them since they are simply siphon-fed. The nozzles always have been the key to demystifying the Atomix, I don't believe anyone has quite figured it out yet though.
The nozzles you'll need will probably be pressure fed meaning your whole hp aero control center will need to supply the high pressure fluid in addition to the compressed air. The easier route might be the aerolife nozzles if you wanna have a crack at them since they are simply siphon-fed. The nozzles always have been the key to demystifying the Atomix, I don't believe anyone has quite figured it out yet though.
Yes I'm totally down thank you once again for your offer:)
Well, for anyone doubting fog propagation, here is a pic at day 5:


The dead part of the lower stem is from the dry period screw ups I surely thought killed them, just after taking the pic I pinched it off... Also the cuttings never so much as thought of wilting except for when the system was down 2 times. At which points they looked way beyond point of return. Once the fog kissed them again they hydrated back up like magic (I did route the fog into the dome for a while by removing an unused plug), but a little constantly gets in the dome just by slipping through the neoprene discs anyway and that's what keeps the cuttings from ever wilting under normal conditions. I've read ultrasonic fog is such small mist it easily floats inside the stomata and is extremely effective at rehydrating wilted plants...
so Im almost done constructing my 43''x43''x36'' chamber its 43 on the inside cause i used a 4x4 od trey to catch the run off, I might go with another 4x4 od trey for the top or more azack I used azack panels for the walls and the front wall I might use a clear polypropelene 3/8'' thick sheet to view the roots?... and have it covered most of the time obviosly. but my question is how many nozzles would you guys put in this and howmany plants? I was thinking 4 or 5 plants with 6 nozzles. either do 4 plants on each corner with nozzles spread out evenly on the remainder of the lid or do 5 plants 1 on each corner 1 in the middle with nozzles spread out evenly again. any thoughts or input would be highly apreciated before i make my final decision and start cutting holes... thanks in advance

i had a chamber almost this exact size(you can see it in one of my albums) and i had 8 selonoids with 12 nozzles and i feel it wasnt nearly enough nozzles to cover the space sufficiently. that is a huge space to fill with hydraulic nozzles and i never did add more nozzles to see if it would have performed better. it grew some very nice plants which yielded one of my best yields from a HP setup but the roots were less than stellar because the coverage wasnt good enough. i could fill the space but the pulses had to be longer than what was optimal. you really need AA for spaces that large unless you have your nozzles and coverage very well matched. you can grow some nice plants because of all the room but the roots just wont be as nice as they could.