True HP Aero For 2011

Petflora is the resident expert on reptile basics... He runs without an accumulator, so it's a bit of a different approach than the route I'm taking. For his application it seems he has been quite happy with RB though...
I bought a 600W digital dimmable ballast. It is a Quantum Series Ballast which was picked number one by High Times Magazine recently as their best pick. I bought mine on Ebay from a company that had it listed for $156 plus shipping. I made an offer and got it for $149 shipped. I asked if more could be bought for that price and he says yes, but I don't know how many he has at that price. But it is a great deal on a what seems to be a great product. What I had to do was to contact him and give my email address and he sent me an invoice for that price. It would probally be the best way to do this. Here is the listing:
Nice KM- that seems like a decent deal. I wonder how that ballast compares to the galaxy. Dimming function can come in handy for sure. I'm doing the outdoor thing myself, but was just posting in another thread that I dunno if I'll have to veg under lighting since I'm year round 12/12 sunlight here... I actually scored a HPS street light head that someone knocked down in a brand new shopping center parking lot-lol. Might work just for veg... And the price was right ;)
hey TB you a surfer? imma surfer on the east coast, so the waves are nothingggg compared to what you prolly see.
lol i knew you were in the tropics but i didnt know hawaii, damn!
thats sweet man ive never been there, but i would move out there in a heart beat haha im enviouss
hey TB you a surfer? imma surfer on the east coast, so the waves are nothingggg compared to what you prolly see.
lol i knew you were in the tropics but i didnt know hawaii, damn!
thats sweet man ive never been there, but i would move out there in a heart beat haha im enviouss
Well, I can't say I haven't had my love and fair share of waves. I'm sad to admit the last year I've taken the ocean a bit for granted and been focused on other things- but thanks for reminding me to get back out there and take advantage of where I live. A wave is a wave man- and the feeling you get when your on one is all the same- <shaka> :)
Wow, all caught up.....

I've been on pretty much the same journey. Couldn't find a decent SS pressure relief valve thanks for that.

I'm building a small HP Aero cabinet. It's one of those wardrobes you can get at all of the home improvement stores. It will be a two plant Scrog with a cloning/early Veg area taking up about 18 of the 48 inches in the cab. I'm going to start with 5Gal buckets as in the Cavadge thread and see where that takes me. I'm getting what I hope will be the last of my pieces and parts this week! Then I can get it all together and make mist. I'm still hand-wringing over what lights to put in there but I'll probably go LED.

One tip on sourcing an accumulator locally. Most of the plumbing codes have/are being updated to require a thermal expansion tank. So walk into Casa DePot and say those magic words and a two gallon accumulator will magically appear. Here they are cheaper than the one I ordered online :cry: even before adding in the shipping.

I'm was going to attach a spreadsheet that does most of the calcs for an accumulator, but I keep getting an Invalid file error:wall:

I feel your pain on waiting for parts, I made the mistake of ordering from freshwatersystems, 8 weeks and I still don't have what I ordered, but that's an ordeal I'll save for my journal/thread.
Hey r0m30, thanks for the tips. This little community keeps getting bigger and more interesting... Glad to have you here as well and thanks for reading the thread. Yeah, the parts came this weekend from those freshwater guys, and it looks like they may have given me some 3/8 threaded adaptors instead of 1/4" :( I had some family in town and didn't get started on anything- but I'm pretty much ready to throw it all together soon. Please keep us up to date on your progress, your approach sounds interesting too.
Me too hammer- lol... Well I better at least post some pics tomorrow when the sun's up. I still am planning out the chamber- think I did a full circle and will just go ahead with the original deck box idea... I was sort of put off by the wrong JG adaptors shipping out- it means I won't be hooking everything together in the very near future- but there is alot else to do in the meanwhile, and I just felt like chillin this weekend with some relatives who were visiting. I seem to be behind in a few aspects of my life, so hopefully this will be a constructive week.
Hey TB just found out we are related can i come and chill also. Will wait until it`s 20 below zero here first......................
hey trichy just discovered your thread last night and man i have to tell ya its one of the best ive come across. you have inspired me man i was going to build a lpa but aftre reading this i have started to get pricing of parts for a HPA....i live in australia so ill will be sourcing the parts from here......I was thinking about using 100litre trash bins for the root chamber and using 2 misters in it but when i get the bins i will work out the actually volume of them.. ALL i can say is thank god nasa refined this Technic and gave everyone a good starting anyway peace out brother really enjoy your post along with many other experience HPA users here
Yeah man, that's the problem. People aren't that interested even when you spell it out in great detail like you did, and a great job you did btw. I think there haven't been enough builds for people to access without reading through 100+ pages of conversation. I've read through all the ones you mentioned, but not to entirety.

It's a good idea to condense materials needed/build, so the info is easily accessed. I'd be lying if I said the thought of manufacured HPA units selling for a couple hundred bucks, didn't make me a little sad though. They'd probably be shit, and give HPA an even worse name.

How many grow journals have followed a HPA grow from start to finish? Being that I've not had one myself yet, beg the question... Are the results so phenomemal that nobody wants to talk? I sure as fuck hope so! You'll know when I mysteriously disappear from cyber-existance, lol.

I haven't come across one single post at this entire website that doesn't walk the reader around in "i lost my keys, there they are, and also thats good, what was i saying? oh yeah, so youre aiming for this, i have seen brass corrode but i lost my keys, and as you can see thats pretty much it, hope this helps!"

So, somewhere in there (before the 18-paragraph possible-parts list) you mentioned the target of 50 microns.
It's like the burnouts leading the burnouts in here! lol. JUST THE WAY THE POLITICIANS WANT IT!!!!!
Tyey want you to be dumbed up on weed, my brothers, they want you to grow it, and get yourself just as stupid as you can possibly be! IT'S WORKING. KEEP PUSHING FOR LEGALIZATION!!!
I haven't come across one single post at this entire website that doesn't walk the reader around in "i lost my keys, there they are, and also thats good, what was i saying? oh yeah, so youre aiming for this, i have seen brass corrode but i lost my keys, and as you can see thats pretty much it, hope this helps!"

So, somewhere in there (before the 18-paragraph possible-parts list) you mentioned the target of 50 microns.
It's like the burnouts leading the burnouts in here! lol. JUST THE WAY THE POLITICIANS WANT IT!!!!!
Tyey want you to be dumbed up on weed, my brothers, they want you to grow it, and get yourself just as stupid as you can possibly be! IT'S WORKING. KEEP PUSHING FOR LEGALIZATION!!!

Wrong thread, buddy. You're in over your head in here. I suggest you find someplace else to spread your propaganda. :-P
TB, great thread, I am in the middle of my own litte setup, its not a TRUE areo system, but the results are beyond what I could have expected. My ? Was, do u not think using the ultrasonic fogger is aeroponic? I have one set up with sprayers, and one with the subsonic fogger. My Jack Here is almost 6ft high in the spray system. I'm 3 weeks in to flower,
hey trichy just discovered your thread last night and man i have to tell ya its one of the best ive come across. you have inspired me man i was going to build a lpa but aftre reading this i have started to get pricing of parts for a HPA....i live in australia so ill will be sourcing the parts from here......I was thinking about using 100litre trash bins for the root chamber and using 2 misters in it but when i get the bins i will work out the actually volume of them.. ALL i can say is thank god nasa refined this Technic and gave everyone a good starting anyway peace out brother really enjoy your post along with many other experience HPA users here
Thanks greenandmean, I appreciate the support and glad there's an aussie hp setup going into action. I'd love to take more credit, but this thread is basically just a culmination of other's work, and I wanted to resurrect a live thread to document my system in since the other threads were old and closed. To be honest, in my mind Nasa worked with the original concept, but when it comes to home growers like us, the work of people like G-love, tree farmer, Atomizer and Cavadge are the ones who really paved the path.
You have the right idea and I can tell you understood the concepts- it's good to do a mist test and then decide on the amount of mist nozzles, also a larger chamber like you mention is better too. I hope you stick around and document your build here with us. :)

TB, great thread, I am in the middle of my own litte setup, its not a TRUE areo system, but the results are beyond what I could have expected. My ? Was, do u not think using the ultrasonic fogger is aeroponic? I have one set up with sprayers, and one with the subsonic fogger. My Jack Here is almost 6ft high in the spray system. I'm 3 weeks in to flower,
Hey vapedup Welcome too! -Any system dialed in correclty, even soil, can yield great results in the right hands and I am glad to hear you're happy with your current setup. By definition, an ultrasonic fogger with roots hanging mediumless in the fog would be considered aeroponics, just as your LP sprayer setup is also a type of aeroponics- these fall under "low pressure or LPA". I personally consider either air atomized, or high pressure with precision controlled mist cycles such as what I'm documenting to be in the realm of the subdivision called "HPA" though. I have played around with a fogger- it's actually what led me to this path. What I found is the same things that have been documented by others- and that's that foggers tend to generate a very fine 1-5 micron mist, which is actually too small to get the same type of results were aiming for here, and probably cannot support the needs of a plant without some other sort of concommitant delivery system such as lp sprayers, or dwc. One of the really important aspects to get the more efficient rootsystems is to give the roots just the right amount of mist and in the 30-80 micron average size range, but the fogger tends to be too dry on it's own- I really wish it were that easy. I am unclear if a fogger will lend any benefit when combined with another method- as when all or a section of the roots are getting totally wet it will probably negate the conditions necessary to induce the special changes in root structure saught after in hpa. For instance, my Dominaero fogponic system also included an lp sprayer system in addition to the ultrasonic transducer, and if the sprayers were not being used, the roots were dry and darkened, but when they were on, the fogger being also used didn't make a difference as it simply will not penetrate the persistant film of water on the roots from the lp sprayers.

I was unclear if the sprayer system and fogger system you mention are 2 seperate growing spaces, or 2 seperate delivery methods within the same grow area. If they are seperate, have you any results with the pure fog? Also worth mentioning is that just because no one else has got it to work, doesn't mean you might find some new spin to put on it and get better results, although that was not my personal experience. It's fair to mention I gave up fairly easily after reading too many other people's failed attempts, and decided to go the hpa route instead.