Trichy Bastard
Well-Known Member
For one, the atc-422 I listed is a nice 1/10 second interval timer with a great track record coming in at just under $100- I don't know why r0m30 wants that particular model he's looking at, but it's his business and I'm sure he has his reasons, some people have the extra money to spend and just buy things they like. What I'd really hate is to see- is what happens over and over in hpa threads- people buying most of the parts and giving it a go but falling short of what works- then tossing the whole idea with all the money and time lost in frustration. Then they go and spread more misinfo about how it's impossibly hard and unreliable to achieve results with hpa. This way of growing has way more failures than successes, and I'm under the impression it's because of people missing just a single point about being able to control the mist and how it's really the most important factor. I said it in a pm recently, but it's really applicable here. HPA is a "go all the way, or go home" type system. Cutting even a single corner, and the whole thing comes unraveled. r0m indicated that just because he might not be starting out ideal, he will probably eventually get a bigger chamber, it's an easy enough change. He might as well not have to buy another timer while he's at it, although the atc model would be less than 1/3rd the price of the one he wants. I do see your point however Hammer, that the system will only be as strong as it's weakest link.That`s exactly what i was trying to say if you are not going the extra mile with your system you will not need to spend the extra cash on 1/10 second timer. Alot of people read this information and spend big buxs on the wrong thing. Fast acting solenoids (yes) $$$ solenoids placed as close to nozzles as possible (yes)$$$$$ check valves in nozzles (yes) $$$$ and with this said you would be able to fine tune your system to a better degree not perfect but close...............Just hate to see people spend big buxs on something that they cannot benifit from thats all. over $300 buxs for a timer no way............
Ok, my curiosity has the best of me- r0m- why do you like the other timer over the atc?

By the way- I don't think check valved nozzles are necessary as long as the solenoids are near the nozzles- that's just an attempt to try to correct the situation when they are far apart, but it's not nearly as good as having them close together. Those check valve nozzles open and close at different psi, and although they'll eliminate some of the run on dripping, they will not deal with it completely. I don't think it hurts to have them however, but I don't think they'll have any added benefit when the solenoid/nozzles are positioned close to each other.
EDIT: I want to add one thing to chew on while I'm thinking about it. Perhaps often the hpa system doesn't fail, but it fails to deliver any different results than lp areo or even nft. It's really simple to see why though. If you oversaturate those roots, they'll never grow the hairs and hp root structure. Just because the delivery method is different and fancy, the amout of water getting on the roots will be the same as other techniques. So when you think of it in terms like that, you can see why the hp setup only delivers different results when it is properly designed AND tuned...