True HP Aero For 2011

here ya go.... i really like this setup. guy can drop the chamber from around the roots, for easy inspection/service. looks like a collector bag for a power saw or something.... looks fairly simple, i dont see an aerator.....



what do you think of that?
I happen to think its a pretty badass setup. My opinion may be a little bias though. :-D

Yeah Mike101... hehehehe
It really was a cool and original idea, would really like to see you get something going in it for all your work and previous enthusiasm. I still have yet to try the purple dig nozzles, but I'd really like to test them out. It's especially nice if they are putting out about 5x less volume than the bio-controls. One thing I realized about the bio's, is that yes they drip during longer mistings, but at less than a second, it's just a quick puff and they're fine.
Well, I hope it to be pretty soon. I've finally given up on mediumless. Gonna go ahead with rapid rooter/hydroton in a net cup. And I think my light was too intense for cuttings. Got 2 freshies under a couple cfl's now. Gonna try & get em in there regardless. Winter setting in around here means i can get focused again.
Well Mike, hopefully our cheerleader will give you the extra push lol...

My roots are sprouting more and more, as I am learning how to control the mist. I dialed it back to .3 sec/5 minutes, and the roots began to yellow and dry up, so obviously it was not enough for now. Perhaps once they grow out a bit and are able to take in more water efficiently those timings would work. To be honest, I don't even know if the solenoid has enough time to fully open before closing again in such small spurts- although I believe it's spec's said 200ms. I have the timings currently at .4sec/3mins, and it seems to be a good compromise for the time being. tree farmer recently told me that he would like to see some good roots with fishboning established before trying to dial down the timings. I also remember Atomizer saying even at 1/4" root length you could push them to fuzz, but I believe especially since my temps are so high that I should not stress the plant and roots by starving them of water just yet. The whole time the new leaves which spung forth after the original ones that dropped post-transplant, have stayed healthy and green. They are a little lighter green than before, but I am sure the plant isn't getting as much nitrogen as it would like until the roots can absorb more. I could foliar feed, but I don't think it will be necessary, as the roots are still growing and like I said there's no real emergency in the plant's condition. My biggest issue is this is taking longer than I bet it would if I knew what I was doing. I like the learning process though... All I can say is I will never go back to recirculating, it is so nice to make up a batch of nutes, and know they don't need daily testing and tweaking. To be honest, I have one other clone still potted, and it requires more work to water every couple days than the cutting in the chamber which only needs a res refill every week or so!

I've been thinking of ways to keep the chamber cooler and I think I have an idea. I am considering adding a small computer fan that will push air in from the outside under the silkscreen and through it into the bottom of the chamber.. The air will push through it like a swamp cooler, and cool the air through evaporation. All the hottest air will push up and out the top through the netpots, and it might even help them get fresh oxygen. I don't think I will need too much flow, but just enough to slowly push out the hottest air that builds up in the chamber. I am not sure if this air flow, small as it will be, would somehow be too drying to the chamber, but suspect it will be easier on the roots than the heat is... I may be able to get away with just drilling a few holes to the outside down there under the silkscreen, convection might be enough to cause the hot air to rise up and out, while drawing in fresh air through the bottom and silkscreen. This would be even more ideal, because it does not use any electricity, and will only draw in air if the chamber becomes warm enough to start the process...
I happen to think its a pretty badass setup. My opinion may be a little bias though. :-D

so thats yours? well why havent i seen any of your stuff around here? anyway looking forward to checkin it out.... liking the idea of not messing with the plant for observation, especially once they are bigger, and/or in a scrog.... good luck man!
so thats yours? well why havent i seen any of your stuff around here? anyway looking forward to checkin it out.... liking the idea of not messing with the plant for observation, especially once they are bigger, and/or in a scrog.... good luck man!

I've been struggling with getting clones healthy, but should have better luck now that I'm done trying for a mediumless scenario. I have every intention on getting this thing going. Alot of variables, to say the least.
I've been struggling with getting clones healthy, but should have better luck now that I'm done trying for a mediumless scenario. I have every intention on getting this thing going. Alot of variables, to say the least.

To be honest, the tiny amount of rockwool cubes Atomizer mentions is really still mediumless once the roots exit the netpot in a few days. It just acts as a nurturing bufferred environment when the roots are their most delicate and need it. Since my potted clone transfer came in some sort of soil plug, its not ideal. When the soil dries ir becomes hard, whereas the rockwool would remain more soft and spongy. I sometimes wonder if I should still be wetting the plug, but now there are many roots outside of it I figure by leting it dry will coax the roots to keep coming out more, but can't help wondering if the thing getting all hard is tough on the roots until they get bigger.
This photo may blow your mind, due to lack of developed roots, but it is not 100% as it appears. The roots have not grown in ~ one month in HPA, so I have been dunking the roots/Sunleaves Super Starter Cubes several times a day in the rez.

Other clones were only recently introduced to the HPA pod, so nothing to show there. In the mean time, my F& D plant continues to fatten up way beyond anything I've done in HPA.

Hey TB im back in the game of HPA lol well hopefully if the place im gona rent has enough space in the basement gona take me awhile to get all the stuff i need dame police. but yeah rentin now not in my name thou lol but still on the books as living where i pay morgage them police ay chatchin me again lol just thought id let u now TB im back lol
Would really like to see the roots in the plug i`m sure they are nice and white saying this because the plant looks good. The roots outside the plug are suffering from to much water and or nutes or both.
Hey guys. Been a longtime lurker and wanted to thank everyone for all the great info they've contributed to the thread. I'm beginning to source parts for my own aero grow and had a couple of questions about the timer.

I see a lot of people are using the ATC 422 series timer. It looks to be a good timer. I'm glad they make a 12v version as I'm running everything off a deep cycle battery. Is it possible to run two different on/off cycles with this timer, one for daytime and one for night. I would like to be able to have different cycles for day and night. I figure the plants will be transpiring less at night so they can use longer off periods at night. I believe Tree Farmer talked about this in his thread but I'm not sure exactly how he accomplished it. If this timer doesn't allow for that, does anyone know a 12v one that can do it? or an easy way to rig a system like that up?

Also, how many solenoids can be operated off the 422 timer?

Sorry for throwing off the flow of the thread with a parts question. Keep up the good work everyone. This is really cutting edge stuff and its great to see all this collaboration between like minded individuals.
The 422 doesn't have a dual setting. One method discussed is plugging the 422 into a basic pin timer to create off times during the night. As far as solenoids are concerned... I forget what the max amps of the timer is, but I think it's quite a bit. It will accept just about any amount of power you want to supply. If you're thinking dc, amps shouldn't be a problem. My solenoids ask for about 1.5 amps a piece. I'm firing them both from a 2.5 amp supply, and haven't had any problems. Welcome to the club, sir. Good luck, and keep us up on your progress.