True HP Aero For 2011

save your reading before a.d.d kicks in =]
Earl seems to be a guy ppl give credit..

The pH Rule :
There are separate pH rules for RO and tap water.

We will discuss RO first.

With RO, you will control the buffers.
There are three chemicals
that will allow you to get a stablized nute solution
without causing any nutrient lockout.

First you need to get some AN Barricade
which is Potassium Silicate.

You should also get some Potassium Carbonate,
and Potassium Hydroxide.

I buy these two chemicals premixed
in the powdered form from GH,
and then add RO to make a solution,
which I use to increase the pH with my eye dropper.

So here is the drill.

Add the nutes and any additives you are using,
and then measure the pH. (do not add Barricade until the pH falls below 5.6)

Most of the time the ph will be around 5.6
right after you add the nutes.

In a few hours check the pH
and it will be down as the buffer is overcome.
(I let it go down until 5.2-5.4
and then add Barricade to bring the pH up to 5.6).

Add one drop of barricade per gl,
and then check the pH.
( you need an eyedropper)

Keep using Barricade to bring the pH back to 5.6
until you have reached the max dose of .5ml/gl
(5 drops/gl of barricade max)

After you have maxed out the barricade,
then the next time the pH falls,
start using the GH Potassium Carbonate/Hydroxide powder in RO solution,
to bring the pH back up to 5.6
and after a couple of days the pH will stop moving.

You will have the solution buffered
with these three potassium molecules
and can reach a perfectly stable equilibrium.

When you add nutes to RO water, the nutes alone will probably lower the ph to around 5.6
If the ph drops below 5.6 after you have added new nutes to RO water,
use .1ml/gl Barricade to buffer the ph back up to 5.6.

Solutions with RO or distilled water
will require the use of an eye dropper to maintain pH.

Measure pH between each drop,
until you are familiar with your solutions requirements.

seriously answers are out there but...
(sorry if Im spaming a bit)

TB how do you do it?..
t I don know what I do but ph is a muthafuckin biyatch..stays the way I like it until it wants more and more..I want 5.8 but that bitch wont listen almost every day I gotta lower it down...

man I am in a relationship..=]
Perhaps some, or all, of your nutes are organic which are very pH unstable (made me crazy first couple go rounds). Inorganic nute = stable pH, assuming moderattly stable temps, RH...
RH is low 30- 40% temps 25-30..water temp 18-22C....... nutes i use for orchids 3 8 5 npk when budding (not organic)...heat is usually the issue thats why I thought it might have an impact....

If I get 150L pressure tank fuck changing it like i did dwc...=] and I do want 150 L...

If I get clam shells powdered and let them soak in water will it still be stable when I pull the clam shells out...I got this from a aquarium forum...they got the organic safe way...hydroponic fishies
Clam shell pawer dude?.. umm, you do realize you are out there on one weird pointless limb right?...

bottom line: if you pump res water to plants, then back to res, pH will always swing. why? because plants change pH of runoff drastically! The smaller the res, the more the swing. DTW = Drain To Waste, it uses less water then DWC, and pH never moves. Look it up!
hpa has no runoff that you would use...1 sec on time for timers roots have enough time to dry out and 2 drops will be will be changing overtime in a Pressure tank..thats my to keep it stable inside pressuized tank for a week ranging 5.8 6.4
is it possible to monitor ph and ppm as it comes from the nozzle?
Why would you want to when it's so much easier to test in the res before it goes into the system. It shouldn't change at all from there- but if you want, just collect some in a cup under the nozzle and test it. One worthwhile thing, however, is to test your runoff to see what the plants are absorbing.
trust me man when I get high I read them lika book... =] plus ther are pics of every defficiency from early to late stages(helps a lot) bulelab on a side and I don know what I do but ph is a muthafuckin biyatch..stays the way I like it until it wants more and more..I want 5.8 but that bitch wont listen almost every day I gotta lower it down...

I know how to adjust ph I am asking about the buffer..I know I might have said stablizzeh a lot but thats wht I meant..I read enough about pH ( but there is a limit to my reading..even this forum is too much..but its a forum soo..) and clam shels or pH down with buffer (which is bullshit) dont help me to stop thinking that I will have to check and adjust everyday..this project shoul be more auto piloted and controlled less than ebb flow or other I right?... I think its the nutes that dont buffer enough... thats the worst part when adjustin and adjusting until you gotta change wter to lower ppm... I got the Idea of hydro after I grew in soil fat tities..its just that bitch..=]

Hmm, if I were you I would consider trying Dynagrow nutes. They have rocksolid PH- it really requires no intervention from the grower for the most part. Read Homebrewer's threads with dynagrow. I have used it, and believe it's a good product. I am not sure if it's well suited for high pressure aero and DTW, but i aim to test it soon. It could be your grow media, or that you have some sort of algea in your system, or alot of other things like how fast the water is evaporating in your res vs. nutes being used, or even which nutes your plant is absorbing at the time. I know when I use good nutes in a recirculating system and everything is balanced, I don't need to adjust ph very often.

Using orchid nutes that probably aren't meant for hydro, then trying to buffer with clamshells is just making issues for you. Go buy some decent hydro nutes, and prolem is solved... OR as DIYer said- go DTW "Drain To Waste"- try googling that version- lol
hpa has no runoff that you would use...1 sec on time for timers roots have enough time to dry out and 2 drops will be will be changing overtime in a Pressure tank..thats my to keep it stable inside pressuized tank for a week ranging 5.8 6.4

As I already told you- ph should not change in the pressure vessel. I wanna help you man, but your questions and comments are really not on topic at all for this thread. Those questions are really for a hydro 101 thread, and if you visit one, all of your answers will be there. Earl might be a good guy for hydro, but when it comes to HPA- his knowledge has no use here. Fatman ran him out of the true aero threads a few times, it was kinda sad/funny at the same time hehe. Earl has some interesting growing setups, I give him props- but last I saw- he really doesn't have an understanding of HPA whatsoever.
reason I think it changes in pressure tank is because I m sure you said somewhere before that pressure changes ph...(couple of threads bck those where ur I right?)

no Im wrong... my bad
I love my dots....I think he meant 24.............................................. 12/12... ohh yea =]
I was jabbing at your lack of punctuation that one very unreadable post.

ph will be changing overtime in a Pressure tank

Ummm are you using a pressure tank sir? ..and why again are you so sure pH would change in one? I didn't think you were, and am pretty sure, if you just don't add any runoff back to your res solution, weather it in a res, a pressure tank, or on the flipping moon, pH will not change. Don't quote me on the moon thing though, have no idea what space does to pH.
umm sir, I think ph can change, of course my lack of experience hasnt taught me how to keep it stable. That is why I am concerned, dont want to get a 150L tank and have to change it like my dwc rez every week or less... chip chip cherio