True HP Aero For 2011

nozzles and nugs!!

just got the mail, 20 free cv nozzles from cloudtop arrived, this time with screens... nice of them to make good on the order i received without any. kind of scared to swap them all out though, i have 200 mesh filters pre pump and i still get gunk behind the screens in these after some time. with the screens they never get unfixably clogged, just wipe the screen clean, but would be nice to have nozzles that could deal with a little gunk, hit 50 microns all day, and not clog. i wonder if the added pressure of an acc helps to keep nozzles cleaned out...
Here is my understanding of some of this:
There are alot of complexities going on when it comes to nutes, and alot are more than meets the eye. Flushing the roots once in a while in HPA makes sense because the lack of sufficient water to wash away the buildup makes sense. The general consensus is to keep upping feeding throughtout the life, the flowering stage uses up alot of nutrients and energy from the plant, sort of like being pregnant I suppose. Some people flush their plants for a week or 2 at the end, but I believe it's not necessary or even good,, a better approach is not overfeeding to begin with. Why starve the plant when it is packing on the last weight and bulk in the flowers? The thing with nutes (salts) is there is am osmotic exchange going on people don't tend to really think about, it is a function and property of salt to equalize it's concentration with water. So if you have too much salt on the outside of the roots, it sucks the water out of them causing "burn". You have to slowly build up the salts on the inside of the roots so that the exchange is always happening in the right direction, meaning water is being absorbed in the roots, moving in with some salts, and performing transpiration.

I think I misunderstood, thinking by flushing you were talking about flushing the roots (where the bulid up is), not the whole plant, as in flushing for a day or longer. I can quickly switch out my rez for one with highly diluted nutes (~10%). I can quickly add 1 minute intervals to my on cycle, so I spray them for several minutes, then return to normal feed cycle.
nozzles and nugs!!

View attachment 2040537
just got the mail, 20 free cv nozzles from cloudtop arrived, this time with screens... nice of them to make good on the order i received without any. kind of scared to swap them all out though, i have 200 mesh filters pre pump and i still get gunk behind the screens in these after some time. with the screens they never get unfixably clogged, just wipe the screen clean, but would be nice to have nozzles that could deal with a little gunk, hit 50 microns all day, and not clog. i wonder if the added pressure of an acc helps to keep nozzles cleaned out...

Me too. I have a small DMFit inline filter going into a 4" x 1" 200 mesh filter both inside my rez. Rez is usually chilled, but rarely above 72*. I have another DMFit after the pump + screens inside the nozzles, and yet I still have to clean the screens, and all 3 filters, as I see something floating in the rez, and it's all inorganic nutes- DM
hmm,.. well organic could be the problem for you, i would expect more sentiment to be in organic nute bottles. I use GH, there the only nutes that come in a transparent bottle to my knowledge, and to pour it out looks like kool-aid, most well mixed nutes I've ever used and still i get build up. At least with screens there cleanable i guess.
nozzles and nugs!!

View attachment 2040537
just got the mail, 20 free cv nozzles from cloudtop arrived, this time with screens... nice of them to make good on the order i received without any. kind of scared to swap them all out though, i have 200 mesh filters pre pump and i still get gunk behind the screens in these after some time. with the screens they never get unfixably clogged, just wipe the screen clean, but would be nice to have nozzles that could deal with a little gunk, hit 50 microns all day, and not clog. i wonder if the added pressure of an acc helps to keep nozzles cleaned out...
Don't know if an acc would help, but the good thing about the biocontrol nozzles is they have a pretty large orifice that's not prone to clogging. How they atomize the mist is the stream hits a pin and flares out "impingement nozzle". I use a 1 micron canister filter just after my pump's output, have never had a single clogging issue between that and the Bios.
Me too. I have a small DMFit inline filter going into a 4" x 1" 200 mesh filter both inside my rez. Rez is usually chilled, but rarely above 72*. I have another DMFit after the pump + screens inside the nozzles, and yet I still have to clean the screens, and all 3 filters, as I see something floating in the rez, and it's all inorganic nutes- DM

Try the 1 micron filter and about 6 drops of household bleach per gallon, my nutes always look like crystal clear sparkling water, not really even a color tinge from the Canna as they are quite clear. Also the roots stay so nice and don't have to struggle fighting off bacteria. Chlorine will not hurt the plants, and is even a necessary element to them They can handle much larger doses without issue, but I figure as little to get the job done is best. Since you use non-orgnic ferts, you should keep a sterile environment. You don't need any bennificial bacteria to break down the nutes since they already are in the most useable form to the plants. Another method was Atomizer would pour his nutes through a 1 micron filter bag (around 4 bucks) when refilling his res.
you got a link to this '1 micron filter' you use? A Google product search scared me too much to look further, Ha,.. How much we talking? Is it just like an inline filter? Sounds better then a 200 mesh inline filter though,.. but then again, can all nutes get through if its stopping everything 2 micron and up? .. how often you gotta change such a tight ass filter? :)
you got a link to this '1 micron filter' you use? A Google product search scared me too much to look further, Ha,.. How much we talking? Is it just like an inline filter? Sounds better then a 200 mesh inline filter though,.. but then again, can all nutes get through if its stopping everything 2 micron and up? .. how often you gotta change such a tight ass filter? :)

I used a simple whole house cartridge filter from
Pentek 158116 10" Slim Line Filter Housing @ $15.60
Hydronix 10" Sediment Filter Cartridge - 1 Micron @ $2.99
This particular housing has no air bleed, so it can be used in a pressurized environment, as well as vacuum (such as if the filter were placed pre-pump) although I found the filter before the pump caused it to labor to hard to fill the accumulator, that's when I decided to test if it could take the higher pressures. It's only rated for 125 psi, but been running it at 150 with no issues for months. It has 1/4" npt threaded ports, perfect for some JG to npt adaptors. I'm pretty sure only a R.O. membrane could block some of the nutes from coming through, and it is much smaller (0.0005 microns). I certainly have no issues with this @ 1 micron.
In the long run, an accumulator setup could result in less nozzle clogs in that you'd be able to run shorter mist times, and therefore less nutrient solution passing through the nozzle. In the long run...
I understand this question has been asked b4 but what kind of timing are able to come from the sestos??
Have yet to find the answere..
@Mike Young couldnt respond to pm but to answere your question im an imposter..didnt realize there was another till i started more reading..
Had a weird thought today... Was considering how Aerojunkies stems had grown roots where there was alot of moisture on them. Then thought why couldn't I make a hollow clamp for the stalks of the plant, with tubes being fed from the fog mist. Then I could make clones and just cut them off the main plant when ready. Could be a fun experiment...
Had a weird thought today... Was considering how Aerojonkies stems had grown roots where there was alot of moisture on them. Then thought why couldn't I make a hollow clamp for the stalks of the plant, with tubes being fed from the fog mist. Then I could make clones and just cut them off the main plant when ready. Could be a fun experiment...

I've heard of this technique, but can't seem to find it again. I wanna say it was called super cloning or some shit. The vid I saw, the guy scraped around a stem & put a starter cube or something on it, and wrapped the thing in saran wrap. The cool part is the clone feeds the whole time from the main, and stays healthy as shit while rooting. I'd like to give it a try some day. Here's that nug I got to root. It's doing great in the bubbler. I think this is gonna be a bushy bastard.
Yeah Mike, it's called air-layering. Was a cool way to get it going good, and also keeps plant count down for those who need to consider it. I'll try to find the step by step I had seen somewhere. Just thought it might be fun to do it with a fogging collar instead-lol...
I had a great instructional somewhere, but here is one for until I can find it.
I've heard of this technique, but can't seem to find it again. I wanna say it was called super cloning or some shit. The vid I saw, the guy scraped around a stem & put a starter cube or something on it, and wrapped the thing in saran wrap. The cool part is the clone feeds the whole time from the main, and stays healthy as shit while rooting. I'd like to give it a try some day. Here's that nug I got to root. It's doing great in the bubbler. I think this is gonna be a bushy bastard.
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Nice!! I also just got 2 nugs to root can't wait for the shoots to start popping!!

hmmm,.. thats freaking neat,.. maybe something for someone concerned with plant count to think about (like me), but i don't know if it would end up being worth the extra time it would take to root that way, what with the plant needing to grow scar tissue first before it can think about roots,.. and the loss of product from a bigger limb needed to do that would suck too, lol ..but totally neat for outdoor grows. Indoor i think we can do better and faster.
Yeah, I'm not too worried about baby pics. It took me 2 months to figure out how to get healthy clones.

Fog collar, eh? I'd like to see that. fucking too!
I was reading about 'dry fog' and micron size the other day, makes me wonder if the foggers that work put out a slightly larger fog particle then the 3 head ultrasonic fogger i have, because no matter how i rig it i can't keep them wet enough. And even if i could (perhaps with a chiller) i really ponder how much better they'd do at rooting a clone to be moved elsewhere eventually anyway. Its jus not worth it in my setup, i only need to clip one clone every 2 weeks, all that fogger shit i was wasting time with has been replaced by a rockwool cube and a freshly misted tupperware dish, and i know i'll have one rooting in 2 weeks.