True leaves 'scrunching'


Active Member
Hey everyone.

This is the first time ive tried to grow my own MJ I found a sead a few months back and thought I would give it a bash.

Germinated and planted a (unknown strain) seed about a week or so back in some basic pre nuted soil bought from my local gardening center and have set up my grow room in a cupboard in my bedroom.

Currently I am using just a basic 20W fluorescent twisted bulb to get my baby growing in the mean time.

So far I havent had too many problems other than my root grew up out the soil to start off with as it managed to touch a stone I manged to remedy that pretty easily and it broke from the shell nicely.

My first leaves broke free and have been a perfect green colour from the go...

My problem now which im not sure if it is a problem or not due to it being an unknown strain is that the first true leaves (which are the only ones showing at the moment) are looking again a great shade of green with no discolouring as far as i can tell but they are very small and fat rather than pictures im seeing on this site and various others.

I havent added any nutes atall as i know its way too early for that from what ive read, I havent overwatered as I bought a gauge to check this and my PH is sitting at about 6.5-6.7.

I would upload a picture to show you the only thing is lights out started about 30 mins ago and dont want to wake it up.

Its under this light at the moment for 18 hours on and 6 off.

If any more info is needed please just say im totally new to this iv never even tried to grow any kind of plant let alone MJ.

Thanks in advance :weed:


Well-Known Member

Don't worry, MJ is not that hard to grow. People complicate it but it's a weed for fook's sake :)

The first set of leaves are usually stubby. They don't form "blades" just yet.

Is that what you mean?


Active Member

Don't worry, MJ is not that hard to grow. People complicate it but it's a weed for fook's sake :)

The first set of leaves are usually stubby. They don't form "blades" just yet.

Is that what you mean?
Thanks Sandmonkey.

Yeah they are quite short about the same size as the first leaves but quite fat and scrunchy.

Sorry if im being a bit bleak with my description its kinda hard to explain it from my head.

They are a nice green colour though and il definately get a picture up tomorrow for you to have a look.

I think im just really worried as its my first grow and im so new to it all.


Well-Known Member
no worries mate.

Like I said, this is normal and can vary from strain to strain, seed to seed.

Make sure that the light isn't so far that the plant has to use its energy to stretch rather than grow, and not so close as to burn or heat-stress the plant (harder to do with a a fluorescent).

Perhaps tomorrow you could upload some pics of the plants and your setup?


Active Member
Yeah definitely get a pew pics of my setup and the plant.

Should have them on at about 1pm my time for you to have a look just got the one plant at the moment.
Light is sitting at about 1.5 inches or so from the plant trying to keep it not too far away but dont want to fry the plant too lol

Thanks for the confidence makes me feel a bit better knowing that im probably freaking out over nothing.

Il head of justnow but il defo get those pics up 2morrow mate.

Cheers again


Active Member
Ok I think ive uploaded this right.

Pictures of my setup and the wee plant justnow.

Hope they come out ok the camera was a little unclear at times and im not the most steady of people.



Well-Known Member
personally mate I'd get rid of the aluminum foil mate. Could be causing hot spots on the bottom of your leaves.

Also at this stage you don't need the light that close.

What are the temperatures and humidity like?

Also what kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
No problem as of this second the tin foil is gone.

Using top soil from homebase that has been sterilized before packaging.

Temperature is sitting at about 75F at night and about 80F at most during the day not too sure how to measure the humidity but its sitting a cupboard with that big fan that i turn on for 10 mins every hour or so on rotate.

Got a soil PH of about 6.5 roughly and soil is showing moist on meter also.


Well-Known Member
Do you know the NPK value of your soil? if it's too rich it could be burning your baby; but it doesn't look that way from your pics.

I got one of those digital 2-in-1 thermometer and hygrometer for my grow room. for vegging plants you want a relative humidity between 50-80%, and 40-50% when flowering.

I also recommend keeping the oscillating (?) fan running all the time to circulate the air as well as toughen the stem.


Active Member
Sorry man I dont know the NPK (not even sure what that is).

Should i go out tomorrow and buy a hygrometer for checking humidity? I didnt realise it was a big factor.

Yeah the fan is oscillating il make sure that goes on all day too.

Iv popped my head in and lifted the light another half inch or so after u have said aswell... I was just kinda scared that it tried to stretch towards the light too much is it better for the plant to do that at the moment?


Well-Known Member
NPK refers to the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium levels in a soil/nutrient. These are the most important elements for plants, and they require different levels of each at different stages. There are other micronutrients/minerals but we'll get to that another time ;)

well you can keep the lights as they are or just a lil' higher, as you definitely want your plant spending its resources on rooting and vegetating rather than stretching. CFL's don't produce much heat anyways, so you should be fine. In fact unless you see signs of heat stress (leave edges curling up) leave the light as is.

Sorry for the confusion mate.


Active Member
Its no problem atall mate id much rather learn now than find out what i did wrong when it all goes tits up! lol

Just having a look for NPK its not on the bag but im having a look on a website that should hopefully tell me as its meant to be regulated stuff.


Active Member
Cant seem to see anything on the regulation site and cant get onto the site from the shop i bought it from at the moment.

Il have a look tomorrow and report back mate.

Thanks for your help again mate