True Skunk ? Nice surprise setting up today

So had floaters this morning?
I got up the nerve and was able to crack one .
So had floaters this morning?
I got up the nerve and was able to crack one .
I found a bag of old sunflower seed to start some testing with . The seed is 8 years old so should work for testing .
put twenty per bag under different solutions . Tap water , Aloe , 3 percent h202 , roots organic rooting at 100 percent and 33 percent. Cracked some straight into coco with distilled water . All setup at 75-80 degrees . Going to compare these with some bean enzyme tea . I hope to find the best method before trying the possible skunk seeds .
I found a bag of old sunflower seed to start some testing with . The seed is 8 years old so should work for testing .
put twenty per bag under different solutions . Tap water , Aloe , 3 percent h202 , roots organic rooting at 100 percent and 33 percent. Cracked some straight into coco with distilled water . All setup at 75-80 degrees . Going to compare these with some bean enzyme tea . I hope to find the best method before trying the possible skunk seeds .



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Authentic genetics Seed Company. I just ordered 10 skunk seeds from there they claim to be original. Plus free shipping in 2 days so we shall see.
Nothing yet dam !
nothing popped yet . I have a new pan for the last 5
Still not giving up tho . The first batch was soaked in distilled water and a few we cracked open .
I’m getting everything dialed in for round two . Got some Gibberellic acid , bean enzymes and aloe .
Hopefully we can get just one to pop .
Chimera's method of popping old seeds.

He has access to a lab obviously but there is great info in there that can be used at home.

"5% bleach in autoclaved, distilled water with a couple of drops of Tween-20 per liter of solution. I sterilize the water in Duran jars (loose lids) in a pressure cooker @ 20 PSI for 20 minutes, and then allow the jars to cool under my flow hood and tighten the lids when the water has cooled. This is probably overkill for most purposes, but it's a variation of the protocol I use for sterilizing explants for tissue culture, and it seems to work with minimal contamination. You can get away with a drop of dish detergent instead of the Tween, I just have the tween-20 in the lab so I use it. If you are going to be doing a lot, you can order a few ml of Tween-20 on Amazon if you like.

First I rinse the seeds in a tight mesh strainer to remove any leaf debris that might be harboring bacteria or spores. These seeds were a little dirtier than most having been field grown, so you definitely want to wash away any superfluous materials. This can be up to a 5 minute rinse in lukewarm water. Cannabis achenes have a lot of little crevices where spores and bacteria can hide, so a thorough rinse is a wise step.

Then I take the seeds and drop them in maybe 100-200 mls of the bleach/Tween-20 solution in an Erlenmeyer flask, but any clean glass vessel will do -the seeds should be fully immersed, maybe 2x the volume of water as seed. You want to keep stirring and swishing the seeds around gently to ensure the current is washing away any contaminants. After a minute of swishing I remove the bleach and strain the seeds from the liquid and start again. No more than 3 minutes total, and if I see bleaching on the small test batch (always do a test batch to seed how the seeds react), sometimes I'll only do 2 minutes.

The next part is key. Immediately rinse 3-5 times (for 5 minutes per rinse) in the same sterilized distilled water (baby water / distilled water from Walmart or the local pharmacy is fine), again using a tight mesh strainer, or simply rinse the seeds in a different vessel with the same volume of water, at least 3 times to ensure the bleach is removed. I use a labratory orbita shaker, but you can do it by hand it's just a little tedious. Once the rinses are completed, soak the seeds in the distilled water as before, for 2-24 hours depending on the age of the seed and the medium you will be growing in. Sometimes I'll use agar plates, but most often I'll just sprout them in paper towels and transfer to a light dirt (like Light Warrior for you Americans) or surface sow on a .peat based planting substrate. You can use whatever medium you prefer, it's not that big of a deal as long as the seeds remain moist." - Chimera
There is also this thread with a more basic method inspired by Chimera's method.

Chimera's method of popping old seeds.

He has access to a lab obviously but there is great info in there that can be used at home.

"5% bleach in autoclaved, distilled water with a couple of drops of Tween-20 per liter of solution. I sterilize the water in Duran jars (loose lids) in a pressure cooker @ 20 PSI for 20 minutes, and then allow the jars to cool under my flow hood and tighten the lids when the water has cooled. This is probably overkill for most purposes, but it's a variation of the protocol I use for sterilizing explants for tissue culture, and it seems to work with minimal contamination. You can get away with a drop of dish detergent instead of the Tween, I just have the tween-20 in the lab so I use it. If you are going to be doing a lot, you can order a few ml of Tween-20 on Amazon if you like.

First I rinse the seeds in a tight mesh strainer to remove any leaf debris that might be harboring bacteria or spores. These seeds were a little dirtier than most having been field grown, so you definitely want to wash away any superfluous materials. This can be up to a 5 minute rinse in lukewarm water. Cannabis achenes have a lot of little crevices where spores and bacteria can hide, so a thorough rinse is a wise step.

Then I take the seeds and drop them in maybe 100-200 mls of the bleach/Tween-20 solution in an Erlenmeyer flask, but any clean glass vessel will do -the seeds should be fully immersed, maybe 2x the volume of water as seed. You want to keep stirring and swishing the seeds around gently to ensure the current is washing away any contaminants. After a minute of swishing I remove the bleach and strain the seeds from the liquid and start again. No more than 3 minutes total, and if I see bleaching on the small test batch (always do a test batch to seed how the seeds react), sometimes I'll only do 2 minutes.

The next part is key. Immediately rinse 3-5 times (for 5 minutes per rinse) in the same sterilized distilled water (baby water / distilled water from Walmart or the local pharmacy is fine), again using a tight mesh strainer, or simply rinse the seeds in a different vessel with the same volume of water, at least 3 times to ensure the bleach is removed. I use a labratory orbita shaker, but you can do it by hand it's just a little tedious. Once the rinses are completed, soak the seeds in the distilled water as before, for 2-24 hours depending on the age of the seed and the medium you will be growing in. Sometimes I'll use agar plates, but most often I'll just sprout them in paper towels and transfer to a light dirt (like Light Warrior for you Americans) or surface sow on a .peat based planting substrate. You can use whatever medium you prefer, it's not that big of a deal as long as the seeds remain moist." - Chimera
Thanks you !
I added this to my notes . Some great info in there for sure . I truly believe the refinement of these processes is key to bring back the old original strains . You know where the old strains are ? At the bottom of old tool boxes and dressers and old head connections .
makes me wonder how many old seeds are floating around ?
True skunk (aka roadkill skunk) is pure nostalgia. It never existed. The skunk you smelled when you were younger is a lie. Your mind fabricates memories, it’s a psychological fact. If there ever were a true skunk pheno someone would have exploited it by now don’t ya think?
True skunk (aka roadkill skunk) is pure nostalgia. It never existed. The skunk you smelled when you were younger is a lie. Your mind fabricates memories, it’s a psychological fact. If there ever were a true skunk pheno someone would have exploited it by now don’t ya think?
If you never experienced it you won’t understand lol
It definitely existed ! You ever went to a party with one joint in your pocket and everyone in that room could smell it ? I have lol
dont try to plant into aloe chunk, that shit didnt work. maybe spraying with water or soaking in water with aloe, but planting in chunks was bad idea xD
Nothing yet dam !
nothing popped yet . I have a new pan for the last 5
Still not giving up tho . The first batch was soaked in distilled water and a few we cracked open .
I’m getting everything dialed in for round two . Got some Gibberellic acid , bean enzymes and aloe .
Hopefully we can get just one to pop .
It’s a very good chance this is the real deal !
I don’t want to screw this up . They look viable but there at least 10 years old maybe 15 possible 20 ?
back in the day I had access to top notch skunk and pretty much all I smoked. There were some kush in them days but around here if it didn’t need double ziplocks it was bag weed .
im thinking about popping 2 first and take clones just in case .View attachment 5250668View attachment 5250668
I wouldnt call 10 years ago back in the day, but that's cool. Where'd you get them from? I was there too years ago and saved some seeds. I popped some after 20 years of storage and they sprouted but I tossed them when I bought a bunch of clones. Wish I didn't. I think I might have a few more in a jar stashed away, I've got to look. That's also the first place I ever heard of Shwag, mex, dirtweed, or whatever. I was kinda shocked that I first learned about Shwag after moving to CA.
Knew a guy who said his rks would attract wild skunks and those stinking Norway rats. I don’t believe him until he sent me a pic of a huge dead rat. He said it smelled worse than a skunk.
Knew a guy who said his rks would attract wild skunks and those stinking Norway rats. I don’t believe him until he sent me a pic of a huge dead rat. He said it smelled worse than a skunk.
Skunks wouldn’t be attracted to their own spray, if anything it would deter them away
Thanks you !
I added this to my notes . Some great info in there for sure . I truly believe the refinement of these processes is key to bring back the old original strains . You know where the old strains are ? At the bottom of old tool boxes and dressers and old head connections .
makes me wonder how many old seeds are floating around ?
I remember buying a second hand couch back in the mid 90's (I was a starving stoner *AHEM* student) and once I got it home I found some cool shit underneath the cushions. One was this ancient looking zippo lighter, the other was a good number of nice big brown seeds. I can't remember what I even did with them. Probably should have tried popping them who knows, maybe they were the legendary long-lost RKS Skunk.
4 pages and you're still just talking about it. just plant the goddamn seeds. they either grow or they dont.
Going to give these little 5 seeds every chance possible. There are old 30 year genetics in there and possibly my childhood favorite.
Thanks for the reply tho !
I remember buying a second hand couch back in the mid 90's (I was a starving stoner *AHEM* student) and once I got it home I found some cool shit underneath the cushions. One was this ancient looking zippo lighter, the other was a good number of nice big brown seeds. I can't remember what I even did with them. Probably should have tried popping them who knows, maybe they were the legendary long-lost RKS Skunk.
Someone will write a book someday lol
The legendary SKUNK BUD returns
Cool but why does it need 4 paves
Nothing yet dam !
nothing popped yet . I have a new pan for the last 5
Still not giving up tho . The first batch was soaked in distilled water and a few we cracked open .
I’m getting everything dialed in for round two . Got some Gibberellic acid , bean enzymes and aloe .
Hopefully we can get just one to pop .

This is boring. Just post when the friggin seeds pop.
The guy was saying that the skunk smell of his plants was so real that they attracted wild skunks during mating season. The rats I understand, but I have never seen this type of rat before. Especially one that stink like that. I saw it and it was nauseous.
however skunks aren’t local to the area he lives in. Given the smell of his plants is authentic enough to fool a live skunk is quite the achievement. It’s also a testament to the authenticity of road kill skunk. Before you ask, no he doesn’t share his seeds. He an old guy who isn’t looking for any attention. He could have put an end to the rks mystery years ago.
He says, those people aren’t looking for “weed”, what he calls it. He says most of them only smoke weed because it’s the new “cool” thing to do. When I let him sample the stuff that’s available, he said, “ who the hell smokes weed that don’t get you high?”, “and why?”
He always say, “the only person who smoke that stuff is someone who doesn’t want to get high, or a person who is afraid of getting high.” Those are the guys words. “He says one day, they will figure it out.” By then I’m so messed up, I can barely hear the dude and dang well don’t remember much of what we talk about. And I think he knows that.