trump assassination attempt? 2024

Just another bullied , "radicalized" stand alone shooter. That seems to be the narrative. I'm not buying it
What kind of setup do you suppose those fairgrounds needed for the event? All done the day before? I would think something like that would require a week of setting up, place full of both grounds workers and (hopefully) USSS. Strange that he was able to get everything in by himself to pull it off.
I don't know shit about secret service procedures or the preparation that goes into securing these sites nor the timeframe that they optimally use, and restrictions that they try to maintain, but if I was to come up with some conspiracy I would go with Trump radicalized this kid (we do know his family was on Trump's radicalization material spam list) to shoot the obvious bane of his existence, the teleprompter so he could say he had a assassination attempt on him.

The week leading up to it from what I remember he was hiding away, maybe he was scared shitless that he was going to try to pull this off, but knew he needed it to have any chance at all for his dictatorship dream.

But after thinking about it for a few more seconds, my real bullshit guess would be that Trump's sloppy as shit nazi followers slapped this shit together and Trump bullied everyone last second into doing shit that they would normally do, and it caused this gap that was tragically used. I am sure over the years Trump has caused many problems for the SS. Which made me think of the Chinese spies he had chilling at his golf range with who knows what national secrets laying around.

Hanimal, I'm not going to quote each of your rebuttals.
No worries you don't need to, I understand. I just didn't say what it is I think you said, and wanted to be sure. It is hard enough communicating online I try to avoid making it harder as much as I can.

It is so much quicker to just troll people, but I try very hard to not do that (at least until it is obvious I am just being trolled, then I tend to just sit back and enjoy how obvious they make it).

I don't care who hired Epstein first, I wasnt being political about that but the fact is that both Dems / Rep were on the list as well as friends with Epstein if you want to go down that road. He was knowingly left alone by all. As far as Diddy, my point was that if a entertainer, worth millions can get with away with atrocious crimes, I can't imagine what billionaire/trillionaires are getting away with. All under our noses
You are spot on with that.

I didn't watch your video, were there any people walking the fairgrounds with rifles?
Does it actually matter? It doesn't seem like you are very interested in it mattering or not. I would think it would be a very important thing to consider when it comes to a shooting how many guns are allowed to be in the area.

You strayed a bit when I stated your weird take about the ss snipers recognizing a rooftop shooter, when you did in fact state that it might be an issue for ss to determine who the "good/bad guy " is. They should be trained for this. Also, guns outside of a rally is a little different than inside , where metal detectors are used. But yeah, guns at a rally is just stupid. Inside or out.

Cheatle was grilled by both rep/dems. Glad to see both sides coming together on this. Also glad to see she stepped down. Hopefully she doesn't have a mysterious accident and die between now and when the report comes out. Like that will reveal anything.

Just from what we've been allowed to see from the news and some common sense, do you feel the USSS was negligent?

You strayed a bit when I stated your weird take about the ss snipers recognizing a rooftop shooter, when you did in fact state that it might be an issue for ss to determine who the "good/bad guy " is.
Well you might be trying to say I said more than I did here for some weird reason, but hey it happens.

Sometimes it is impossible to see things the way that they are after all the programming.
I am not sure where I said 'rooftop' shooter. Pretty sure I was talking about the difficulty of telling which gun toting person that wondering which of them is going to be the nut.

But again I don't mind being wrong. I am looking forward to the actual investigation to take place, but I doubt it will be very satisfying, but who knows. We shall see. Or I guess we won't, it won't be the first time I didn't have perfect information.

They should be trained for this. Also, guns outside of a rally is a little different than inside , where metal detectors are used. But yeah, guns at a rally is just stupid. Inside or out.

Cheatle was grilled by both rep/dems. Glad to see both sides coming together on this. Also glad to see she stepped down. Hopefully she doesn't have a mysterious accident and die between now and when the report comes out. Like that will reveal anything.

Just from what we've been allowed to see from the news and some common sense, do you feel the USSS was negligent?
I think it was a lay up to grill her with questions they knew she couldn't answer

Just from what we've been allowed to see from the news and some common sense, do you feel the USSS was negligent?
I tend to try to not draw conclusions like that. If I am supposed to 'feel' something without all the facts, especially when I have no idea how they are supposed to act, who the agents were, on and on.

Common sense is a trap, same with 'gut feelings'. They tend to just be bullshit statistically.

But that being said I am fine with her being fired, but pretending like I know if it was not just her eating shit for a shit job of local Leos who let the kid scale the building they were in, or if there was something that she actually had hands on with dealing with.

If nothing else I do think though that the agents who let Trump get up and start pumping his fist need to find new careers. But again I could be wrong about that too.
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A group connected to The Heritage Foundation — which is behind the 900-page Project 2025 blueprint for a second Donald Trump administration — claims that it "used mobile ad location data to map the movements of Thomas Matthew Crooks" ahead of his failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump, 404's Joseph Cox reports.

“We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates,” the Oversight Project, which is a part of the Heritage Foundation, tweeted Monday.

Last week, BBC reported:

Police and agencies investigating have been unable to identify a motive so far.

Officials briefed on the shooting were told he had visited the site of the attack, the Butler County fairgrounds, at least once in the days before the assassination attempt and had previously searched on his phone for symptoms of a depressive disorder.

READ MORE: US public rapidly sours on Project 2025 as awareness grows

The Oversight Project, Cox notes, "claims to have used the data to find devices that are 'linked' to Crooks—perhaps his own device or those of people he knows—and follow where they went over time."

The investigative journalist also emphasizes the Heritage Foundation proves that "access" to this kind of data "is not limited to governments, academics, or the location industry itself, but is also available to political operatives or other third parties."

Cox writes, "Once a dirty secret of the data industry, organizations are now publicly acknowledging and broadcasting their alleged use of the sensitive information, and openly admitting using it in an attempt to track down individuals."

Polling by the progressive firm Navigator published on Tuesday shows that "the recent upsurge in conversations and news coverage about" Project 2025 "since June has resulted in a greater number of Americans having negative views of" the plan, which "at least 140" of Trump's "former administration officials helped craft."

READ MORE: These 9 high-profile GOP candidates all have ties to group behind Project 2025: report

404's full report is available at this link.

I really hope that the FBI has confiscated all of their data. These hatemongers radicalizing our citizens needs to stop.
I don't know shit about secret service procedures or the preparation that goes into securing these sites nor the timeframe that they optimally use, and restrictions that they try to maintain, but if I was to come up with some conspiracy I would go with Trump radicalized this kid (we do know his family was on Trump's radicalization material spam list) to shoot the obvious bane of his existence, the teleprompter so he could say he had a assassination attempt on him.

The week leading up to it from what I remember he was hiding away, maybe he was scared shitless that he was going to try to pull this off, but knew he needed it to have any chance at all for his dictatorship dream.

But after thinking about it for a few more seconds, my real bullshit guess would be that Trump's sloppy as shit nazi followers slapped this shit together and Trump bullied everyone last second into doing shit that they would normally do, and it caused this gap that was tragically used. I am sure over the years Trump has caused many problems for the SS. Which made me think of the Chinese spies he had chilling at his golf range with who knows what national secrets laying around.

No worries you don't need to, I understand. I just didn't say what it is I think you said, and wanted to be sure. It is hard enough communicating online I try to avoid making it harder as much as I can.

It is so much quicker to just troll people, but I try very hard to not do that (at least until it is obvious I am just being trolled, then I tend to just sit back and enjoy how obvious they make it).

You are spot on with that.

Does it actually matter? It doesn't seem like you are very interested in it mattering or not. I would think it would be a very important thing to consider when it comes to a shooting how many guns are allowed to be in the area.

Well you might be trying to say I said more than I did here for some weird reason, but hey it happens.

Sometimes it is impossible to see things the way that they are after all the programming.
I am not sure where I said 'rooftop' shooter. Pretty sure I was talking about the difficulty of telling which gun toting person that wondering which of them is going to be the nut.

But again I don't mind being wrong. I am looking forward to the actual investigation to take place, but I doubt it will be very satisfying, but who knows. We shall see. Or I guess we won't, it won't be the first time I didn't have perfect information.


I think it was a lay up to grill her with questions they knew she couldn't answer

I tend to try to not draw conclusions like that. If I am supposed to 'feel' something without all the facts, especially when I have no idea how they are supposed to act, who the agents were, on and on.

Common sense is a trap, same with 'gut feelings'. They tend to just be bullshit statistically.

But that being said I am fine with her being fired, but pretending like I know if it was not just her eating shit for a shit job of local Leos who let the kid scale the building they were in, or if there was something that she actually had hands on with dealing with.

If nothing else I do think though that the agents who let Trump get up and start pumping his fist need to find new careers. But again I could be wrong about that too.
Although I don't agree with everything you said, I appreciate your thought out post.
Just like I am glad I didn't have to see my governor murped by a bunch of morons here in Michigan, I am just as glad that I didn't have to watch our last POTUS assassinated. I really did not need to see some mentally unstable radicalized goon hammer a old man in his own home, on and on. We need to stop the propaganda war that is attacking democracies all around the world.

It is killing us and needs to stop.

Im not sure if this is that guy or not (pretty sure it is) but thought it was interesting when I came across it the other day.

I am curious if open carry issues with state laws is going to get brought up and pushed on.

Also how many people were walking around with long rifles outside the event, if you have dozens of these gravy seals walking around how can they tell who is just some idiot trying to get a better look and someone they need to stop from attacking in enough time?
FKN AAY right,what happened to losing w/ dignity,all this rhetoric for social media hits has whacked people w/weak minds out,been going on for years,words matter, responsibility matters,putting crazy shit "out there" for shock value is like eroding sand off a beach ,it can't come back same applies for putting vile shit "out there" for shock value.
I think the assassination attempt was a scam. He grabbed his ear, went down, and came up with blood on his when a professional wrestler gets thrown out of the ring and comes up with blood on his forehead. The pics from yesterday doesn't show any damage to his ear........he had a bandaid on it for a week. Total scam IMO.
I think the assassination attempt was a scam. He grabbed his ear, went down, and came up with blood on his when a professional wrestler gets thrown out of the ring and comes up with blood on his forehead. The pics from yesterday doesn't show any damage to his ear........he had a bandaid on it for a week. Total scam IMO.
I wrote almost the same exact thing in the "Examples of GOP Leadership" thread an hour after it happened 2 weeks ago. Too funny :blsmoke:
O yea 100 .. Fake fuckking news … This is the biggest long con in the history of ever .For the highest stakes in the history of ever .They are about to pull it off .. The courts are already stacked ,the financial pieces already in place and the announcements of loyalty ringing out in the count down .

This is the showdown ,here it is .. Biden tapping was a counter move that was not accounted for or it was game set match .

edit : I mean “ If god did not want them sheared he would not of made them sheep “
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lol oh no, Biden made a super clever move that has put MAGA propagandists (foreign and domestic) on their asses in order to give his party the best chance of juking all the built up hate mongering and tax dollars they are using to push the Republican election scams. When he stepped up in 2019 after seeing Trump both-sides nazi's him and his team have been pretty flawless in their execution of their jobs to keep America in as strong of a position as possible. And all he had to do was step down. Harris was also on his ticket, we voted for her too.


I think the assassination attempt was a scam. He grabbed his ear, went down, and came up with blood on his when a professional wrestler gets thrown out of the ring and comes up with blood on his forehead. The pics from yesterday doesn't show any damage to his ear........he had a bandaid on it for a week. Total scam IMO.
Between the hand movements Trump does right before he (quickly) withdraws his arm, and the lady in the white shirt right in the front rows is enough for me to be very interested in the report if we are ever able to see it.
I think the assassination attempt was a scam. He grabbed his ear, went down, and came up with blood on his when a professional wrestler gets thrown out of the ring and comes up with blood on his forehead. The pics from yesterday doesn't show any damage to his ear........he had a bandaid on it for a week. Total scam IMO.
How do you explain others seriously injured and the person that was killed???
As much as I hate knowing how much Trump is just hoping like hell this turns into some giant conspiracy, it is interesting how much weird shit surrounds this moment.

The kid was on Trump's radicalization list most of all IMO.

He's been in public settings without a bandage for some days now . I'm surprised myself that we haven't seen a zoomed pic yet .
They are out there, but the ones taken were really grainy (my guess is on purpose they kept the good cameras out, but that is just me talking out of my ass) but I thought it looked like he had one of those nipple cover things on his ear.

I forgot where this one was a from, but I think they blurred the tip of his ear....
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Ah it was some random almost sounds like a real name site:Screen Shot 2024-07-28 at 5.27.02 PM.png

This one was from TMZ
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Ah found a decent one from daily beast.Screen Shot 2024-07-28 at 5.27.19 PM.png

I would be curious if they could have took these pictures in a way that mirrors it so we are not looking at the right ear so he can snowflake about his actual ear (the one in my bullshit thought that is not seen by the camera) being blown out after everyone gets rolling with these leaked(?) pics. I wouldn't put it past Netanyahu to come up with some scam like that to help Trump troll us.