Trump continues attacking the poor

Way better than just sitting at home growing a weed
Did a lot of carpentry in my life, in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter.
Fuck that shit, I'd much rather watch my plants grow and listen to tunes than haul wood and sweat and/or freeze my arse off.
But, I'm just a lazy ass Irish stoner.
Ha Ha Ha!!!

Youre just jealous of me buck admit it. You have to work as a scrub bc you cant do anything else including grow good weed. Maybe Ill dry my weed in a room full of cat boxes..then Ill say its cat piss strain. Thanks for that awesome growers tip.
If my weed sucks why did you pay me thousands of dollars for it?

Youre just jealous of me buck admit it. You have to work as a scrub bc you cant do anything else including grow good weed. Maybe Ill dry my weed in a room full of cat boxes..then Ill say its cat piss strain. Thanks for that awesome growers tip.
Please honor my request to stop shitting yourself. You're a f'en embarrassing, closeted, dim witted mess. Your atrocious word shits are guaranteed to evoke a pity cringe
Went 70% orange thing here but considering it’s an area that was ethnically cleansed of Natives and Blacks that’s to be expected. Hell, they have “Gun Sunday” at some white churches here.
I have a few questions hillbill, do they know your political affiliation where you live and if so, what is their reaction to you? Also have you noticed and economic gain where you live based on Trump’s policies? Do you know anyone who regrets voting for Trump?
Did a lot of carpentry in my life, in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter.
Fuck that shit, I'd much rather watch my plants grow and listen to tunes than haul wood and sweat and/or freeze my arse off.
But, I'm just a lazy ass Irish stoner.
Ha Ha Ha!!!

Gets old and boring quick. And you get fat. Like dia
Did a lot of carpentry in my life, in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter.
Fuck that shit, I'd much rather watch my plants grow and listen to tunes than haul wood and sweat and/or freeze my arse off.
But, I'm just a lazy ass Irish stoner.
Ha Ha Ha!!!

Iz called workimg smarter not harder. Buckles has to work his arse off bc that college ed never paid off. But hey he speaks so intelligently in the rui forum : priceless:
If my weed sucks why did you pay me thousands of dollars for it?

It was 800 for that shitty hp. I never handed you a grand ever. I sold it to some black dudes thay only cared that it was semi purple. Helped you pay your mortgage was what you claimed. I was low and had demand to fill.
I have a few questions hillbill, do they know your political affiliation where you live and if so, what is their reaction to you? Also have you noticed and economic gain where you live based on Trump’s policies? Do you know anyone who regrets voting for Trump?
We are a mixed area for politics with pockets of old hippies and artists and ranchers and farmers holding up the right.
No big change in economics since area recovered somewhat from the Great Recession. In general though lower income and lower education than most places.
Don’t know if I know of any coming out of the orange psychosis but not everyone announces these things.
Iz called workimg smarter not harder. Buckles has to work his arse off bc that college ed never paid off. But hey he speaks so intelligently in the rui forum : priceless:
It’s not work when you enjoy what you’re doing

I guess that’s why you had to pay someone to water your plants. That or you’re just a lazy lump
Gets old and boring quick.
I've been growing for 30+ years and I have never found it boring.
New strains to try, new lights to try, new methods to try, solving problems and just simply growing a plant to me is fascinating.
But, too each their own.
I just like sitting on my arse smoking herb all day in my comfortable basement watching my bud form, listening to Johnny Cash :)

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Buckles, you were also hired to come do a build for me and never showed up 2x. I bet its hard for you to go to a job hungover..i get it tho. I never seen anyone as drunk as you were the 2 x i met up with you. And drove 60 miles each way in that condition. How many dui's you got now?
You never hired me to build shit for you

But thanks for taking that pound of chunk and that pound of purple whatever off my hands. I needed the few thousand at the time
You never hired me to build shit for you

But thanks for taking that pound of chunk and that pound of purple whatever off my hands. I needed the few thousand at the time
Thats how drunk you always are right cant remember shit.
I might still have the pm of the plans you drew up for the gh lol.
Stupid drunk lmfao
You work construction bc its very forgiving for people that dont show up to work

Diabetes666 you're as dull and harmless as fuck. Your quips are like trumps flaccid neck labia, youve got the imagination of a troubled juvenile, your references scream isolated trailer dweller, stop the self harm son
What building? Lol Im not a carpenter. I didnt draw anything bahaha. Dumb drunk
What are you actually good for? If you ended up somewhere with zero money and no hope of having any wired or whatever - what could you do to earn a place at a table? What can you do with your hands besides diddle yourself?