sounds like someone doesn't have the RNC votes......unless i'm reading this wrong.......

Trump comes out against draft RNC resolution from supporter declaring him presumptive nominee

With the trouble Trump has coming at him, he will want to lock it up, he could be disqualified FFS! He will be surely convicted and perhaps sentenced to 20 plus years by the time the convention rolls around this summer. He could also be bankrupt and on TV trial in Georgia before the election. It is a fucking nightmare for anybody with brains inside the republican party and a coming shitstorm while Trump goes down the tubes trying his best to take them down with him!
Jury awards E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million from Trump for 2019 defamatory statements
From CNN’s Lauren del Valle and Kara Scannell

Former President Donald Trump should pay $83.3 million to writer E. Jean Carroll for public statements he made in 2019 disparaging Carroll and denying her rape allegations, a Manhattan federal jury determined Friday.
Wonder how big the mortgage is, it's a business, not a residence and can't be protected by Florida law and I think Trump's NY business controls it one way or another. Donald might actually have little, but the business owns everything so Donald can write everything off on his taxes. The trouble is his wealth is now in the control of a NY court, he is having his ass sued off and claimed to be worth $10 billion and lawyers are gonna want to know where every cent of that mythical $10 billion is! The Capitol police might get an eyewatering settlement over J6, the line of people wanting to sue Trump is very long and growing and many cases have been filed some time ago in various jurisdictions.

The cash he is grifting off of fools might be his only source of income, I hear his golf course in Scotland is losing money hand over fist. His legal fees are vast and growing.

The club had revenues of $25.1 million for calendar year 2017, $22 million in 2018, and $21.4 million in 2019. In 2022, Forbes estimated the value of the estate at around $350 million. Forbes said that 'Real estate experts outside of Palm Beach guessed that the place was worth more than $200 million.

Mar-a-Lago - Wikipedia
Try Trump
When they liquidate his properties in NY they should go up for auction and Donald gets the difference between what they fetch and what Donald owes, then the court takes whatever is left off the top for the fines and penalties etc. If his companies are liquidated then the properties must be sold and the debts and fines paid, if anything is left it goes to Donald, unless Carol's lawyer can seize it first! :lol:
yes you know it, orange muttin head aka Capt Caps-lock has made a statement.....


Oh yeah it is, now pay can appeal all ya want....this was a jury verdict.....