
Well-Known Member
So trump has 91 charges against him and about a third of them are tied to the hush money case which seems like the next indictment to move forward right (?). So 34 charges, one for every reimbursement he made to cohen (I think) for the reimbursements carrying 4 years each (max) and are entered as felony charges. 91 x 4 = 136 years so let’s just assume for a minute he is found guilty, will he do time on these charges?? What would a normal person get…like is there precedent and would they even be felony’s or misdemeanors? Not saying he isn’t “normal” just wondering if judges typically would assign jail time for this type of crime.
as much as i would like to see that orange moron in a new jump suit and some fresh bracelets, i have a feeling it will be a while. Keep in mind he has to appear at the this trial since it's criminal, that basically mean no being on the campaign trail for at least 4 week up to 6 weeks. If he mouths off,(like we all know he will) the judge at the point can then revoke he bond and put him in jail till it trail ends. It's really up to the judge. The judge has already put all the jury under an anon protection, just like Kaplan did in the Carroll trial.(Of which there maybe a number 3 with that one). Overall we'll see, this trail should be interesting all around...


Well-Known Member
this whole bond thing smells fishy, why would a company like that set up a almost 92mil bond, for the orange potato head......hmm

supposedly they're not taking side......yeah right...anywho......what if anything, is worth that much that the orange potato head had to put up for collateral???? to secure it.......especially knowing Carroll is prolly gonna get it.....a building???


Well-Known Member
this whole bond thing smells fishy, why would a company like that set up a almost 92mil bond, for the orange potato head......hmm

supposedly they're not taking side......yeah right...anywho......what if anything, is worth that much that the orange potato head had to put up for collateral???? to secure it.......especially knowing Carroll is prolly gonna get it.....a building???
Here's to hoping she sues again, lol! :p


Ursus marijanus
View attachment 5377530

She could just wait a few months for him to pile up a nice bunch of clips for a YouTube reel and then nuke his ass again. The whole keep on giving him rope thing.
I’m seriously hoping that by then he will have bigger fish to fry.

It’s educational (in a bad way) to watch the most promising cases against him getting delayed for crap reasons.

At some point he and his legal Smeagols will run out of bs.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
this whole bond thing smells fishy, why would a company like that set up a almost 92mil bond, for the orange potato head......hmm

supposedly they're not taking side......yeah right...anywho......what if anything, is worth that much that the orange potato head had to put up for collateral???? to secure it.......especially knowing Carroll is prolly gonna get it.....a building???
Chubb used to be a sponsor of PBS- I remember their public broadcasing pseudo-ads from a few years ago


Well-Known Member
link to a report on the same subject:

Prosecutors Request Delay Of Trump’s Hush Money Trial

“The timing of the [U.S. Attorney’s Office’s] productions is a result solely of defendant’s delay despite the People’s diligence. Nonetheless, and although the People are prepared to proceed to trial on March 25, we do not oppose an adjournment in an abundance of caution and to ensure that defendant has sufficient time to review the new materials,” prosecutors said in their filing.

“We therefore notify the Court that we do not oppose a brief adjournment not to exceed 30 days.”

New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan M. Merchan will have to approve any delay, and it is unclear how he will rule.


Well-Known Member