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man all these trump haters, he will win in 2024. Jack smith has no legal right to charge him he is just a citizen. case will get thrown out just like everything else. Lets make America great again. It would be nice to have all of our jobs back from over seas. Cut the welfare , stop all the wars , make owning a house affordable again, no tax on social security , no tax on tips or on overtime. Deport all the criminals Joe Biden let in. So it is safe for you and your kids . Bring down inflation so we all can afford things again. He is going to cut government spending on useless crap. He is for legal weed. The democrats are forcing you to vote for Harris, how many of you voted for her in the primaries ? She is a useless tool who will do nothing for our country but destroy it .
Sounds great. No tax on anyone. No wars. No welfare to pay for. No useless spending at all unless you believe IVF ($50 B annually) is useless. Mfg jobs returned without inflation. Affordable housing. No mass school, church, synagogue, mosque, or mall shootings. The low immigrant crime rate even lower. Completion of the current process of moving of weed from Schedule 3 to Schedule 1 for eventual legalization without breaking international laws. And tariffs without inflation to pay for it all while bringing down the national debt. It almost sounds too good to be true.

However, I'm not sure why you're concerned about how Dems chose their nominee. They seem to be thrilled with it and it eliminates the age concern everyone has, at least on their side.