Mark wants to get out from under Georgia to the feds for a reason, perhaps it might make it easier for Jack to help him if he rats everyone out.

Mark Meadows seeks to move Georgia conspiracy case to federal court

6,093 views Aug 15, 2023 #msnbc #markmeadows #trump
Mark Meadows has been indicted along with Trump and 17 other co-conspirators over their efforts to overturn Trump’s election loss in Georgia. Now Meadows is asking the court to move his case to a federal venue. Lawfare’s Anna Bower joins to discuss.
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Already other republicans are saying Trump is disqualified by the 14th, no conviction is required.

His judge in Georgia is a federalist society member and I think he will take this opinion seriously. During the course of the trial, he or the DC judge might tell Trump he is disqualified from running for office, much less holding one, if he tries to bring up his election schedule.

Others make the case too.

"Like other constitutional qualifications based on age, residency, and citizenship, Section 3 is enforceable through civil lawsuits challenging a candidate’s eligibility to hold office.

The 14th Amendment does not require a criminal conviction for disqualification, and many who were disqualified were not found guilty of any crimes.

If their conduct passed the bar for constitutional disqualification, then Trump’s conduct surely does. Bipartisan majorities in both chambers of Congress have found Trump responsible for inciting the insurrection, as have nine federal judges".

Do you think people will sue to keep Trump off the ballot in all 50 states? It would appear every citizen has standing to sue over this, it is primarily about the violence at the capitol and the attempt to subvert and overthrow the constitution. I think the republicans will sue to keep Trump off the primary ballot, when the primaries actually get underway next year. Trump will have to file papers in each state before the primaries and is not officially running in them yet, so I expect some action on this before the end of the year or just after. I expect Trump will be convicted in DC over J6 before it becomes an issue though. If the morons in the GOP want to nominate Trump and half the voters in America want to commit suicide, they can't, the 14th keeps Trump off the primary and general election ballot. Now some states caucus, so I don't know how some red ones will hork that one down. :lol:

In short, Trump has taken no official action yet, as in filing paperwork, to run for the primaries or presidency next year, so no lawsuit over his eligibility can be filed, yet.
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Let's say the courts in their wisdom rule, Trump can run in the GOP primaries because it is not an official office, but cannot run for president? :lol: Would the base be stupid enough to nominate someone who is disqualified from office and can't even be written in on the ballot much less appear on it.

The republicans would in effect concede the presidential election to Biden and not contest it...
Ya can see why all this is really interesting and becoming more entertaining than worrisome every day. :lol:

I mean what a pickle the republicans will be in if the courts rule Trump can run in the primaries but is disqualified from the general election anyway! The base is extra special stupid and might nominate Trump anyway, because its fake news! If Trump can run in the primaries, he will be like a bull in the GOP China shop thrashing around while on trial in a couple of different places for serious crimes.
More charges are coming in DC and Jack is still at it, he will have a conspiracy case(s) bigger than the one in Georgia one day, after he gets Trump tucked away or well on his way to a cell. Then he can take his time and do a deep dive, if the democrats win in 24, I figure the dive will be deeper, because there will be another J6 committee after this if the democrats win and they will make sure he got them all, including the ones in congress.



Forget the Trump trials. He might already be ineligible for 2024.

None of the criminal prosecutions of Donald Trump, even if he is convicted, can constitutionally stop him from running in — and winning — next year’s election.

But there’s a serious argument that, separate from any criminal charges, Trump is constitutionally disqualified from returning to the White House because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol. And if the Constitution bars him from the presidency, then he’s not entitled to be on the ballot, and it becomes the job of state election officials to keep him off.

Two prominent conservative scholars have added their voices — and, more important, their extensive analysis of the relevant historical record — in support of this argument. They conclude that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which was adopted after the Civil War to prohibit former federal officeholders who joined the Confederacy from holding office again, applies broadly to any “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States and not solely to the South’s secession from the Union.

These scholars explain in a forthcoming law review article that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was an insurrection within the meaning of this clause and, crucially, that Trump engaged in this insurrection within the clause’s meaning, by both fomenting it and failing to exercise his presidential powers to stop it once it was underway. Refuting the view that the president is not an “officer” to whom this provision applies, these scholars cogently note that John Tyler was a former president and John Breckinridge a former vice president who both joined the Confederacy, and surely the framers of the 14th Amendment intended its disqualification from future office to apply to the likes of them.

The Supreme Court has not ruled on these issues. The 2024 campaign is underway with Trump far ahead in national polls of Republican voters and, in polls of all registered voters, running even against President Biden in a potential general-election matchup. For the sake of the nation’s system of self-government, the Supreme Court must settle the question of whether Trump constitutionally can be president again — before the Republican convention is held next July.

Ideally, this case would be settled before the primaries begin in January. Realistically, however, that might not be possible. As long as the Supreme Court resolves this issue before the Republican delegates meet in Milwaukee for their presidential nomination convention, their party can avoid nominating a candidate who is constitutionally ineligible for the presidency. That way, voters in November 2024 would not be making a choice in which one of the two major-party contenders would be ineligible to serve if elected.

What would be disastrous for democracy would be for Trump to appear on the November 2024 ballot as the Republican nominee, then to win the election, and afterward be disqualified and denied a second term. Yet that could happen if, without a Supreme Court ruling before the GOP convention, Congress were to decide for itself that Trump was disqualified and so it must nullify the will of the voters when it convenes to count the electoral college votes in January 2025.

Lawsuits on behalf of voters are already being planned, but for technical reasons concerning the jurisdictions of courts, it would be preferable if a state election official, such as a secretary of state, made a preliminary administrative ruling of Trump’s constitutional ineligibility and then sought judicial confirmation of this determination in state court. Consistent with due process, Trump — and voters who want him on the ballot — would be entitled to challenge this administrative decision in court. Whichever way the state court ruled could be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, whose decision would be binding on all the states.

So far, so good. But there’s one important wrinkle. State law needs to permit election officials to make this kind of decision. If a state statute has not already authorized administrative officers to seek disqualification of presidential candidates, then — as the Supreme Court signaled this year — it might be a usurpation of the state legislature’s prerogative to determine the “manner” of conducting presidential elections for these officials to assert this power on their own.

Consequently, the safest course is for a state legislature to clarify, by enacting a new statute as soon as possible, that its election officials have the power to remove insurrectionists from the presidential ballot. A new statute could create an expedited timetable to ensure that the case reaches the Supreme Court in time for a decision before the Republican convention in July.

A swing state controlled by Democrats, such as Michigan, could — and should — do this, but any single blue state would suffice. If any one state’s judiciary were to order Trump off the ballot, pursuant to this kind of statute, it would require the Supreme Court to resolve the matter for the entire nation.

Before it’s too late, a patriotic state legislature should take the step needed to avert the constitutional crisis, far greater than the Jan. 6 insurrection, that looms if voters elect a candidate whom the Constitution has made ineligible.

Trump didn't pay attorneys involved in efforts to overturn election

82,224 views Aug 16, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #Politics
Several of former President Donald Trump’s allies, including Rudy Giuliani, who are now facing criminal charges for helping him try to overturn the results of the 2020 election were never paid by the Trump political operation for work they did in late 2020, according to testimony to congressional investigators and Federal Election Commission records.