Ursus marijanus
First, he is disqualified to run in the 2024 election or will be found so, if not ya might as well burn the US constitution.
With plenty good reasonI always thought of him as David Frump.
I'm no expert, more like a sports fan watching a match or even a scientific debate. The experts seem to think the 14th applies on the left and especially on the right, the federalist society crowd and they make up the bulk of the judiciary including the SCOTUS. An article by two federalist society legal scholars makes the position of the federalists very clear. Then there is the recent precedent in NM that has not been challenged and already disqualified a magat.View attachment 5322264
Let’s consider *ahem* the original context
WHEN IT WAS PASSED…it was unmistakeable who was disqualified: you either served in the armed forces or the government of the CSA. You either did business with the confederacy on some level or you did not.
Communications being what they were at the time, many avoided
This among other penalties, but that’s partly how OREGON became a self-declared “white man’s paradise” (it wasn’t a state yet). And IIRC an amnesty was passed for the remaining confederate veterans eventually.
That’s why there was no enabling clause. That’s why no verdict was necessary.
These are the flaws in the amendment: they render it moot beyond the death of the last of the CSA.
in todays political climate, there is no such broad degree of agreement on Trump’s guilt & responsibility. WITH a verdict of guilty, the core of the antebellum-minded will wither. WITHOUT a verdict, generations who’ve been impatiently waiting for the shooting to start will start…shooting, bombing, kidnapping, burning
For them, it would mean the worst had come true before their eyes. And it would be the worst move possible. It *would* mean civil war.
The “Federalists” want to blow our legs off kicking this bomb
We really shouldn’t help them do it
(I can’t seem to give that img a caption…keyword being CONTEXT)
People are going to test the theory and we will find out whose theory about the 14th is the one that prevails. I think you make good points against it but the Rubicon has already been crossed. It might be that Trump crossed it on Jan 6. What he did looks like insurrection to me and he did take an oath before taking office. The Rubicon might have been crossed when Trump was impeached after a trial in the House. The exact language doesn't spell it out as clearly as Frum says.View attachment 5322264
Let’s consider *ahem* the original context
WHEN IT WAS PASSED…it was unmistakeable who was disqualified: you either served in the armed forces or the government of the CSA. You either did business with the confederacy on some level or you did not.
Communications being what they were at the time, many avoided
This among other penalties, but that’s partly how OREGON became a self-declared “white man’s paradise” (it wasn’t a state yet). And IIRC an amnesty was passed for the remaining confederate veterans eventually.
That’s why there was no enabling clause. That’s why no verdict was necessary.
These are the flaws in the amendment: they render it moot beyond the death of the last of the CSA.
in todays political climate, there is no such broad degree of agreement on Trump’s guilt & responsibility. WITH a verdict of guilty, the core of the antebellum-minded will wither. WITHOUT a verdict, generations who’ve been impatiently waiting for the shooting to start will start…shooting, bombing, kidnapping, burning
For them, it would mean the worst had come true before their eyes. And it would be the worst move possible. It *would* mean civil war.
The “Federalists” want to blow our legs off kicking this bomb
We really shouldn’t help them do it
(I can’t seem to give that img a caption…keyword being CONTEXT)
This shit can't be helping them with independents and just motivates democrats, if they keep this up in Kevin's house it should be a blood bath for them in 24. They will be pissing against the wind on abortion, LBGTQ, Ukraine, incompetence and they will have Trump around their necks like a millstone until election day. If the republicans get rid of Trump before or during the primaries, challenges are underway in several states and more coming, then it will be civil war inside the GOP with the base freaking out bigly and if Donald is still out loose running around, they will all be RINOs who sold out etc. If they nominate him, they are screwed in November and if they get rid of him before or during the primaries using the 14th they are screwed too as Donald goes to war on them.kinda hard to defund the Treasury Department i would say
This shit can't be helping them with independents and just motivates democrats, if they keep this up in Kevin's house it should be a blood bath for them in 24. They will be pissing against the wind on abortion, LBGTQ, Ukraine, incompetence and they will have Trump around their necks like a millstone until election day. If the republicans get rid of Trump before or during the primaries, challenges are underway in several states and more coming, then it will be civil war inside the GOP with the base freaking out bigly and if Donald is still out loose running around, they will all be RINOs who sold out etc. If they nominate him, they are screwed in November and if they get rid of him before or during the primaries using the 14th they are screwed too as Donald goes to war on them.
He could just lose the nomination too, but that would mean it was rigged and he was cheated etc.
The MAGA's will stay home and the Democrats would sweep the elections and the next four years will result in the US tuning into a Socialist State like know this is just a thought, what if the RNC won't endorse Thumpy at all? It's just a thought
The MAGA's will stay home and the Democrats would sweep the elections and the next four years will result in the US tuning into a Socialist State like Canada.
McDaniel? Ha They are probably still paying some of his legal bills! Donald will go down snarling and swinging, he will strike out at them when he goes down. If the GOP house doesn't die in a hail of gunfire on the courthouse steps in DC, they will be RINOs and disloyal, sold out know this is just a thought, what if the RNC won't endorse Thumpy at all? It's just a thought
McDaniel? Ha They are probably still paying some of his legal bills! Donald will go down snarling and swinging, he will strike out at them when he goes down. If the GOP house doesn't die in a hail of gunfire on the courthouse steps in DC, they will be RINOs and disloyal, sold out etc.If the die they will be just dead losers. I can see ordinary bigots and morons getting fucked over by this guy, but lawyers, politicians and perhaps a judge in Florida before it's over?
This is exactly the shit NOBODY wants to see.This shit can't be helping them with independents and just motivates democrats, if they keep this up in Kevin's house it should be a blood bath for them in 24. They will be pissing against the wind on abortion, LBGTQ, Ukraine, incompetence and they will have Trump around their necks like a millstone until election day. If the republicans get rid of Trump before or during the primaries, challenges are underway in several states and more coming, then it will be civil war inside the GOP with the base freaking out bigly and if Donald is still out loose running around, they will all be RINOs who sold out etc. If they nominate him, they are screwed in November and if they get rid of him before or during the primaries using the 14th they are screwed too as Donald goes to war on them.
He could just lose the nomination too, but that would mean it was rigged and he was cheated etc.
Fuck himTrump tells Glenn Beck he’d ‘lock up’ political opponents if reelected
Former President Trump told conservative media personality Glenn Beck he would prosecute his political enemies if elected president again.
“You said in 2016, you know, ‘Lock her up,'” Beck reminded Trump of his statements about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016 during an appearance on his BlazeTV show Tuesday. “And then when you became president, you said, ‘We don’t do that in America. That’s just not the right thing to do.'”
“That’s what they’re doing,” Beck continued, asking the former president, “Do you regret not locking her up? And if you’re president again, will you lock people up?”
Trump, who dismissed the various charges he faces in Georgia, New York, Florida and Washington, D.C., said there is “no choice.”
“Well, I’ll give you an example… The answer is you have no choice, because they’re doing it to us,” Trump said, adding that he “never hit Biden as hard as I could have.”
“I always had such great respect for the office of the president and the presidency … And then I heard he was trying to indict me, and it was him that was doing it,” he said.
The former president, also the current front-runner for the GOP nomination for president in 2024, has been indicted four times this year in connection with his personal business dealings, handling of classified documents and efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.
He has argued the criminal indictments he faces are political in nature and designed to keep him from winning another term in the White House.
Trump tells Glenn Beck he’d ‘lock up’ political opponents if reelected
Former President Trump told conservative media personality Glenn Beck he would prosecute his political enemies if elected president again. “You said in 2016, you know, ‘Lock her up,'” B…