trump deceived poor white folks


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A single look at trump's cabinet will give you an idea who hes going to help. Billionaires, and big business. Consider all of the small amounts of progress lost.

FYI.. Our military is strong, our border with Mexico is stronger than our northern, and we are about to suffer from a drastic increase in federal government

20% tariff does what? Makes imports more expensive. Low tech US manufacturing isn't coming back and so, we'll just pay that tariff in the form of higher prices. Meanwhile, the tax income from tariffs will fund tax cuts that go to multinational corporations -- they will just pocket any tax savings and transfer that to Trump and his 0.1% buddies.

@stoker : Modern steel mills are highly automated. They employ maybe 10% of the workers that an out of date old style steel mill would have needed. You are clearly not suited for the kind of work needed in a modern steel plant either. Suggest you take whatever education benefit the government will give and earn certification to care for the elderly. I don't think you will be very good at it but that's the kind of work low tech workers like you are suited for. Maybe the next president will push for an increase in the minimum wage so that you won't need food stamps too. .


Well-Known Member
I had a stroke and I have a hard time writing well, sorry or are you going to give me shit about that too?


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