Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
Of course they are, so what is the increase in ppm of CO2 in the past 10 years?

Yup, not so worrying really is it.

And if you really want me to flood this thread with countless peer reviewed journals that prove the twin towers collapsing was entirely within scientific reason, I will.
why does no one like you?


Well-Known Member
Of course they are, so what is the increase in ppm of CO2 in the past 10 years?

Yup, not so worrying really is it.

And if you really want me to flood this thread with countless peer reviewed journals that prove the twin towers collapsing was entirely within scientific reason, I will.
Nah, I just want you to summarise what you know or shut the fuck up


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Honestly though, 9-11 was an inside job, right?

I'm trying to whittle out the scientists here.
So still no science. I haven’t looked into 911 so was hoping you could explain what happened in a paragraph as you understand it?


Well-Known Member
This is an article by Forbes.

I'm not sure if you're aware but a Forbes article is not a peer-reviewed study.

Were you aware that there is a huge difference between a Forbes article and a peer-reviewed scientific study?
I am, which is why I'm asking about 9-11

Again, you can't have it both ways.


Well-Known Member
You’re from the UK? What do you think about people chucking milkshake over right wingers like yourself ?
They threw milkshake over the blacks in the south of your country when they tried to sit at the bar in diners. This is where it comes from.

In that regard, I'm more than happy to have milkshake thrown at me.

My issue is with the acid that illegal immigrants are throwing over innocent members of the public.

That's not so righteous.