Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
Just one click on Google completely dispels that as utter nonsense. In fact, I can't find one president with a higher approval at its lowest since Kennedy.

Look for yourself, unless Wikipedia is racist and lying to everyone.

G W Bush was at 25% at his lowest approval rating, His dad wasn't much better and neither was Carter.

In fact, if you're saying Trump is at 38.8% at the moment, that's higher than Obamas lowest rating at 38% in May 2014.

I haven't done the analysis of whether there have been lower approval ratings going into an election, but the idea that he has the lowest overall approval ratings in living memory is simply a falsehood.

I don't know why there is an insistence on spreading misinformation on forums, but it really does no one any good at all.
Guessing you are not spreading misinformation when ignoring that both Carter and Daddy Bush both lost re-election, Nixon was after evidence of Watergate was put out into the public, and Bush Jr was right before the election of Obama so he couldn't run again. And Obama was getting trolled hard by the Russians/Saudi/Trump trolls nonstop, and it was in his second term.

Trump is more like Carter and Bush Sr. in his first term to have these shitty numbers is not looking good for the pussy grabber.

So everyone who votes for Trump is racist?

That's a bit of a stretch. Im not American but do spend quite a bit of time over the pond and I'm pretty sure that 50% of the electorate aren't bigots.

Although I could be wrong. Personally I'm only really interested in the odds.
No, everyone that votes for Trump is voting for a racist agenda though.
That's true. But he does remain exceptionally stable in his ratings, which is what interests me from the side of the odds.

Here's an article (or the conclusion of it) I've just been reading from Gallup polls.

Bottom Line
Trump's job approval rating thus far in his presidency has been extraordinarily stable, varying no more than six points from his term average of 40%. There has been some variation this year, with his approval rating dipping to 37% for two polls in January when the government was shut down and stretching to 46% in April after the release of the Mueller report and positive economic news.

However, since then, Trump's approval has stabilized at just over 40%, raising questions about whether it has the capacity to fundamentally change. That's unlikely if it depends on Democrats softening their opposition to Trump or Republicans souring on him. Political independents may be the only means to move Trump's approval needle.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democrats are in agreement with such prominent party figures as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Joe Kennedy, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that the House should at least begin impeachment proceedings. But with political independents narrowly siding with Republicans in opposition to that action, public opinion currently leans against it.
LMAO, you are such a tool if you are trying to pass along your handlers propaganda saying AOC is a 'prominent party figure'. What a joke.


Well-Known Member
Toddlers in cages?

Come on mate, you don't have to go to such ridiculous extremes to make a point. This isn't 1940s Poland.

If I apply for a bank loan, then someone else just breaks into the bank with his kid and steals the money instead, is the criminal somehow doing the right thing?

And does he not deserve for his kid to be separated from him when he's caught?

There are perfectly legal ways to apply for citizenship in both the UK and the US, to not use these channels is to basically shit on those people who work very hard to do things the right way.

If you don't way to end up in a prison, don't commit a crime with your kids in toe. It's hardly complicated.
Nope, Trump closed the borders to force these people to camp out on the border in a very dangerous city, when they try to get in to apply for asylum the rules Trump has changed now makes that illegal and he locks them up, little kids in cages is accurate. This is a racist agenda.


Well-Known Member
Guessing you are not spreading misinformation when ignoring that both Carter and Daddy Bush both lost re-election, Nixon was after evidence of Watergate was put out into the public, and Bush Jr was right before the election of Obama so he couldn't run again. And Obama was getting trolled hard by the Russians/Saudi/Trump trolls nonstop, and it was in his second term.

Trump is more like Carter and Bush Sr. in his first term to have these shitty numbers is not looking good for the pussy grabber.

No, everyone that votes for Trump is voting for a racist agenda though.

LMAO, you are such a tool if you are trying to pass along your handlers propaganda saying AOC is a 'prominent party figure'. What a joke.
I said quite clearly I hadnt done the analysis of approval ratings going into an election, and I said nothing about AOC, I quoted an article from Gallup.

Otherwise, great post. Thanks for the passive aggression and insults. It really helps sensible discourse.


Well-Known Member
Harley, honest question, do you support a New green deal or a china deal?
Regardless of the tariffs and blah blah blah, are we going to buy China's pollution record while sqwaking at home?
Holla back when nickel and cadmium mining become as big an issue as "forest fires" in the Amazon forest.

Anthropocentrists gonna anthro.....
Living in Alaska yes I do support some sort of New Green Deal. Read about our ongoing crises here due totally to climate change. Read about salmon dying in huge numbers of heart attacks due to warm water. Etc. I tried. I’m not an idiot whisperer. Keep seeking one.


Well-Known Member
Nope, Trump closed the borders to force these people to camp out on the border in a very dangerous city, when they try to get in to apply for asylum the rules Trump has changed now makes that illegal and he locks them up, little kids in cages is accurate. This is a racist agenda.
Can you give me the information regarding Trump closing the borders?

Just from a laymans point of view....arent borders meant to be closed until those in control, open them up to legitimate parties?

Hence 'border'.


Well-Known Member
Toddlers in cages?

Come on mate, you don't have to go to such ridiculous extremes to make a point. This isn't 1940s Poland.

If I apply for a bank loan, then someone else just breaks into the bank with his kid and steals the money instead, is the criminal somehow doing the right thing?

And does he not deserve for his kid to be separated from him when he's caught?

There are perfectly legal ways to apply for citizenship in both the UK and the US, to not use these channels is to basically shit on those people who work very hard to do things the right way.

If you don't way to end up in a prison, don't commit a crime with your kids in toe. It's hardly complicated.
Ya seem to have as much empathy as Trump and are completely blind to human suffering. The fact that Trump is a dangerous unstable sociopath seems to have no impact on you whatsoever. America helped to create the conditions in the countries these people are fleeing from for their lives, cutting aid to them only made the problem worse, but it's plain you don't care about brown folks or the damage caused to young lives by inhumane policies.

You mentioned 1940's Poland, the logical end of the road for those who support Trump is the gates of a death camp for brown folks and other undesirables, history does't repeat, but it often echos. If they had their way under Trump the camps wouldn't be long in coming, along with the Trump Youth of course.


Well-Known Member
Living in Alaska yes I do support some sort of New Green Deal. Read about our ongoing crises here due totally to climate change. Read about salmon dying in huge numbers of heart attacks due to warm water. Etc. I tried. I’m not an idiot whisperer. Keep seeking one.
Just read about the Salmon. Can we establish that Alaska has been a bit hotter this year than it has been in recent years. Maybe next year it will be colder. I wouldn't pack your apocalypse bag just yet.

Salmon numbers remain over the level of becoming endangered.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's fisheries department, there were hundreds of stocks of chum salmon in Alaska in 2018, and while some stocks were below target population levels, none were listed under the Endangered Species Act.
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Well-Known Member
Ya seem to have as much empathy as Trump and are completely blind to human suffering. The fact that Trump is a dangerous unstable sociopath seems to have no impact on you whatsoever. America helped to create the conditions in the countries these people are fleeing from for their lives, cutting aid to them only made the problem worse, but it's plain you don't care about brown folks or the damage caused to young lives by inhumane policies.

You mentioned 1940's Poland, the logical end of the road for those who support Trump is the gates of a death camp for brown folks and other undesirables, history does't repeat, but it often echos. If they had their way under Trump the camps wouldn't be long in coming, along with the Trump Youth of course.
Trust me I'm no fan of American foreign policy. It'd be interesting to ask the Democrats on here if they have any idea of the amount of blood on Obama and Hilary Clinton's hands. In particular when looking at the way she dealt with Libya, and the amount of innocents he killed with his horrific drone strikes.

However, I just don't see the apocalyptic future the far left sees. Its becoming a cult, with socialism as the angel and Trump as the devil, and reason seems to have gone out of the window.
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Well-Known Member
All great responses, and I'll double check my spelling next time, but does anyone actually have a sensible answer as to why Donald Trump will be out of the presidency in 1.5 years or is this just conjecture, a la 2016?

Like I say, it doesn't matter to me, but from an outsiders point of view it seems very unlikely he will be going anywhere.

The bookies tell the same story.
Sure. He would be out in 1.5 years by losing the next election. I would think a graduate of the LSE would know that.

Where did you really go, Tula Politeknik? Grozny Traktor Skool?


Well-Known Member
Trust me I'm no fan of American foreign policy. It'd be interesting to ask the Democrats on here if they have any idea of the amount of blood on Obama and Hilary Clinton's hands. In particular when looking at the way she dealt with Libya, and the amount of innocents he killed with his horrific drone strikes.

However, I just don't see the apocalyptic future the far left sees. Its becommeng a cult, with socialism as the angel and Trump as the devil, and reason seems to have gone out of the window.


Well-Known Member
Just read about the Salmon. Can we establish that Alaska has been a bit hotter this year than it has been in recent years. Maybe next year it will be colder. I wouldn't pack your apocalypse bag just yet.

Salmon numbers remain over the level of becoming endangered.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's fisheries department, there were hundreds of stocks of chum salmon in Alaska in 2018, and while some stocks were below target population levels, none were listed under the Endangered Species Act.
This is no freak event. By the time people like you can be convinced we’ve cooked for a decade.


Well-Known Member
Can you give me the information regarding Trump closing the borders?

Just from a laymans point of view....arent borders meant to be closed until those in control, open them up to legitimate parties?

Hence 'border'.
Is there a point of finding this info on Trump for you? Will it change anything about your support? Because if you think that is any economic, legal, or logical reason to stop a shade of skin colored person from entering our country, I am guessing it goes deeper than any online forum post will be able to help with.

I would imagine borders being imaginary lines are more a marking that if a countries military crosses it is an invasion. People/animals crossing is migration, not a reason to militarize the imaginary line.


Well-Known Member
Brilliant. The discourse from the left just gets better and better.
Your not arguing, just bullshitting and trolling. Ya wanna "trigger the libs" like some racist moron, not discuss the import issues and a real and present danger to the country and planet. If your a Russian working for a living I can understand it, times are hard and trust me they are going to get much, much worse in Russia after the dust settles in America. If your just trolling for fun and in support of Trump yer an idiot.