Trump disbands manufacturing councils after mass CEO defection.

Would you serve on trump's council?

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I'd be more than happy to serve on Trump's jury
A noble ambition but be careful what you wish. Who know what a person with a mind as narrow as Pence, could plot to foist on the US peeps? Scarlet letters, chastity test to receive your H.S. diploma. Outlandish taxes on anything he considers a no-no . How many 18s ( we gotta save them from themselves) would buy rubbers if there was an $8.00 per pop tax on them? No holds barred policing. Gather tag numbers outside a dispensary, check against State/FBI. data bases. Cancel carry permits, send lots of threatening letters, create their own data base designed to pin every sin, they can criminalize, you've ever committed on you, by any fed employee with a computer you interact with. Drug tests for everything. Remember, this Neander. will not have a meal alone with a woman not his wife, thinking shed by REGULAR peeps in the 1800s. With some looking there is no doubt a host of unpalatable laws from that era, this guy thinks are just what Murica needs.Trump is almost impotent and as crummy as our Govt. is, a MIA POTUS may not be such a bad thing.
What you complain about is economic injustice.

What went down in Charlottesville was social injustice.

Not sure what the other guy was talking about... probably conspiracy shit or whatever.

But a strong argument can be made for economic injustice as a cause for Charlottesville. Racism is ignorance and ignorance is less often willful and much more often a result of inaccessibility (to information). And the kind of information necessary to eradicate racism is the kind that comes from travel. Once you become the minority and feel the fear of not being able to communicate well in a second language, once you laugh at something funny with somebody you can't actually speak with, once you see how people of other races just want the same things for their friends and family as you do for yours and you see them struggle for those things in the same ways you do yourself... you begin to see that no matter where you go on the planet that people, regardless of the colour of skin and the different noises people make to communicate, are the exact same no matter where you go.

That cost money. More and more with every passing year. That means less and less people have the opportunity to travel and rid themselves of the ignorance that creates racism. And the reason people have less and less money is none other than corporate greed. Almost every last penny of average Joe's wage goes to corporations and the little that doesn't goes to taxes... and even those tax dollars are being siphoned off by corporations more and more.

So ya... what we saw in Charlottesville was economic as well. Very much so. People don't fire up with that kind of insensible rage unless they are already frustrated with other things. Those frustrating things are mostly economic... more and more people are even becoming desperate because of corporate greed.

What happened in Charlottesville is just the beginning. People are angry and getting angrier. The things that will make them boil over will seem less and less reasonable the more desperate they get.

This has happened throughout history. Look at the years before the Russian revolution or the French revolution. There is no shortage of examples through history that show corporate greed is directly related to social injustice... which will make mobs angry enough to topple governments and regimes.
Not sure what the other guy was talking about... probably conspiracy shit or whatever.

But a strong argument can be made for economic injustice as a cause for Charlottesville. Racism is ignorance and ignorance is less often willful and much more often a result of inaccessibility (to information). And the kind of information necessary to eradicate racism is the kind that comes from travel. Once you become the minority and feel the fear of not being able to communicate well in a second language, once you laugh at something funny with somebody you can't actually speak with, once you see how people of other races just want the same things for their friends and family as you do for yours and you see them struggle for those things in the same ways you do yourself... you begin to see that no matter where you go on the planet that people, regardless of the colour of skin and the different noises people make to communicate, are the exact same no matter where you go.

That cost money. More and more with every passing year. That means less and less people have the opportunity to travel and rid themselves of the ignorance that creates racism. And the reason people have less and less money is none other than corporate greed. Almost every last penny of average Joe's wage goes to corporations and the little that doesn't goes to taxes... and even those tax dollars are being siphoned off by corporations more and more.

So ya... what we saw in Charlottesville was economic as well. Very much so. People don't fire up with that kind of insensible rage unless they are already frustrated with other things. Those frustrating things are mostly economic... more and more people are even becoming desperate because of corporate greed.

What happened in Charlottesville is just the beginning. People are angry and getting angrier. The things that will make them boil over will seem less and less reasonable the more desperate they get.

This has happened throughout history. Look at the years before the Russian revolution or the French revolution. There is no shortage of examples through history that show corporate greed is directly related to social injustice... which will make mobs angry enough to topple governments and regimes.
Racism isn't tied to economic status. Dummy

This idea of "if we all had good jobs, racism would go away" is factually incorrect. Also something only a privileged white person could believe or say. Do you know what happens during good economic time? Wages go up and women, black and brown people continue to make median wage 20% lower than white men.

How about you take a 20% pay cut?

We need to come together first. The tax and spending policies of the US won't change without social change. Because Black Lives Matter and they should matter to white people too.
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i've been broke before and never saw the need to grab a tiki torch and chant nazi slogans while sieg heiling trump.
I was excluding the fringe element ..... the kooks and zealots... there is little hope for them. There brand of racism is virulent but easily contained if there is the political will

The normal far out number them.
Ignorance is much too passive a term for what's going on (and always has been). It's indoctrination and it's insidious and apparently, we aren't doing enough to eradicate it.
You too are talking about the fringe element. There is little hope for them.
Racism isn't tied to economic status. Dummy

This idea of "if we all had good jobs, racism would go away" is factually incorrect. Also something only a privileged white person could believe or say. Do you know what happens during good economic time? Wages go up and women, black and brown people continue to make median wage 20% lower than white men.

How about you take a 20% pay cut?

We need to come together first. The tax and spending policies of the US won't change without social change. Because Black Lives Matter and they should matter to white people too.
Dont put words in my mouth. I didnt say money would make racism go away.

And if you think money isnt tied to it (on many different levels) than youre ignorance is showing....glaring...

Take a pay cut? Funny you should mention that. Ive taken four in the past five years. And the frustration that brings has me in moods sometimes where i would find it easy to rip a person or two apart. And that person would likely be somebody who aggravates me so much as to push me over the a neo nazi...

And that is a big part of what we saw in Charlottesville... normal everyday otherwise sane people go down to confront the zealots, which needs to be done. Less frustrated and worked up people would have been less prone to violence.... when a clown like Trump stir people up how are already frustrated this is what you get.
Dont put words in my mouth. I didnt say money would make racism go away.

And if you think money isnt tied to it (on many different levels) than youre ignorance is showing....glaring...

Take a pay cut? Funny you should mention that. Ive taken four in the past five years. And the frustration that brings has me in moods sometimes where i would find it easy to rip a person or two apart. And that person would likely be somebody who aggravates me so much as to push me over the a neo nazi...

And that is a big part of what we saw in Charlottesville... normal everyday otherwise sane people go down to confront the zealots, which needs to be done. Less frustrated and worked up people would have been less prone to violence.... when a clown like Trump stir people up how are already frustrated this is what you get.
Cops are still killing black men at pathological rates. Do you think that better wages in the community will stop that?

You personalize this as if your pay cuts were the same as having difficulty landing even the interview. Economic injustice affecting you is part of the same system that incarcerates a much higher proportion of African American men convicted of the same crimes as white men. The two are linked. Economic injustice and social injustice comes from the the same source. Racism is embedded in the economic system and the only way to change both systemic racism and topple the economic powers that caused your own pay cuts is if we recognize each other's issues. Minorities have been told before to set their issues aside until the "economic conditions" or the "Vietnam War" or whatever issue white people have are fixed. From what I can tell, that message is seen for what it is. Continuance of the status quo. This is a divisive message, not an inclusive one.

You keep mentioning jobs as the source of white rage. As if they are linked. Violence has been perpetrated on minority communities for the entire history of the United States. The only people who excuse today's Nazi marchers because economic hardship are white people.
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Cops are still killing black men at pathological rates. Do you think that better wages in the community will stop that?

You personalize this as if your pay cuts were the same as having difficulty landing even the interview. Economic injustice affecting you is part of the same system that incarcerates a much higher proportion of African American men convicted of the same crimes as white men. The two are linked. Economic injustice and social injustice comes from the the same source. Racism is embedded in the economic system and the only way to change both systemic racism and topple the economic powers that caused your own pay cuts is if we recognize each other's issues. Minorities have been told before to set their issues aside until the "economic conditions" or the "Vietnam War" or whatever issue white people have are fixed. From what I can tell, that message is seen for what it is. Continuance of the status quo. This is a divisive message, not an inclusive one.

You keep mentioning jobs as the source of white rage. As if they are linked. Violence has been perpetrated on minority communities for the entire history of the United States. The only people who excuse today's Nazi marchers because economic hardship are white people.
I talk aabout low wages being the source of white rage? Where the fuck did i say that?

I said no such thing. You assumed that. I said "people" as in ALL people.

And viol3nce has been perpetrated on minorities all over the world since the dawn of man. This is not a US problem exclusively. Its thousands of years late to that party...
I talk aabout low wages being the source of white rage? Where the fuck did i say that?

I said no such thing. You assumed that. I said "people" as in ALL people.

And viol3nce has been perpetrated on minorities all over the world since the dawn of man. This is not a US problem exclusively. Its thousands of years late to that party...
I'm sorry. I don't understand what you are trying to say. Maybe help out a coffee challenged person and restate in a shorter post? I'll go back and try to sort out your first longer one but it's not clear at all to me what you are trying to say if it's not based on emphasizing correction of economic inequality over social issues.

You are missing my point.

Im saying economics does play a role in racism on many levels. It is a huge factor. For ALL PEOPLE. But its obvious that it isnt the only problem.

As intelligent as you see to be... you dont see how it is because you just dont want to, as a matter of pride...because i took issue with that point...

You are missing my point.

Im saying economics does play a role in racism on many levels. It is a huge factor. For ALL PEOPLE.

As intelligent as you see to be... you dont see how it is because you just dont want to, as a matter of pride...because i took issue with that point...
Can you point out to me an example of what you mean when "economics does play a role in racism" and not the other way around?
And maybe one example to illustrate part of my point is OJ Simpson.

If he was not able to afford the legal team he had he would not have got off on that murder charge. No poor man, brown, red, yellow, white, would have beaten it. And It would have been rapped up in days.
Another example of how economics effects plays into racism... all these white cops who are killing poor black people are getting off on criminal charges but that doesn't mean they can't be sued in civil court. So.... if even one of those black families could raise enough money to mount a civil case against one of these white officers and sued the living shit out of them for him damages and such how long do you think it would be before all of a sudden these white cops aren't shooting black people indiscriminately?

They would certainly think twice before pulling the trigger if they knew there would be consequences...
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