Trump fires James Comey!

"I knew Gene Wilder as Richard Pryor's straight white dude. Black people loved him so much. Black people loved him so much they gave him a pass to do blackface in Silver Streak." - Korey Coleman

If that were an open hearing with comey id take the day off and pop popcorn!

Can you beleive sanders huckabee saying russia bs is over. Strong women need to rise up against her and Kelly Ann conwoman. Trumps going to bafoon them and then make it out as "what ya expect from a couple bimbos"

Good thing orwell wrotel in americas pre trump era, had he wrote post trump people wudda thought well thatsca mundane little novel, no real exciting crazyness...
They tricked us," an angry White House official said.
"That's the problem with the Russians -- they lie," the official added.
The Russians used the photos to troll the White House in its social media posts Wednesday. The Russian Foreign Ministry posted a photo of a smiling US President shaking hands with Lavrov on Twitter, adding strange and ironic optics to the questions already swirling around the White House over Comey's firing.
They tricked us," an angry White House official said.
"That's the problem with the Russians -- they lie," the official added.
The Russians used the photos to troll the White House in its social media posts Wednesday. The Russian Foreign Ministry posted a photo of a smiling US President shaking hands with Lavrov on Twitter, adding strange and ironic optics to the questions already swirling around the White House over Comey's firing.

It's glorious, lol. He's TOAST, bro. Are you watching the senate committee hearing?
