Trump fires James Comey!

With the truckload of shims?
You didnt build that wall just like trump wont build a wall ya goof

Am I still on ignore?

he's really emotional.

Lol its right across the street.kinda narcy/copish to stoop to that level of stupidity though.if I had built those do you really think i would freely give that info to buckfuck? Took the bait quite nicely though.thats 1 of about 8 or 10 walls on that property and one of them stands 24 feet tall,2 tiers and is easily 100 foot long dective dumbass :) how'd the phone call go bucky? Um high my name is uncle buttwipe and im in the market for some walls,who built those walls 15 years ago? Oh you just started last week guys need to get a life,im a welder hahahahaha.
Lol its right across the street.kinda narcy/copish to stoop to that level of stupidity though.if I had built those do you really think i would freely give that info to buckfuck? Took the bait quite nicely though.thats 1 of about 8 or 10 walls on that property and one of them stands 24 feet tall,2 tiers and is easily 100 foot long dective dumbass :) how'd the phone call go bucky? Um high my name is uncle buttwipe and im in the market for some walls,who built those walls 15 years ago? Oh you just started last week guys need to get a life,im a welder hahahahaha.
