Trump is a Patriot


Well-Known Member
The surrender period was 10 years, that was up years ago....paid up additions rider and dividends reinvested into the policies.
The dividend scales of mutual insurance are much more predictable to me than the unstable stock market. I've done quite well on these over the last 20+ years. As well as I could have playing stocks? No. Prolly not. But the liquidity is there, the values have grown far beyond the contribution and if I need a loan, I borrow from myself on my terms which can change any time. Tax free, survived the Great Depression and any borrowed amount still earns dividends.

Glad you got a chuckle though. Hope your knives are sharper than your wit.

Your handlebar mustache is sexy.
I don't have a handlebar *moustache*.

I wasn't being witty.

And anybody who calls a whole life insurance policy their primary investment is broke.

I paid my kids way through school. Not hard with proper long term investing.

Nice try, knife sharpener.


Well-Known Member
The surrender period was 10 years, that was up years ago....paid up additions rider and dividends reinvested into the policies.
The dividend scales of mutual insurance are much more predictable to me than the unstable stock market. I've done quite well on these over the last 20+ years. As well as I could have playing stocks? No. Prolly not. But the liquidity is there, the values have grown far beyond the contribution and if I need a loan, I borrow from myself on my terms which can change any time. Tax free, survived the Great Depression and any borrowed amount still earns dividends.

Glad you got a chuckle though. Hope your knives are sharper than your wit.

Your handlebar mustache is sexy.
you live in a trailer and make less than poverty by your own admission.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a handlebar *moustache*.

I wasn't being witty.

And anybody who calls a whole life insurance policy their primary investment is broke.

I paid my kids way through school. Not hard with proper long term investing.

Nice try, knife sharpener.
Oh I didn't realize I said my policies were primary investments........cause I didn't. I do realize wit was not achieved there but thanks for the reassurance.

Your shaved chin while all other facial hair is emergent is sexy. I'm glad you paid your kids way through school, truly. Mine's education is already paid, should they choose....if not they can do whatever long as it's an traveling "find themselves" or such shit as that.


Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't realize I said my policies were primary investments........cause I didn't. I do realize wit was not achieved there but thanks for the reassurance.

Your shaved chin while all other facial hair is emergent is sexy. I'm glad you paid your kids way through school, truly. Mine's education is already paid, should they choose....if not they can do whatever long as it's an traveling "find themselves" or such shit as that.
Get a 2nd on that trailer and put them through Harvard.


Well-Known Member
Your handlebar mustache is sexy.
Your handlebar mustache is sexy.
Uh oh, kiddies - He/it's got a NEW obsession! UB's wife/familial life, my large estate that could easily harbor five of his shitty trailers in the downstairs alone/my large masculine hands, "PURPLES", shedavey's withered balls and impotent root, and now - of ALL things - Tangerine's facial hair! LOLOLOL!

Wow, this poor sad thing must be truly DESPERATE for ANY sort of interaction for him to endure such endless lifestyle envy and abuse! The poster boy for 'Morbid Jealousy Disorder'. At this point it's really becoming sad, tsk tsk tsk...
(But not that sad. ;))


Handling Jealousy of Other People’s Affluence
by Trent Hamm


Well-Known Member
FuckinA that's psyco.
*Psycho (How ironic! LOL!)

Oh I didn't realize I said my policies were primary investments........cause I didn't. I do realize wit was not achieved there but thanks for the reassurance.

Your shaved chin while all other facial hair is emergent is sexy. I'm glad you paid your kids way through school, truly. Mine's education is already paid, should they choose....if not they can do whatever long as it's an traveling "find themselves" or such shit as that.
Bet your account you can't link that quote, then lose and stay here anyhow.

Sure, nice talking to you sexy. Next time I go up in my attic I will think of you while I'm jerkin the gerkin.

Poooooor pooey, lol...."Look at ME, daddy!! Daddy! I'm over HERE!! LOOOOK, DADDY!!"
