Trump Nailed it!!!

Continuing to try and make the same fraudulent misrepresentation just makes you look like a loser. Kind of an obsessive ass-wagon with obvious mental shortcomings. Speaking of...
From what I understand you actually want to keep your daughters away from both Bill AND Hillary. I have heard that some embassies have a rule that anytime Hilldabeast is around she is never to be served by less than 2 people in the room because of her hitting on the young girl help. Fucking Lesbian predator. Nice royal couple you have there.
I have showed proof of Donald Trump complimenting his daughter on her hot body and wishing he could date her. You have done nothing but make up lies and deny that Donald wants to fuck his daughter, if she was not his child. The question is why would you deny and defend suck fuckery. Do you also look upon your child wishing you could date her ?
Just came back for a few good laughs, you Trump fanatics are just plain crazy,I mean "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" crazy. I hope he never stops posting on Twitter,he shots himself in the foot daily.
Just came back for a few good laughs, you Trump fanatics are just plain crazy,I mean "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" crazy. I hope he never stops posting on Twitter,he shots himself in the foot daily.
Defending him from leftist bullshit does not make one a fanatic. Of the original 17 Rebublican candidates he was my 17th pick. All 17, are better than "Crooked Hillary", however. What is laughable is that she is a proven fraud and yet you and yours line up behind her.
Defending him from leftist bullshit does not make one a fanatic. Of the original 17 Rebublican candidates he was my 17th pick. All 17, are better than "Crooked Hillary", however. What is laughable is that she is a proven fraud and yet you and yours line up behind her.

Typical nut job Trump apologist from the right wing, just because I point out what a sociopath and buffoon Trump is doesn't mean I'm a Clinton fan. I can almost hear you screaming at your TV as you watch Fox news.
Yet another post of mine that was deleted and vanilla in comparison to those of asswagon ancestry. Hillary and Rollitup for Mommy!!!
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The only thing Trump has nailed lately besides his daughter is his own coffin lid,I mean seriously this guy can't make it a day without saying something completely off the rails. The only way I see him winning is if someone gags him.
Trump is a friend of Putin. Putin is ruling a communist country who hates merica and freedom. And freedom fries. So to support trump is to support ISIS and terrorism. If you don't love bald eagles and freedom fries then vote for Donald and terrorism and communism.
Trump is a friend of Putin. Putin is ruling a communist country who hates merica and freedom. And freedom fries. So to support trump is to support ISIS and terrorism. If you don't love bald eagles and freedom fries then vote for Donald and terrorism and communism.

You have fell off the deep end my friend.
Would you lick Hillary ?
The only thing Trump has nailed lately besides his daughter is his own coffin lid,I mean seriously this guy can't make it a day without saying something completely off the rails. The only way I see him winning is if someone gags him.
His base of supporters don't care. They hate the Republican establishment as much as the hate Hillary. Hate and life free of facts are the two forces drawing two together. They completely bowled over the traditional Republican and now are trying to do the same to the Democrats. The one big x-factor in this whole election is the traditional non-voter. I think Trump's strategy is to bring them out to vote in large numbers next fall.

Nobody can predict this election. Anybody who wouldn't want Trump in the white-house should not be complacent. In my opinon fwiw
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The only thing Trump has nailed lately besides his daughter is his own coffin lid,I mean seriously this guy can't make it a day without saying something completely off the rails. The only way I see him winning is if someone gags him.
Careful before he tweets you senseless