trump supporters, is this your idea of draining the swamp?

LOL That reads like something from a Dr Bronner's soap bottle.

He actually was sane for the first few paragraphs, then drove off the cliff when he started talking about Illuminati. Oh Well.

That wasn't a documentary. There hasn't ever been a documentary on the subject. Mockumentaries, yes and Fakeumentary, and Moronumentary, and Nutumentary, or Mythumentary, or Wackomentary or Truthyumentary or @flamingpieumentary but nothing that can be fairly described as a

"1. a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report."

And it is .....
Taking the word or a seer or prophecy requires belief in a supernatural power. Belief isn't the same as facts.


. a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report.
synonyms: factual program, factual film;

What you describe is a Mockumentary, or Fakeumentary, or Moronumentary, or Nutumentary, or Mythumentary, or Wackomentary or Truthyumentary or @flamingpieumentary
LOL That reads like something from a Dr Bronner's soap bottle.

He actually was sane for the first few paragraphs, then drove off the cliff when he started talking about Illuminati. Oh Well.

That wasn't a documentary. There hasn't ever been a documentary on the subject. Mockumentaries, yes and Fakeumentary, and Moronumentary, and Nutumentary, or Mythumentary, or Wackomentary or Truthyumentary or @flamingpieumentary but nothing that can be fairly described as a

"1. a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report."
LMAO, classic!
He was factual just not his ideas
Too funny this. You and Kellyanne Conway are having difficulty with the same word.

The Dictionary Shuts Down Kellyanne Conway’s Idea Of ‘Alternative Facts’

WASHINGTON ― A day after White House press secretary Sean Spicer lied through an entire press briefing about the size of the crowds at President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Kellyanne Conway on Sunday insisted he had done no such thing.

“Sean Spicer gave ‘alternative facts,’” Conway, a counselor to Trump, said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

Not only did host Chuck Todd call out Conway for equating falsehoods with “alternative facts” ― she, like Trump, claims he had the biggest inauguration turnout ever, which is easily disproven with photos and data ― but the dictionary itself stepped in to help clear things up.

A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality,” tweeted the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, who, having had the job of defining words since 1828, knows a thing or two about the English language.


A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality. …

9:32 AM - 22 Jan 2017

Nostradamus's prophesies aren't based on objective reality either. Toooooo funny this.
Too funny this. You and Kellyanne Conway are having difficulty with the same word.

The Dictionary Shuts Down Kellyanne Conway’s Idea Of ‘Alternative Facts’

WASHINGTON ― A day after White House press secretary Sean Spicer lied through an entire press briefing about the size of the crowds at President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Kellyanne Conway on Sunday insisted he had done no such thing.

“Sean Spicer gave ‘alternative facts,’” Conway, a counselor to Trump, said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

Not only did host Chuck Todd call out Conway for equating falsehoods with “alternative facts” ― she, like Trump, claims he had the biggest inauguration turnout ever, which is easily disproven with photos and data ― but the dictionary itself stepped in to help clear things up.

A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality,” tweeted the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, who, having had the job of defining words since 1828, knows a thing or two about the English language.


A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality. …

9:32 AM - 22 Jan 2017

Nostradamus's prophesies aren't based on objective reality either. Toooooo funny this.
We're headed into... The Gaslight Zone.

Lol, thanks again @UncleBuck
There was a decent theme park in Lake George called 'Gaslight Village' back in the day, but it caused me a few wax dummy/ghost nightmares.
Also a place called 'Time Town' that had some friggin great rides as well as a HUGE caveman statue. We used to always peer/walk under his loin fur and giggle.
I was fortunate to grow up in the NY/Canadian border area....several major cities close by, great weather, and stuffed with amusement parks.....



Speaking of those theme parks/cities, I'd like to come (snicker) clean about something. In a club called Chez Dianne on St. Catherine street in Montreal I performed cunnilingus and anilingus on a working girl when I was an 'underage' teen boy.
And you know, she was very clean and fresh. Tasty in fact, and very loving.
Speaking of those theme parks/cities, I'd like to come (snicker) clean about something. In a club called Chez Dianne on St. Catherine street in Montreal I performed cunnilingus and anilingus on a working girl when I was an 'underage' teen boy.
And you know, she was very clean and fresh. Tasty in fact, and very loving.