As I predicted below. 30 days..he had 30 days.
Biden mishandles classified documents
Actually, I agreed with you for some time on that; I read an opinion piece that changed my mind. What happens when we disregard words? Example: Nazis Say his fucking name to never forget. Donald J Trump, Criminal. I cannot wait for the headline which reads: Trump To Turn Himself In.
schuylaar Post #315 Jan 16, 2023 Forum: Politics

Trump says he expects to be arrested, calls for protest
Donald Trump says in a social media post that he expects to be arrested Tuesday and he's calling on supporters to protest.

Biden mishandles classified documents
Actually, I agreed with you for some time on that; I read an opinion piece that changed my mind. What happens when we disregard words? Example: Nazis Say his fucking name to never forget. Donald J Trump, Criminal. I cannot wait for the headline which reads: Trump To Turn Himself In.
schuylaar Post #315 Jan 16, 2023 Forum: Politics
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