Trump To Turn Himself In


Well-Known Member
As I predicted below. 30 days..he had 30 days.
maga well closes.gif

Biden mishandles classified documents
Actually, I agreed with you for some time on that; I read an opinion piece that changed my mind. What happens when we disregard words? Example: Nazis Say his fucking name to never forget. Donald J Trump, Criminal. I cannot wait for the headline which reads: Trump To Turn Himself In.
schuylaar Post #315 Jan 16, 2023 Forum: Politics
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You got'em THIS time for sure!!!!!
Naw, this will just take his mugshot, tangle his feet up legally and make him freakout more, the real fun will be in Georgia and in DC over the Top secret documents. I kinda hope he is left running loose around myself, he will destroy fox and rip the guts outta the GOP before they put him in a cage. He needs to take out meatball Ron and give the democrats the congress before he does his time. Donald will destroy everything his fans wanted faster than it otherwise would have happened, Mitch and Rove had a plan for a lock on power until Donlad came along and ruined everything. Donald was a very bad general for the confederacy, he was no Robert E Lee and will lead them to their final defeat.
I'm pretty excited, on many fronts. He should probably hold a rally again.
It will be wild alright if any idiots show up on the courthouse steps, they will need to get through the crowd of New Yorkers who hate his guts, and besides, this is NY and the cops would just shoot the assholes, no J6 repeats.

Georgia could be a real circus though...

So far it's quiet downtown..kind of like 9/11, dead silence, it's Saturday..there's always cops running sirens etc..eerie quiet.

The waters are brackish here..
Naw, this will just take his mugshot, tangle his feet up legally and make him freakout more, the real fun will be in Georgia and in DC over the Top secret documents. I kinda hope he is left running loose around myself, he will destroy fox and rip the guts outta the GOP before they put him in a cage. He needs to take out meatball Ron and give the democrats the congress before he does his time. Donald will destroy everything his fans wanted faster than it otherwise would have happened, Mitch and Rove had a plan for a lock on power until Donlad came along and ruined everything. Donald was a very bad general for the confederacy, he was no Robert E Lee and will lead them to their final defeat.

He'll make bond even though he's a flight risk..need to know the charges.