Trump To Turn Himself In

for fucking what? Same shit as my right wingnut buddy says.
First it was "Obama's goin' to prison" then it's "Hillary's goin' to prison", then "Biden's goin' to prison".
For WHAT! And where's he get all this line of bs, i'll ask him. "Oh it's all over the news. All the MSM has it."
Where? I never hear of any of it. Or, he's w/that same right wing nut job shit about how "CNN's goin' broke",
or "MSN is shutting down". For hell, 15 years w/that bullshit. No charges on the politicians. No sign of MSNBC
or CNN shutting down. Just some wishful thinking bullshit that the right wing, nut job conspiracy theorists love
to spew. Same old tired bullshit lies, that they all love to hear because they so want to believe it all. It's disgusting.

Good point. They loved to chant "Lock her up" without any good reason whatsoever but "Lock him up" when there is good evidence of crimes are fighting words.
Hey sockboy, 8 messages total, and all in the politics section.

Oh..he's back again. I think he's a bot. Ask him to look at a pic or know some bots can't do it. I asked him a question, he never answered because he's a bot and doesn't understand an inside comment. Or he doesn't speak English.
34 FELONY counts for falsifying business records. NY Sales Tax? I can't tell you how states are vicious over getting their revenue..if there's one thing you do in business in US, you pay your State Sales Tax (and EE state withholding if applicable).

The IRS is workable..they'll cut a deal for pennies on the dollar. States? It's like a hornets nest. They want every penny + interest + fines + any back EE state WH + fines + interest, too..they want you prosecuted. It's so you'll pass it on to other business owners. Make an example of you.

I had one client whose illegal dishwasher reported him to State of Florida. He got out of that for $ dishwasher.
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It amounts to hundreds of SARs - those Bidens are corrupt as they come and Joe has been around far too long - he's clearly hobbled by dementia.
hobbled enough to play the entire republican party for fools at his state of the union address...hobbled enough to not play mccarthy's stupid ass guess the budget game...and i dare you to produce one scrap of proof of any crimes by either one...the ENTIRE republican party has been trying for two years and they got dick...Hunter's dick... :lol:
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It amounts to hundreds of SARs - those Bidens are corrupt as they come
Hundreds! Oh my goodness, that's crazy. And SARs are very rare and infrequent, right? Obviously only criminals gets SARs, right?
Let's check the statistics,

3.6million SARs in 2022, obviously a majority of those are due to the Bidens alone!