Trump Tweets "Get ready Russia"


Well-Known Member
Put AMERICA FIRST by intervening in Syria
We agree!
From what I can tell, there hasn't been a confirmation of anything. The major news outlets are simply reporting what they can verify. So far as I know, the major news outlets here are saying there are reports of chemical gas attacks, not that there is proof. Also, they are not naming Assad as the perp, just that Assad's government has launched many gas attacks in the past.

We all know that Trump doesn't need facts to make a decision. Even if he launched on Syria it would prove nothing. On the other hand, RT is claiming certainty that Assad didn't launch a gas attack. That should mean nothing but I'm of the mind that RT's and Putin's denials are almost a confirmation that Assad did it.

If Trump launches missiles against Assad, nothing of consequence will happen there. On the other hand, sanctions against Russia are already biting hard. I don't care what the justification is, hit Putin hard with more sanctions that bite. Fuck him and his toady government.

We'll know we've cracked down hard enough when @trippnface starts crying because Russia's checks to him are bouncing.
one might even call them "the axis powers" and be concerned about the implications of america befriending russia in this endeavor of global dominance

Not even a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Wow, a hundred years! All those men locked up together, keeping each other company, sharing their deepest secerets, doing everything together, consoling each other like brothers, but closer. No need for a heating furnace in that gulag.
Yes. A blessing for Buck. I do him a great honor.