Trump unites NFL - against him.


Well-Known Member
Just out of interest, I count 272 diodes per panel with a max current of 200mA each.

But what current are you actually driving your diodes at and at what voltage?

The information on the power supply is crossed off for some reason on your website.

288 LEDs per board. The HLG-550 is running at around 135-140ma. The voltage is 54 volts at around 120 Watts driven per board.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
I have to admit I was a fan of Quantum boards. Even have 2 hanging in my tent. But I like to respect people I do business with. I will likely look elsewhere for my next purchase. Lots of quality designs out there for diy. And if they aren't run by trump wannabes and fanboys, so much the better.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you follow football or not.

Google Tim Tebow and kneel.

Tim doesn't play pro football any more. He was a flash in the pan as a player. He wore his ultra right Christian values on his sleeve and made comments against abortion and other right wing issues of the day. He also had this thing about solitary kneeling in prayer after he scored a touchdown. It was a political Christian statement.

The white conservative crowd loved it.

Black men kneel quietly during the national anthem and they are Son of a Bitches that should be fired. Also, rending of shirts and wailing about how come politics have to intrude in sports.

I bet you don't see the hypocrisy in these two reactions..

Sports has always been part of the social dialogue. Now that black men are making a statement you want them to get back in line.
Fixed it for you
Yeah, so?

Do you have a point, Downy girl.
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Well-Known Member
I have to admit I was a fan of Quantum boards. Even have 2 hanging in my tent. But I like to respect people I do business with. I will likely look elsewhere for my next purchase. Lots of quality designs out there for diy. And if they aren't run by trump wannabes and fanboys, so much the better.
I'm not a trump fan boy. That's what I've been lumped into because I don't agree with every point these guys have. Read the whole thread and then form your opinion.

I think Trump is an idiot btw.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
I'm not a trump fan boy. That's what I've been lumped into because I don't agree with every point these guys have. Read the whole thread and then form your opinion.

I think Trump is an idiot btw.
Perhaps I am being unfair. I only read the last few pages, but you appear to support claims often made by the repugnant sect to the right. I'll go back further and see where it started and what twists it took.

But it always amazes me when a business takes a decidedly extreme stance. Hobby lobby, papa johns, chick fillet, etc are companies I will never spend a dime with.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I am being unfair. I only read the last few pages, but you appear to support claims often made by the repugnant sect to the right. I'll go back further and see where it started and what twists it took.

But it always amazes me when a business takes a decidedly extreme stance. Hobby lobby, papa johns, chick fillet, etc are companies I will never spend a dime with.
I made the statement that the media needs to ignore Trump as he is an idiot and if the media keeps him in the spotlight it does not hurt him. He's getting the reaction he's going for which sucks.


Well-Known Member
Again that's not the case, won't be the case either. The hypothesis that discrimination will run rampant in this country is just unrealistic. I'm glad I don't have such a grim view on humanity.
You do realize that about 33% of all people in this country are clearly racist in their beliefs and attitudes towards black and brown people. That's about half of all white people. What would really happen is white racists - 33% of all people in the country would just say "I don't cater to store if I see a nixxXger or Mexican visiting it". End of story.

Commerce for a minority like black people who make up 12% of the population would grind to a halt. Do the math. 33% vs 12%, whose business can a concern afford to lose? Especially in a small town.

I've asked before. Has any great country ever subscribed to your libertarian ideology? I can point to plenty of healthy, vibrant contries with robust economies that are social democratic in their nature. I don't know of any that are libertarian. I can point to Somalia and Afghanistan as examples of what happens when a society doesn't have a strong central government. I'm guessing you will point to awful countries that have strong central governments and yes, they do exist. I'm just saying that there are examples where a cooperative society with a strong central government succeeds. I know of no libertarian systems that do, or have, ever in history succeeded for any period of time.

Conservative libertarian ideology is fake philosophy.
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Well-Known Member
288 LEDs per board. The HLG-550 is running at around 135-140ma. The voltage is 54 volts at around 120 Watts driven per board.
This sounds like really old tech.

Doesn't matter to me, I use the big bulb in the sky.

Now, where were we?

Oh yes: Can you tell me where in any time in history was there a populous country with a healthy, happy population and a growing economy that lived according to anything like your conservative libertarian ideology?


Well-Known Member
I am very curious about the football scores today;

How many players and coaches knelt, linked arms or stayed off the field for the anthem, that is.

And of course why our miserable excuse for a President can't be bothered to treat Puerto Ricans like the American citizens they are.


Well-Known Member
I am very curious about the football scores today;

How many players and coaches knelt, linked arms or stayed off the field for the anthem, that is.

And of course why our miserable excuse for a President can't be bothered to treat Puerto Ricans like the American citizens they are.
He can't help himself. He's a dipshit...... Lol


Well-Known Member
I am very curious about the football scores today;

How many players and coaches knelt, linked arms or stayed off the field for the anthem, that is.

And of course why our miserable excuse for a President can't be bothered to treat Puerto Ricans like the American citizens they are.
I did not pay any attention today but I will make a prediction that it was minimal. I would like to know. I would love it if they all came out with Puerto Rican flags.