Trump will kill us all

What do you do for your community?
What do you do to help your fellow man?

Oh, I do plenty.

Probably the biggest thing is, I don't try to forcibly run others lives for them. I find most people don't like having others try to run their lives for them, that's the type of thing a prohibitionist would do.

What do you do to help your fellow man...give them handjobs ? Two at a time ?
Let me tell you a little something about me.
A few years back I was homeless after my house burned down from a lightning strike.
I relied on the help of a food pantry to get basic food for quite a while.
Now that I'm a 'little' better off then then, I now volunteer at that same food pantry twice a month passing out food and toiletries to others in need.
I do what I can to help my fellow man, within my means.
What do you do?
Let me tell you a little something about me.
A few years back I was homeless after my house burned down from a lightning strike.
I relied on the help of a food pantry to get basic food for quite a while.
Now that I'm a 'little' better off then then, I now volunteer at that same food pantry twice a month passing out food and toiletries to others in need.
I do what I can to help my fellow man, within my means.
What do you do?

I foment peaceful ideas. I apologize when clearly I am wrong and behave like a dick, as you did with your Trump assumption.

I try hard to honor my word. I drove 30 miles today to help somebody, the details of which are private. What's your point ?
All that info and you haven't answered the real questions.

Which option describes how peaceful agreements for services are made? I doubt you will answer the question.

1)Between two parties on a consensual basis?

2) One party dictates the terms to the other party with an "or else" baked in ?
or 3.negotiation with compromising.
Quick question have you ever requested your property tax card and have you ever walked your home with your tax assessor?
or 3.negotiation with compromising.
Quick question have you ever requested your property tax card and have you ever walked your home with your tax assessor?

Your answer is a cop out. The kind of "negotiation" you mentioned is like if you were going to get raped and your assailant let you decide if it was oral or anal. At least have the balls to admit the option you mention isn't a negotiation and the only thing compromised is your choice.

Tax assessor? Puhleeze.
I know all the whine to government for a lesser beating process quite well, but thanks anyway.
Here's the words of your leader @Rob Roy

What a piece of shit he is. Threatening the public with military and police action if they don't go along with him.
At this time, it just sounds like more posturing and bully threats from a weak man who can't lead, so he threatens. That kind of leader was well known long before this country became one:

Those he commands move only in command,
Nothing in love. Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.


He was killed not too long after.

I don't think our military is going to follow Trump any more than Macbeth's did in the play. As far as his street goons are concerned, I was worried about that, especially last summer when the Proud Boys were running the streets, threatening people who were protesting against Trump. Now, the FBI is locking Proud Boys up, the group has been listed as a hate group by the FBI and Gavin McInnes is crying about his neighbors who put up hate signs that say "hate has no home here".

We have plenty of fascists on our police forces and the Bikers for Trump are a real thing. If they get out of hand over the next couple of years, especially when Trump loses in 2020, it's going to get nasty but it seems that the real tough guys aren't under Trump's control.
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no, i'm not sending you a fucking thing...come and take it from me. that's your only recourse in your fucked up "society" with no laws to enforce...come fucking get it....better come armed

Some day , after you can control your emotions a little better maybe I could explain how and why you are in error.

Your "better come armed" comment is very ironic, since that is how government agents roll, always with a threat of violence when you don't pay them for the deals they made for you...without your consent. I'm the one saying there is another way.
At this time, it just sounds like more posturing and bully threats from a weak man who can't lead, so he threatens. That kind of leader was well known long before this country became one:

Those he commands move only in command,
Nothing in love. Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.


‘I’ll make my heaven in a lady’s lap’
(Henry VI part 3 – Act 3, Scene 2
The amount of water that the tank contains ring a bell with you? In the early nineties the government stuck it's nose in the toilet business and mandated the amount of water you could use per flush.

Little did I know that @UncleBuck took that mandate so serious he tried to start a movement to forego toilets completely.
If it takes you more than 3 gallons to flush a dookie you need a doctor. Not a new shitter
If it takes you more than 3 gallons to flush a dookie you need a doctor. Not a new shitter

Your support of the shit police is not surprising.

3 Gallons? Get your shit together...the mandated gallons was 1.6, I believe.
The amount of water that the tank contains ring a bell with you? In the early nineties the government stuck it's nose in the toilet business and mandated the amount of water you could use per flush.

Little did I know that @UncleBuck took that mandate so serious he tried to start a movement to forego toilets completely.


You should get that looked at.

Your toilets might be up to code but your sewage shouldn't just run into the ditch. Let me know where to send the regulators to check your house sewage system. Its OK that you are harming yourself but your neighbors downstream are getting house calls from your little friends.

You should get that looked at.

Your toilets might be up to code but your sewage shouldn't just run into the ditch. Let me know where to send the regulators to check your house sewage system. Its OK that you are harming yourself but your neighbors downstream are getting house calls from your little friends.

Your support of the shit police is not surprising.

3 Gallons? Get your shit together...the mandated gallons was 1.6, I believe.
Those that speak of such matters are as execrable as the subject
I foment peaceful ideas. I apologize when clearly I am wrong and behave like a dick, as you did with your Trump assumption.

I try hard to honor my word. I drove 30 miles today to help somebody, the details of which are private. What's your point ?
30 miles to rape some kids? Fuck man you’re dedicated to the cause
I foment peaceful ideas. I apologize when clearly I am wrong and behave like a dick, as you did with your Trump assumption.

I try hard to honor my word. I drove 30 miles today to help somebody, the details of which are private. What's your point ?
So nothing

You just annoy people endlessly with your neo nazi, Ron Paul spam