Well-Known Member
Shit how i end up here, Go TRUMP
I can never understand why growers support the GOP and Trump.Shit how i end up here, Go TRUMP
Go trump! Straight to prisonShit how i end up here, Go TRUMP
That was Iran’s money and isis is now stronger than they have ever been
you didn't have to demonstrate your ignorance like that. no one forced you to, vanilla cupcakeI said what I had to say, so suck it up buttercup.
Yes and people who see through your lies or ignorance have the right to call you out for it. Also laugh. Mostly laugh. The laughing is the best part.I said what I had to say, so suck it up buttercup.
wonder which of them will be Rob's?....look for the one with crudely lettered signs that say "tax collectors will be shot"...I have money saved up and waiting on the TAX Auctions. I'm looking at three properties that were struck off and will be listed cheaper than asking. My goal is to buy cheap and sell at market value after i clean/paint it up. If I can do that a few times I will have the money to move back home to New Orleans.
My answer is what I did ? the first go around on my home I offered 7% percent under listing price, they would only go 5%. Pulled out to wait and see how long it would actually sit on the market. Came back after two months. Still did jump on it until 5 months with an offer of 11% below listing...again rejected. They took it at the 8 month mark. I only said 11% to get the 7%, was surprised that I got them on the 11...and you did what to negotiate your home or where you just excited to get you first home?? I'm almost afraid to ask your annual percentage rate![]()
i don't control my emotions, i control my response to them...emotions are meant to be felt, and if you don't feel them passionately, you're already half dead. you can't explain anything to me, you have never made any sense to anyone but yourself. you live in a fantasy world where people feel the way you feel, and want the things you want...but you're the only one that feels or wants those things...you're alone...and apparently always will be...you may find a few like minded luddites, if you do, go found a commune and leave the rest of us alone. please.
removing law enforcement, removing all taxes, letting the infrastructure of the country disintegrate, letting the strong oppress the weak....yeah, that's another way
I have money saved up and waiting on the TAX Auctions. I'm looking at three properties that were struck off and will be listed cheaper than asking. My goal is to buy cheap and sell at market value after i clean/paint it up. If I can do that a few times I will have the money to move back home to New Orleans.
wonder which of them will be Rob's?....look for the one with crudely lettered signs that say "tax collectors will be shot"...
you talk a lot of shit and never do anything....when is your revolt scheduled to start? when you convince anyone to join you? so never, then? a normal person would look around, see that 99.9% of the population doesn't have ANY of the same disagreements that they have, and perhaps consider that they may have a problem...but not Rob...no, to Rob, that just means that EVERYONE else on the entire planet is wrong, and it's up to Rob to convince them...but that's not hard enough, Rob will convince them by making specious, circular, fallacious arguments.
just because you consider it bad, doesn't mean anyone else does...in fact, it probably means most of the rest of world likes the idea
better than bitching about paying a system in which I use...and you too as wellWhat a riveting story. Yawn.
I'm gonna make that my signature when Trump is gone in 2020. Trump 2020 mic drop!
we sell weed and don't have real jobs....i know this is the political forum, but it is a weed website...I don't understand how people have time for this lol. Too bad i'm a trumptard!
i don't understand the loyalty he engenders. i do not put it past him to try to get some kind of dirt on everyone he has to deal with, but there has to be at least a few he can't find anything on. why do they stay loyal to a person who throws everyone under a bus the second they may become a liability? trump cuts ties with no remorse. maybe a little self pity, but never remorse. i understand how the ignorant trailer park trash idiots support him, they're ignorant trailer trash idiots...but there are educated, seemingly intelligent people who support him...HOW? WHY? what did the democrats do to you at band camp to make you hate them enough to support this transparent piece of sub human filth? to support someone who is turning our country into a world wide pariah, a laughingstock, a bunch of stupid racist hypocrites....? why would anyone ever associate themselves with him? i really don't understand...he's like Steve Martin in dirty rotten scoundrels before Michael Caine takes him under his wing...not only a con man, but a cheesy, cheap, bad con man....Tomorrow is 'D' day. The 80+ people that got sent letters have until tomorrow to turn papers over of face a subpoena and possibly jail time. Seeing the number of people that already went to jail over this moron I suspect they will throw him under the bus. The days are numbered!
sure....he calls for it....more that 60,000 health care professionals sign a letter saying they think he needs a mental checkup, and fuck all happens.....but this fat fuck with the poor decision making process that leads to being married to kellyanne conway says the fucker is crazy, and people start to pay attention?......................??...god damn this country is full of stupid motherfuckers...i feel like i'm trying to save someone from drowning, and they're alternating between pushing me away, and trying to pull me in to drown with them...Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Calls For Investigation Into Trump’s Mental State