Trump will sign border bill, McConnell says, and declare national emergency

^Tru dat

I had to check because it is unimaginable to me that Trump would declare a national emergency and just go golfing in Florida. Nobody would do this.

Trump heads to his Florida golf resort after declaring national emergency

After declaring a national emergency over the border wall this morning, President Trump will be on a plane to Mar-a-Lago by evening.

Whelp, it seems that

Trump is nobody.

Also I don't have a good imagination. Fact.
imagine the smell.
For instance look at my own avatar, eew ahhh the tree of life in all its majesty, it's colorful & wowwww look how trippy ,,, and look at the round shape, not bad aye? After all circular things are known to be soothing and pleasant to look at besides the other aspects of it. (Eyes, Embryos, Balls, Earth, Boobs, Pistons <--- all good things amirite?)

Now yours on the other hand, I can't even really see it is blurry and it makes me sad....what is it? Just I'm seriously asking what is your avatar if you don't mind? Why would it mean anything to you?

Is that your most favorite image you've found? and if it is couldn't you at least find a clear image of it? Can you at least give is some background as to why you would defend such an image? You don't think I'll change my avatar? I would if someone besides you asked me fair and square to, but for the sake of your attitude I'm not adjusting a single thing of mine to contort to your opinion or views a mile, not even one mile bro. I'm seriioouus !! not a kilometer either, not a single kilo my euro dudes/dudettes!!

Ehh, Who am I kiddin, this entire post was intended as a joke, why should any of us care about a video, your avatar, a meme, who your last ex-gf was, something you might have said if you can't even speak for yourself and represent yourself it's any sort of respect, you've only disrespected your --> Self <-- by making such a post, I'm certainly not going to take you seriously if you can't offer me a word of intelligence, and with a non consideration for the thoughts of others, what a failure you're making yourself to be, over an avatar? Why should you expect another reply from me? Honestly why would I grant you my attention again? and please if you have no words, and can't articulate a worthwhile response, then pls do me/you/us a favor and do not respond to this message, thx.
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For instance look at my own avatar, eew ahhh the tree of life in all its majesty, it's colorful & wowwww look how trippy ,,, and look at the round shape, not bad aye? After all circular things are known to be soothing and pleasant to look at besides the other aspects of it. (Eyes, Embryos, Balls, Earth, Boobs, Pistons <--- all good things amirite?)

Now yours on the other hand, I can't even really see it is blurry and makes me sad....what is it? & What does it mean to you?Just I'm seriously asking what is your avatar if you don't mind?

If that's your favorite image you've ever found couldn't you at least find a clear image of it? Can you at least give is some background as to why you would defend such an image? You don't think I'll change my avatar? I would if someone besides you asked me fair and square to, but for the sake of your attitude I'm not adjusting a single thing of mine to contort to your opinion or views a mile, not even one mile bro. I'm seriioouus !! not a kilometer either, not a single kilo my euro dudes/dudettes!!

Ehh, Who am I kiddin, this entire post was intended as a joke, why should any of us care about a video, your avatar, a meme, who your last ex-gf was, something you might have said if you can't even speak for yourself and represent yourself it's any sort of respect, you've only disrespected your --> Self <-- by making such a post, I'm certainly not going to take you seriously if you can't offer me a word of intelligence, and with a non consideration for the thoughts of others, what a failure you're making yourself to be, over an avatar? Why should you expect another reply from me? Honestly why would I grant you my attention again? and please if you have no words, and can't articulate a worthwhile response, then pls do me/you/us a favor and do not respond to this message, thx.
Lol, and you think I wrote that all for you? It's 2am where I'm at, I'm up waiting on some laundry, taking a few vapor pulls chillin, its satire who cares what I wrote? I've seen you around I knew I it was gonna be joke to even reply to you but I'm just up killin time hanging out, enjoying a bit of quietness & relaxing by a heater surfing the web not much else to do without causing a stir, so yeah other than unintentionally derailing another thread by responding to you that about sums it up, figured it might be a slow night.

(On second thought, I probably should of ended the conversation when I said I was, my bad yall).
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Now you and the rest of the assholes that are going to follow you are just going to go out of your way to be dicks. This is a grow site right? Because everyday it becomes more of a stinky hippie pothead peace-loving Make Love Not War let's beat a drum in our birkenstock I'm pissed because my side lost home site. Get the fuxk over it and move on. If you don't like it run for office and see if you could beat them. Stick to what you know growing pot!
What would you do if I were to kick your ass? Just curious.
They want Cali weed in Mexico.
From what I saw, they want to get the shit up north anyway they can right now lol. Now that their president has declared an end to the war, I’m sure that entailed a few meetings, there will be a shit ton more waiting to get across. The whole buisness is changing but it seems hard to accept :(. I realized grudgingly I was totally really retired, and old (except for the stocks lol) a few weeks ago when the wholesale price here dropped to $1.25 g. On a sad note poppies are becoming the crop of choice quickly, and will soon be a legal crop for Pharma.
The best part about it is that he and his supporters are honestly too stupid to realize how stupid they are and have no compunction about opening their mouths and demonstrating it more or less continuously.

i sent my dad an email about the debt crossing 22 T

his response was that the trump tax cuts were giving the treasury more money.

he's old and i love him but he's a moron.
Now you and the rest of the assholes that are going to follow you are just going to go out of your way to be dicks. This is a grow site right? Because everyday it becomes more of a stinky hippie pothead peace-loving Make Love Not War let's beat a drum in our birkenstock I'm pissed because my side lost home site. Get the fuxk over it and move on. If you don't like it run for office and see if you could beat them. Stick to what you know growing pot!
i'm not a fucking dirty hippy, and i'll beat you half to death with a fucking birkenstock...i'm pissed because this fuckhead asshole lying hateful racist creep got elected...which means my country has WAY too many fucking redneck assholes for it's own good....and i'm not afraid to let the motherfuckers know they can kiss my public...and you too...
and if i ever beat a drum, it'll have a trump hide head.... only know one thing? you can only do one thing with your life at a time? you can only pursue one goal at a time? seems like you're a very limited individual...i can grow very good weed, and read the news, and have coherent conversations, and have a part time job, and have a couple of hobbies...and still have time to think about things...
From what I saw, they want to get the shit up north anyway they can right now lol. Now that their president has declared an end to the war, I’m sure that entailed a few meetings, there will be a shit ton more waiting to get across. The whole buisness is changing but it seems hard to accept :(. I realized grudgingly I was totally really retired, and old (except for the stocks lol) a few weeks ago when the wholesale price here dropped to $1.25 g. On a sad note poppies are becoming the crop of choice quickly, and will soon be a legal crop for Pharma.
$1.25g in California?
i sent my dad an email about the debt crossing 22 T

his response was that the trump tax cuts were giving the treasury more money.

he's old and i love him but he's a moron.
Treasury numbers are fake news now. I seen it.

Pretty much everybody I work with uses the construction "I seen"
I seen
you seen
he/she seen
they seen

And in the plus perfect:
I have sawed
you have sawed
he/she have sawed
they have sawed

Living here is starting to really wear on me. My wife is from here. She uses proper English. I asked her about it and she said they were white trash. What do you think the odds of being white trash are near me if 19 out of 20 people I work with are white trash?