Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

Ridiculously ignorant. They were fucking christians in the south. It's not binary. It's relative. Still today, a moderate republican in California is an antifa Democrat in north carolina. All you had back then and down there were moderately ignorant rednecks and moderately more ignorant rednecks. Those were your only choices. There were rno democrats remotely close to anything we know of today. You're hung up on a meaningless word and not the merit. Nazis were authoritarian christians that hates ethnic groups and gays, but because they had the word "social" in there, morons think they were Democrats. That's the dumbest shit ever.
This is who you are arguing with;
Shame the topic was hijacked by an obvious troll. Mucks up a decent thread. Wonder if there was a higher power to clean it up? Mind you, if you stop feeding it...
In any case you are being the racist bringing the race card here, I`m black.
So, you claim to not be Balkan, Ukrainian and now you're black. Do you also wear a cape and fight crime? Or, are you Somalian? Ah, you're a Cancer, that explains it.
So, you claim to not be Balkan, Ukrainian and now you're black. Do you also wear a cape and fight crime? Or, are you Somalian? Ah, you're a Cancer, that explains it.
That is very racist. It doesn`t surprise me to read that from a pedophile supporter.
Shame the topic was hijacked by an obvious troll. Mucks up a decent thread. Wonder if there was a higher power to clean it up? Mind you, if you stop feeding it...
Ooooh, poor boy, he can`t even define his own political ideologies, defends pedophiles, racists white old man but I am the troll. Poor boy.
That is very racist. It doesn`t surprise me to read that from a pedophile supporter.
Oh no, playing the race card from the one who prays to the Jeffery Epstein pedophile buddy, who also lusts for his own daughter, publicly.
He don't even seem to have a basic understanding of regional differences in the US. Combined with the poor english and it's clear that...him from here around not probably stand under dynamics political.
He don't even seem to have a basic understanding of regional differences in the US. Combined with the poor english and it's clear that...him from here around not probably stand under dynamics political.
Well, english is not my native language and it seems you understand very well what I mean so... Who did you vote for? Tell me. The bad orange guy or the racist pedophile? Tell me, don`t be scared.
Well, english is not my native language and it seems you understand very well what I mean so... Who did you vote for? Tell me. The bad orange guy or the racist pedophile? Tell me, don`t be scared.

It's funny how you're so blatantly unaware that you're projecting your own lack of morality. You're hammering on Clinton for things that Trump does, but you like Trump, so you set your morals aside for him. We don't do that here. We're philosophically consistent. Fuck Cuomo and fuck Clinton and fuck Gates and fuck Trump, because they're all slimy pieces of shit. We're not quite there with Biden yet, but we will be if some info comes out like it has with the others.
It doesn`t surprise me the racism you have, you are for the democratic party, the KKK.

American political system is complicated. layman terms since i hate to see you squirm..a democrat used to be a republican and vice versa. we study it like some study the Qur'an.
Well, english is not my native language and it seems you understand very well what I mean so... Who did you vote for? Tell me. The bad orange guy or the racist pedophile? Tell me, don`t be scared.
Oh hi,

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