Well-Known Member
at least we still have the shoebomber in canon city then. lol.He was moved to a medical prison facility in NC last year
at least we still have the shoebomber in canon city then. lol.He was moved to a medical prison facility in NC last year
His trial will begin within a month of his indictment, or at the same time as everybody else. The law makes no provision for ex-presidents and neither does the prison system. What makes you think the DOJ will intervein with the department of corrections to make special arrangements for Trump, other than isolation. Lots of people are in federal prison who know more secrets than Donald who never took much of an interest in intelligence or has any for that matter. There are no exceptions under the law once Donald enters the machine and I don't see Joe making any phone calls. The only exceptions and considerations would be for the SS agents guarding him. They can check his food tray and shove it through the grub hole in his cell door. Great job sitting at the desk for an agent with a bad knee of back, sit at the desk outside his cell with earplugs in.Even if trump were indicted it would likely be years before a trial would even start and during that time he'd be out walking the streets. Then an actual trial would likely take at least a year and likely longer. Then if he was convicted he'd appeal and that process would take years during which time he'd be walking the streets.
trumps team will try and get every piece of evidence excluded. They'll file appeal after appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. The process before even going to trial will be extremely time consuming and drawn out for as long as possible. We're talking years and years the way the US court system operates. This is the United States of America not Russia or some podunk country where a court proceeding is just a rubber stamp and the outcome has already been determined.
His trial will begin within a month of his indictment, or at the same time as everybody else. The law makes no provision for ex-presidents and neither does the prison system. What makes you think the DOJ will intervein with the department of corrections to make special arrangements for Trump, other than isolation. Lots of people are in federal prison who know more secrets than Donald who never took much of an interest in intelligence or has any for that matter. There are no exceptions under the law once Donald enters the machine and I don't see Joe making any phone calls. The only exceptions and considerations would be for the SS agents guarding him. They can check his food tray and shove it through the grub hole in his cell door. Great job sitting at the desk for an agent with a bad knee of back, sit at the desk outside his cell with earplugs in.
Yep. Lying at the bottom of trump lake.
His trial will begin within a month of his indictment, or at the same time as everybody else. The law makes no provision for ex-presidents and neither does the prison system. What makes you think the DOJ will intervein with the department of corrections to make special arrangements for Trump, other than isolation. Lots of people are in federal prison who know more secrets than Donald who never took much of an interest in intelligence or has any for that matter. There are no exceptions under the law once Donald enters the machine and I don't see Joe making any phone calls. The only exceptions and considerations would be for the SS agents guarding him. They can check his food tray and shove it through the grub hole in his cell door. Great job sitting at the desk for an agent with a bad knee of back, sit at the desk outside his cell with earplugs in.
This is about the documents and obstruction indictments and most of the preliminary step have been done. There is indictment and trial with enough time to prepare a defense and he has none. We will know Donald's fate and timeline by the new year, but the trial should not be long and will happen in DC. It's happened to lots of people before, Donald might as well have been caught with a ton of coke under his bed, it's that hard to get from out under. He is indicted, arraigned for a plea, is presented with the government's evidence and then proceeds to mount a defense inside strict time limits and the judge sets aside so many days to try him. He has no defense, and it is a simple case, these kinds of cases don't take forever.No it won't. There are many steps that have to take place before any actual trial begins. trump is not like everyone else. trump will have dozens of lawyers each working on different things. The initial hearing will be postponed numerous times. The Discovery process will likely be one of the lengthiest in US history. He could take a plea but he won't which will then lead to a preliminary hearing which like the initial hearing will be postponed numerous times. Then the endless pre-trial motions. After that then he'll go to trial. The actual trial date could be set well into the future. After all of that if he is convicted then the appeal process starts and that will be extremely lengthy.
There's also going to be the bickering over if it's televised or closed. Don't forget that evidence might be classified so then there is that as well and how to use it in court. Determining the process for that could be extremely lengthy.
There is absolutely no way that any trial starts 30 days from any possible indictment. This is uncharted territory and it's going to take a long time. Think years before any resolution one way or the other is known.
Important steps in the federal criminal process:
Initial Hearing/Arraignment
Plea Bargaining
Preliminary Hearing
Pre-Trial Motions
Post-Trial Motions
Steps in the Federal Criminal Process
No it won't. There are many steps that have to take place before any actual trial begins. trump is not like everyone else. trump will have dozens of lawyers each working on different things. The initial hearing will be postponed numerous times. The Discovery process will likely be one of the lengthiest in US history. He could take a plea but he won't which will then lead to a preliminary hearing which like the initial hearing will be postponed numerous times. Then the endless pre-trial motions. After that then he'll go to trial. The actual trial date could be set well into the future. After all of that if he is convicted then the appeal process starts and that will be extremely lengthy.
There's also going to be the bickering over if it's televised or closed. Don't forget that evidence might be classified so then there is that as well and how to use it in court. Determining the process for that could be extremely lengthy.
There is absolutely no way that any trial starts 30 days from any possible indictment. This is uncharted territory and it's going to take a long time. Think years before any resolution one way or the other is known.
Important steps in the federal criminal process:
Initial Hearing/Arraignment
Plea Bargaining
Preliminary Hearing
Pre-Trial Motions
Post-Trial Motions
Steps in the Federal Criminal Process
it does, but there is no way they could hold him at a federal facility, way too many of his faithful are already in those facilities, and more are expected. he would incite violence and unrest on a daily basis. and, unfortunately, a living ex president gets a SS detail...no way for that to happen in a federal prison. house arrest somewhere with no close neighbors, inside a fence, under 24 hour observation so he can't get up to any fuckery is about the only real alternative.That sounds more like being grounded than a prison sentence.
i had forgotten about Gitmo....that would be a fitting place, a torture facility for someone who tortured America and Democracy...terrorists get Gitmo; it’s traditional
and no ketchup...F'n eh! Death is too good for that mofo. Some jail time with the ensuing humiliation will be the worst form of torture for that d-bag and he, if anyone, deserves to suffer.
Not that a little waterboarding wouldn't give us all some satisfaction. Wasn't it the repubs that ruled that waterboarding wasn't really torture?
Even better just lock him up and feed him nothing but vegan food!
it does, but there is no way they could hold him at a federal facility, way too many of his faithful are already in those facilities, and more are expected. he would incite violence and unrest on a daily basis. and, unfortunately, a living ex president gets a SS detail...no way for that to happen in a federal prison. house arrest somewhere with no close neighbors, inside a fence, under 24 hour observation so he can't get up to any fuckery is about the only real alternative.
Well it won't be Mar-A-Largo, he will probably be bankrupt (again) by the time he has to serve, maybe they could expand the supermax with a new wing for him, his cronies and suckers. He won't be inciting anybody in the supermax, he will go nuts in short order however, but they have rubber rooms there too, many go insane inside.it does, but there is no way they could hold him at a federal facility, way too many of his faithful are already in those facilities, and more are expected. he would incite violence and unrest on a daily basis. and, unfortunately, a living ex president gets a SS detail...no way for that to happen in a federal prison. house arrest somewhere with no close neighbors, inside a fence, under 24 hour observation so he can't get up to any fuckery is about the only real alternative.
the bull is gonna turn himself loose in the GOP china shop. this is gonna be awesome
Trump Is Trying to Intimidate Republicans Into Backing His 2024 Bid. It’s Not Working
The former president's campaign is off to a rocky start, with major donors and former allies eying the exits of Trumpworldwww.yahoo.com
But..Georgia. Fraud is fraud and asking to find the exact amount of votes required to win the state?
That is literally a slam dunk and quick to prosecute and jail his ass.
Time for others to come together.
I wonder how much time you get for trying to throw a Presidential race?
He NEEDS to be held to a higher level of accountability as Chief Executive or our country won't survive- we all know someone will come along..an example needs to be made of him should anyone try to meddle with our free and fair elections again.
He also admitted on live TV in 2016 that the system is rigged and he knows how? because he uses the rig himself.
I understand all the wishful thinking but maybe it's best to wish for something more attainable.
You act like he's a Faberge Egg- he's a regular person with no special privileges other than SS for life which was his change..he knew he was going to need the lifelong protection after what he's done when we found out..you see dear reader, there's more- you just don't know it yet.
I'll be switching my voter registration to Republican so I can vote for trump in the primary. I wish we had open primaries here in Oregon.
Instead of worrying about trump going to jail people should be focused on making him the GOP nominee. That would ensure that the GOP does not win the Presidency.
So get out there and stump for trump. Make a sacrifice for your country and be a Magat for a day or two.