Trump's coronavirus outcome predictions


Well-Known Member
So we know he's got it. And he's 74 with heart disease and is closing in on William Howard Taft's weight record.

But he has the best possible care. If the 210,000 who died had similar care, tens of thousands might still be around.

What will happen to Trump, sick as a dog 30 days out from the election?

I say he's sick for a month, after he gets out of the hospital. Low energy right through the election. Might be fully recovered in December. Maybe.

Then again, some older patients seem to be recovering and then, for reasons not yet understood, take a dramatic turn downward around 11 days in.

I lost an old friend last July. This novel virus is unpredictable. Trump has a long way to go.

Melania has been reading her copy of the will just in case.

Good Luck. You have only one person to blame this time.


Great party by the way.

Who wouldn't want to be there?

Nothing like trying to rush through a SCOTUS pick in the middle of a global pandemic with a cavalier attitude about it.

Science always wins. Get used to it.
The only thing I know for sure is that there will be yet another giant bill because of Trump's stupid decisions that the American tax payers are on the hook for.

Well I guess if he gets back on the trail, we will hear a whole lot of harrowing tails of how mistreated he was by the 'media'.
So we know he's got it. And he's 74 with heart disease and is closing in on William Howard Taft's weight record.

But he has the best possible care. If the 210,000 who died had similar care, tens of thousands might still be around.

What will happen to Trump, sick as a dog 30 days out from the election?

I say he's sick for a month, after he gets out of the hospital. Low energy right through the election. Might be fully recovered in December. Maybe.

Then again, some older patients seem to be recovering and then, for reasons not yet understood, take a dramatic turn downward around 11 days in.

I lost an old friend last July. This novel virus is unpredictable. Trump has a long way to go.

Melania has been reading her copy of the will just in case.

Good Luck. You have only one person to blame this time.

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Great party by the way.

Who wouldn't want to be there?

Nothing like trying to rush through a SCOTUS pick in the middle of a global pandemic with a cavalier attitude about it.

Science always wins. Get used to it.
I want Trump to live so that I can watch him make his concession speech.
The treatment he's supposedly getting is for severe cases of covd-19, if he has a severe case there is no way he is being released tomorrow, it's all a show. They don't treat mild cases with what they claim he's been given and he would not be released tomorrow if he has a severe case, here's one example.

Same with the antibody drug he got, it's still in trials and not even authorized for emergency use. You have to be on deaths door to be considered for such a treatment,they don't give it for mild cases. If he's released tomorrow he didn't have a severe case and didn't receive the drugs they claim.
I think he will kill himself before he does that. Death before dishonor. He will go down as the first president to ever commit suicide in front of the national press. Live on Tv. He is going to go out with a BANG!
Trump has no honor. My guess is he secretly negotiates a pardon in exchange for his concession. Everybody else will be left to take it in the neck.

But, hell yeah, I'd seed his quarters in the White House (or hospital rooms) with hundreds of single shot revolvers to make it easier for him to do the deed.

Still though.

I really, really want to see Trump make a concession speech. For the win, I want to hear him congratulate Biden for running a great campaign. And then choke out.
The treatment he's supposedly getting is for severe cases of covd-19, if he has a severe case there is no way he is being released tomorrow, it's all a show. They don't treat mild cases with what they claim he's been given and he would not be released tomorrow if he has a severe case, here's one example.

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I am not bothering even trying to keep track at this point as the only thing I believe is that he has the Rona. From now on all I expect is lies. Time will tell what happens and we may not really find out for years.
I agree . Just pray for death . It’s the simplest way to end this situation.
No. I want to see him and his whole family thoroughly investigated, prosecuted and punished along with quite a few others. I want to see their careers destroyed and their names go up in flames.

I would be devastated to see him die. There is only one way we can move past this and it is a fucking landslide on November 3rd.