Trump's legal woes & the End of an Empire

Will Trump go to jail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • No

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • Nah, he'll do an Epstein :)

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
There's a few sensationalist fairytales to try and get people on your side. What's the difference with a republican sniper, shouting out about killing democrats? What you are doing now? You literally mirror fascism with your raging outbursts! You are no better than your perceived enemies.
Are you saying an attempt to overturn the peoples will isnt fascism?
Firing whistle blowers and their family, sending in the military to quell protests, watching with glee as a coequal branch of the government is overrun..... If that isnt fascism, i dont know what is.
How is a white populous existing, white supremacy and fascism? Does your average republican and Conservative voter come under your umbrella of fascism and white supremacy? This is just a tactic to get people on your team to try and win the day .
There is some seriousness in the subject, so this once I won't mock you. You are Russian and so, what would you know of our racist past? I suppose I could compare your Russian anti-Semitism to US systemic racism but even your country's anti-Semitism pales by comparison.

I'm not going to explain our racist past to you. It's a long and dark one. I will say that we are going through a shift in our population where, for the first time ever, white people no longer are the majority group. Powerful white men are crafting laws and legislation to prevent that shift to be reflected in who votes. You might not understand it, but free and fair elections make it possible to replace people who do not serve their constituents.
The Republican Party represents the old way. White power. Suppression of the right to vote of Black and Hispanic people. Anti-democratic government. Fascist white police patrolling majority Black neighborhoods. Ever hear the saying: "he was killed for driving while Black"?

These facts of the past are rejected by a rising new coalition made up of Black, brown, and younger white people who don't share the same beliefs as the earlier white demographic. Nothing I say is "to get people on my team", it's just a description of the dynamics of our times. If democracy survives through this decade, we will be very close to establishing a multi cultural social democracy.
or we can get more people to take an interest and continue voting..if the people were able to pull off a landslide for Biden why wouldn't they do it for Midterms?

making Biden president was only half the job.
Personally, I smell blood in the water.
If we get caught up in Ukraine, that's bad.
But if Biden can make it to November without fucking up, I feel the opportunity is here now to bury the GOP and TAKE more seats, not lose them.
Think of the GOP as an egg and Trump as a sledgehammer
He wanted to smash/blow things up & he did that very well.
His focus was the Dems, but he also at the same time he has shattered the GOP
He destroys EVERYTHING he touches.
Alway's has & always will.
So, this November is a golden opportunity to stick a blade into the GOP, repeatedly, again & again/flip 'em over/again & again & again & add a couple of twists of the blade, and voila!

A destroyed GOP :)

So, this November it's time to rock & roll & get every Dem/Independent to vote and FUCK THEM UP!!!!

This should be official DNC theme song (how the fuck did Trump pick YMCA as his song?)

There is some seriousness in the subject, so this once I won't mock you. You are Russian and so, what would you know of our racist past? I suppose I could compare your Russian anti-Semitism to US systemic racism but even your country's anti-Semitism pales by comparison.

I'm not going to explain our racist past to you. It's a long and dark one. I will say that we are going through a shift in our population where, for the first time ever, white people no longer are the majority group. Powerful white men are crafting laws and legislation to prevent that shift to be reflected in who votes. You might not understand it, but free and fair elections make it possible to replace people who do not serve their constituents.
The Republican Party represents the old way. White power. Suppression of the right to vote of Black and Hispanic people. Anti-democratic government. Fascist white police patrolling majority Black neighborhoods. Ever hear the saying: "he was killed for driving while Black"?

These facts of the past are rejected by a rising new coalition made up of Black, brown, and younger white people who don't share the same beliefs as the earlier white demographic. Nothing I say is "to get people on my team", it's just a description of the dynamics of our times. If democracy survives through this decade, we will be very close to establishing a multi cultural social democracy.
Bollocks , you are just original sinning a populous and tarnishing them as a danger threat, through fraudulent and illogical nonsense. The west has the most diverse society's in the world , you are literally living a lie and need to travel the world outside of Walmart stores. You are ruining society with your lies, dividing and conquering , like a useful clown.
Bollocks , you are just original sinning a populous and tarnishing them as a danger threat, through fraudulent and illogical nonsense. The west has the most diverse society's in the world , you are literally living a lie and need to travel the world outside of Walmart stores. You are ruining society with your lies, dividing and conquering , like a useful clown.
Yup... Definately not an American or a native english speaker. Your opinions are irrelevant
Yup... Definately not an American or a native english speaker. Your opinions are irrelevant
i don't need to take any fucking advice from you, russian troll...go back under your bridge over the volga, comrade
You are a delusional CNN absorbing earthworm , threatening to kill like a big hard man on the Internet , it's all the power you have, portraying yourself as a sad maniac. Bye bye
Muh Russia! - its you guys that are entering another soviet era ! What a bunch of deluded and ironic bootlicking CNN ABC Brain victims.